Scotty Starkit

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[Jeff Smith] 2020-09-23 : This is an attempt to configure [Scotty] to run from a [Starkit]. The [Scotty] binary is compiled for Linux x86_64. The [Starkit] on the initial launch copies a lib/ and bin/ directory into the same directory as the [Starkit] with all associated files. If you delete these directories the [Starkit] will recopy the directories on the next launch.

Change the files nmicmpd and nmtrapd permissions in the bin/ directory with chmod a+x. If you want to run [Scotty] as another user change the owner of the nmicmpd and nmtrapd files to root and suid the files.
Not all features within the [Scotty Starkit] have been tested. The [Scotty Starkit] is available from|%here%|%.

[Jeff Smith] 2020-10-10 : Fixed issue with launching mibtree via "Snmp Tree" on Tools menu. Bumped Starkit version 03. Tested with Tclkit 8.6.10.