Shuffle a list: graph results

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This graph shows the results of a tradeoff study on different procedures to shuffle a list into random sequence.  
The abscissa shows the length of the list, and the ordinate the time taken (on a 550 MHz PIII) to shuffle it.  
The curves correspond to the ''shuffle0'', ''shuffle1'', ''shuffle1a'', ''shuffle2'', ''shuffle3'' and ''shuffle4'', ''shuffle5'', ''shuffle5a'', and ''shuffle6'' procedures, all of which appear on the page entitled [Shuffle a list].

([KBK] Note that the vertical scale needed to be changed to accommodate [[shuffle6]].)

Please look below the image for the code that generated it.  
Thanks to DKF for making the image available!

[MG] wonders if the image-creation code could be redone using something like

  package require Img
  set graph [image create photo -data .c -format window]
  $graph write shufflegraph.gif -format gif

to make it work in a few more places?

(NOTE: The image is missing the curve for [[shuffle6]].)

  # Graph the results of a tradeoff study on list shuffle procedures

  grid [canvas .c -width 640 -height 480 -bg white]

  array set color {
      0  black
      1  blue
      1a forestgreen
      2  red
      3  magenta
      4  darkcyan
      5  gray50
      5a brown
      6  orange

  set yscale [expr { 400 / ( log( 1000000 ) - log ( 1 ) ) }]
  set xscale [expr { 560 / ( log( 10000 ) - log ( 1 ) ) }]

  .c create line 60 440 620 440
  .c create line 60 440 60 40
  for { set n 1 } { $n <= 10000 } { set n [expr { $n * 10 }] } {
      set x [expr { 60 + $xscale * log ( $n ) }]
      .c create text $x 450 -text $n -anchor n -font {Helvetica -10}
      for { set nn $n } { $nn < 10*$n && $nn <= 10000 } { incr nn $n } {	          set x [expr { 60 + $xscale * log ( $nn ) }]
	          .c create line $x 440 $x 450
  for { set t 1 } { $t <= 1000000 } { set t [expr { $t * 10 }] } {
      puts "t = $t"
      set y [expr { 440 - $yscale * log ($t ) }]
      .c create text 50 $y -text [expr { 0.000001 * $t}] -anchor e \	              -font {Helvetica -10}
      for { set tt $t } { $tt < 10*$t && $tt <= 1000000 } { incr tt $t } {	          set y [expr { 440 - $yscale * log ($tt ) }]
	          .c create line 60 $y 50 $y
  # default font is {Helvetica -12}
  .c create text 320 5 -text "Comparison of list shuffle methods" -anchor n \	          -font {Helvetica -12 bold}
  .c create text 330 475 -text "List size" -anchor s -font {Helvetica -10}
  .c create text 5 210 -text "Time (s)" -anchor w -font {Helvetica -10}

  set y0 42
  set dy [font metrics {Helvetica -12} -linespace]
  .c create text 75 $y0 -anchor nw -text "Key:" -fill black -tag key \	          -font {Helvetica -12 bold}
  incr y0 $dy
  foreach { method tm(1) tm(10) tm(100) tm(1000) tm(10000) } {
    shuffle0       33     118     997   11045  183446
    shuffle1       28     169    2055  105000  ------
    shuffle1a      33     187    1717   17243  176520
    shuffle2       39     203    1852   19034  229225
    shuffle3       28     128    1097   12195  267413
    shuffle4       30     138    1182   11808  121336
    shuffle5       20      95    1023   35988  ------
    shuffle5a      24     108     908   10266  250796    shuffle6        	8      74     633    6409   66740
  } {
      set ab [string range $method 7 end]
      set y1 [expr {$y0+$dy/2}]
      .c create line 75 $y1 95 $y1  -fill $color($ab)  -tag key
      .c create text 100 $y0  -anchor nw  -text $method  -fill $color($ab) \	              -tag key
      incr y0 $dy
      foreach n { 1 10 100 1000 10000 } {	          set t $tm($n)
	          if { [string compare ------ $t] } {
	              set x [expr { 60 + $xscale * log ( $n ) }]
	              set y [expr { 440 - $yscale * log ($t ) }]
	              .c create text $x $y  -text $ab  -anchor center \
		                      -fill $color($ab)  -font {Helvetica -10}
	              if { [info exists lastx($ab)] } {
		                  .c create line $lastx($ab) $lasty($ab) $x $y \
			                          -fill $color($ab)
	              set lastx($ab) $x
	              set lasty($ab) $y
  foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [.c bbox key] {}
  .c create rectangle [incr x1 -2] [incr y1 -2] [incr x2 2] [incr y2 2] \	          -fill grey95  -outline black  -tags {key keybg}
  .c lower keybg

  if {[tk_messageBox -type yesno  -title "Snapshot?"  -icon question \	          -message "Take snapshot of graph?"] == "yes"} {
      # Need *two* updates
      # DKF - And Now a little code to convert this graph to a GIF
      # image file.  Obviously, this doesn't work everywhere and the
      # filename is hardcoded...
      exec xwd -id [winfo id .c] | xwdtopnm 2>@stderr | \	              ppmtogif >shufflegraph.gif 2>@stderr

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