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Because this wiki needs a page on robotics.

**TCL code**|%CLARAty (Coupled Layer Architecture for Robotic Autonomy) is a robotic control and computer vision library developed by the [BIG SCIENCE: Jet Propulsion Laboratory%|%JPL%|%], written in C++ with Tcl bindings.

A wish list for tcl packages for use in open source robotics projects.  (This list was admittedly built by an amateur):

   * native installed Tcl/Tk on the most common [|%Raspberry Pi distributions"].  Raspberry Pi3 updates includes TCL/Tk 8.6.
   * a tcllib-like library for manipulating GPIO (inputs, controllers, feedback display, etc.) and interacting with a standard set of peripheral devices. (Check out [piio] - is there a version that does not need compiling?)
   * a tcllib-like library that interfaces to [|%RTIMULlib] for interacting with raw magnetometer/gyro/accelerometer sensor data and calculated corrections to create an inertial measurement unit (IMU).
   * a tcllib-like library of algorithms for managing common robotic activities (movement, maze-solving, line-following, obstacle avoidance ,etc.)

**Learning Resources**

**Robotics Competitions and Challenges**

Does anyone know of Tcl being used in any competition projects?



   * - DARPA sponsored competition





   * - Not a competition, strictly, but places where new ideas and projects are shared.  There is probably one organized near you.




***Commercially available toys and hobby kits***
   *|%Lego Mindstorms%|% - Lego provides an EV3 programming software to connect and control components. Check out the [TclRCX] page for a Tcl development environment for Mindstorms.  Note: the links|%here%|% and|%here%|% seem to be dying. Does anyone have a reference to the most current version and some examples?

***DIY projects***

Projects you can build at home from scratch.  Any plans available out there?

***Robotics projects and kits for teaching children about technology***

   * [|%littleBits] - component-based educational kits that connect together with magnets which allow young children to assemble working devices in seconds, and experiment with modifications.  There is an Arduino coding kit available.
   * [|%OzoBlocky%|%] - Makers of Ozobot Bit (video [|%here%|%]), a small, programmable robot used to teach block programming.
   *|%Circuit Playground%|% - A small hardware board with integrated sensors and outputs (LED, MIDI and gpio) from [http://www.adafruitcom%|%Adafruit%|%] intended for introductory learning about electronics.  It comes with a complete set of online tutorials amd libraries for Arduino only. Sigh.
   * Astro-Pi (now called SenseHat) - an add-on board for the Raspberry Pi with sensors and an rgb LED grid.  Use to teach kids programming with an interface to the real world.  Flew on the ISS.  See
   * [|%micro:bit%|%] - A small, cheap microprocessor board with sensors, LED's, Bluetooth that was given to UK schoolchildren to learn coding.  There are a number of ways to code and interact with the device. At the minimum, Yyou can code on a smartphone and send code to the micro:bit via Bluetooth.  See:

**Robot Building Blocks**

Places where TCLers may find components.

***Central Processors***
   * [|%RaspberryPi%|%].  See also [Raspberry Pi].

   * [Arduino] -

***Motors, Actuators and other Devices***

   * [|%ROS(Robot Operating System)%|%] - Open source robot software library (affiliated with, the open source robotics foundation).  It looks like there are [|%client libraries%|%] developed by the user community for many languages.  There is no tcl library, but there is a [|%wiki page on implementing client libraries%|%].  There are tutorials available on [|%how to setup ROS on the Raspberry Pi%|%].

   * [|%ESP8266 HTTP IO%|%] - An ESP8266 Http IO server with examples calling it, including Tcl and other languages. (|%ESP8266%|% is a wifi microntroller chip manufactured by Espressif in China and sold as a|%module%|% or with other components on a|%breakout board%|% by various board manufacturers and distributors.)

****Land mobility****

****Water mobility****

[PYK] 2016-05-08:  Do either of these companies employ Tcl?

   * [|% Underwater Robotics%|%] - A new underwater robotics company specialized in underwater thrusters and actuators.
   * [|%Blue Robotics%|%] - a relatively new company which recently launched its flagship T100 and T200 underwater thruster.  They also now manufacture waterproof micro-controllers and actuators.

****Air mobility****


   *|%Lego Mindstorms%|% - Lego provides an EV3 programming software to connect and control components.
   * Vision - [http://opencv.orgl%||%] is an open source computer vision library.  It does not appear to have a tcl API, though.

**From the history File**
   * This [!searchin/comp.lang.tcl/robot/comp.lang.tcl/vPW6l4Si8iI/fMC8q4QOv2YJ%|%comp.lang.tcl post%|%] from 1994 reads like something that could have been posted last week:  Tcl software to control a robot for a robot competition.

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