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'''[|%Scheme]''' is derivate of [Lisp].  A programming
language with even less syntax than Tcl itself. (but special forms and the
like...? [RS])

   ''Scheme is a lexically-scoped, block structured, dynamically typed, mostly functional language. It is a variant of Lisp. It has first-class procedures with  block structure and indefinite extent. Parameter passing is by value, but all  values are references. It has first-class continuations to allow the construction of new control abstractions. It has lexically-scoped ("hygienic") macros to allow definition of of new syntactic forms, or redefinition of old ones.'':   [|%An Introduction to Scheme and its Implementation]

** See Also **


   [Muddy Scheme]:   a Scheme implementation in [Tcl]

   [Playing Scheme]:   
   [Tcl and LISP]:   
   [Playing LISP]:   
   [Serial summing]:   

   [Cameron Laird%|%Cameron Laird's] [|%personal notes on Scheme]:   

   [tcl-scheme], by Ian Bicking :   a translation of Tcl into [Guile]/[Scheme]

** Reference **

   [BOOK Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs%|%Structure and Interpretation of Computer programs], by Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman, Julie Sussman:   

   [|%Monadic Programming in Scheme]:   

** Tools **

   [PS/Tk]:   Portable Scheme interface to [Tk]

   [Chicken/Tk], by [wdb%|%Wolf-Dieter Busch]:   An interface to Tk, based on [scheme_wish]

   [scheme_wish], by Sven Hartrumpf:   a portable interface between Scheme and Tcl/Tk

   [Scheme Tk]:   a free R4RS Scheme interpreter that can access Tk. Concretely, it can be seen as the standard Tk package where Tcl has been replaced by a Scheme interpreter

   [Scheme Widget Library]:   a graphics package for [|%Chez Scheme], based on [Tk]

** Description **

[wdb]: I strongly disagree that Scheme has less syntax than Tcl! Reason: the symbols have a value ''per se''. Tcl has no symbols as $varname is just a shortcut for [[set varname]] where ''varname'' is just a constant, and the procedure addressed by ''set'' carries all the semantics. In Tcl, the command ''list unknown'' returns ''unknown'' because it is a constant. In Scheme, ''(list unknown)'' throws an error unless a symbol ''unknown'' is defined. If you want to list an unknown symbol, indeed, you need the special form ''(quote unknown)'' resp. its shortcut '' 'unknown''. 

   * In Lisp, the special form ''quote'' is essential. 
   * In Tcl, it is not necessary as it can be defined as a regular procedure as follows:

proc quote x {
    set x
(Thank you, [RS], for the hint with the combinator ''[identity function%|%Identity]''!)


One interesting difference is that setting of (only global?) variables and function definition both are done with ''define'', which creates a lambda if its first element is a list. Just for experimenting, here's how to have that in Tcl:

proc define {what how} {
    if {[llength $what] == 1} {
         uplevel 1 set $what [list $how]
    } else {
         proc [lindex $what 0] [lrange $what 1 end] $how
% define x 42
% define {+ x y} {expr {$x+$y}}
% + $x $x

This prevents us from having spaces in variable names (not a big problem), but presents the function name and arguments in one list, similar to how it will later be called - people sometimes wonder why we define `proc foo {x y} {..}` but call it `foo $x $y`...

<<categories>> Language | Functional Programming