Tcl Articles

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The Wiki menu [Articles] links to recent articles and blogs.

The index below points to just some of the older online articles about Tcl, Tk,
and various extensions.  Most of these articles really talk about Tcl,
instead of just mentioning it along with other scripting languages.

[LV] I've taken a first whack at organizing this page by article year
where possible. If you would like to move some items from the unorganized
section to the appropriate year, please feel free to do so. Also feel free
to add new articles...
** 2023 **

[|%Learn Tcl by writing a simple game%|%], James Farrell, 2023

[|%Learn Expect by writing and automating a simple game%|%], James Farrell, 2023

[|%Learn Tcl/Tk and Wish with this simple game%|%], James Farrell, 2023

** 2011 **

[|%Objects in Tcl%|%] ,[Koen Van Damme] ,2011

[|%Data file formats for Tcl scripts%|%] ,[Koen Van Damme] ,2011

[|%Turn your scripting language into a code generator%|%] ,[Koen Van Damme] ,2011

** 2009 **

[|%Tk is my favorite GUI toolkit%|%] ,[Cameron Laird] ,ITWorld ,2001-11-11

[|%Take advantage of Tk%|%] ,[Cameron Laird] ,ITWorld ,2009-11-12

[|%Using Tcl to create a virtual component in Verilog] , ,2009-10-02

[|%A brief introduction to the TCL Scripting Language%|%] , ,2009-10-02

[|%Good-looking Tk%|%] ,[Cameron Laird] ,ITWorld ,2009-11-15

** 2008 **

[|%Hv3 and the art of minimalist web-browsing%|%] , ,2008-12-17

[|%Tcl Turns 20%|%] ,SD Times ,2008-20-04

** 2007 **

[|%Hot skills: become a speedy software developer with Tcl%|%] , ,2007-11-02

[|%a new text file browser to replace less.%|%] (about [trowser]) , ,2007-10-15

[|%Microsoft makes AJAX technology available%|%] (includes a references to [Æjaks])  ,Infoworld ,2007-01-23

** 2006 **

[|%Tcl your desktop%|%] ,how to enhance one's desktop with tiny yet surprisingly useful applets ,Bill Zimmerly ,IBM developerWorks ,2006-06-10

[|%OSnews discussion thread about Bill Zimmerly's article]

[|%Tcl time%|%] ,Mike Saunders ,Linux Format ,Issue 87 ,2006-12

[|%Ruby vs Tcl, part 1%|%] ,[David Welton] ,2006-04-14

[|%Ruby vs Tcl, round 2%|%] ,[David Welton] ,2006-04-12

** 2005 **

[|%Make it right using Tcl%|%] ,Software testing with Tcl for Apache Rivet [David Welton], Free Software Magazine ,2005-05

[Build a Simple 3D Pipeline in Tcl, Michael Norton, 2005-08-12]

[|%Scripting a Binary Tree Using Tcl%|%] ,Michael J. Norton ,2005-01-28 (also at [||%] and [|])

** 2004 **

[|%Network Tool Development with%|%] [hping3] ,Frederico Biancuzzi ,2004-10-07

[|%The Tk Text Widget%|%] ,Derek Fountain ,Linux Journal ,2004-01-15

[|%The Tk Canvas Widget%|%] ,Derek Fountain ,Linux Journal ,2004-02-10

   * about [text]

[|%Asterisk Open-Source PBX System%|%] ,[Brett Schwarz] ,Linux Hournal ,2004-02-01

   * shows off Tcl as an an Asterisk [] AGI scripting language and softphone []:

** 2003 **

[|%XP Testing Without XP: Taking Advantage of Agile Testing Practices%|%] ,[Lisa Crispin] ,Methods & Tools ,Summer 2003

   * Lisa mentions that most of the software her team develops is in Tcl.
   * Unfortunately, no real Tcl code or tools are specifically mentioned here.

[|%Tcl Core Team Interview%|%] ,[David Welton] ,OSnews ,2003-03-10

   * an interview with several [TCT] members
   * Notice that at the bottom of the page is a place for readers to contribute their
comments and observations regarding Tcl.
   * [|%slashdot discussion]

[|%Deploying Modules%|%] ,Dale Southard ,SysAdmin Magazine, p. 13-16 ,2003-12

   * about [Modules], the  Tcl-based package for managing paths and environment variables in a shell environment.

[|%Visual Cron 2.1%|%] , [Chip Castle] ,SysAdmin Magazine ,p.55-56 ,2003-01

   * about [Visual Cron]

[|%On the Suitability of Tcl/Tk for SYS%|%] ,Fred Hansen ,Software Engineering Institute ,2003-02

   * [|%report evaluating use of Tcl/Tk for an app%|%] is a comp.lang.tcl discussion about this article

[|%Rendering Tcl/Tk Windows as HTML%|%] ,Fred Hansen ,2003-02

[|%Playing with Keyed Lists on Mac OS X Tcl/Tk Aqua 8.4.2%|%] ,Michael J. Norton ,O'Reilly macdevcenter ,2003-06-27

   * about [Tclx]'s Keyed Lists

[Elementary Computer Graphics: Drawing with Pixels ,Michael J. Norton ,2003]

   * geared towards [Tcl for Kids%|%young programmers%|%]

** 2002 **

[ Year In Scripting Languages%|% Lua/Perl/Python/Ruby/Tcl 2002%|%]

[|%Network Diagramming and Monitoring with Scotty%|%] ,[Brent Bice] ,SysAdmin Magaine, p.29-32 ,2002-01

   * about [Scotty]

[|%TCL/TK and SKILL Mix It Up%|%] ,[Chris Nelson] ,Dr. Dobb's ,2002-02-01

[|%Web site offers open-source TCL scripts%|%] ,Richard Goering ,EE Times ,2002-01-03

[Expect Exceeds Expectations ,Cameron Laird ,2002]

[|%Scientific visualisation with VTK and Tcl%|%] ,[Carsten Zerbst] ,Linux Magazine ,Issue 16 ,2002

[|%Hidden Treasures ,Useful Tcl and Tcllib functions%|%] ,[Carsten Zerbst] ,Linux Magazine ,Issue 18 ,2002

[|%Freedom ,Processing XML documents with Tcl and tDOM%|%] ,Linux Magazine ,Issue 20 ,2002

[|%Embeddable Fuzzy-Logic-Toolkit Software for Tcl/Tk%|%] ,NASA Tech Brief ,2002-10

   * about [FuzzyCLIPS]

[Michael Schlenker] writes:
"There is a 5-page article about tclhttpd in the august issue of the german 
Linuxmagazin (08/2002), written by [Carsten Zerbst].

The full text seems unavailable online.

Some (very simple) example listings from the article can be found at


[|%3-D Data Visualization on Mac OS X%|%] ,Michael J. Norton ,O'Reilly ,2002-06-28

** 2001 **

[|%Tcl/Tk now available for Aqua/Mac OS X%|%] ,Ernest Prabhakar ,Open Source Product Manager , ,2001-10-16

[|%Tcl your Java apps%|%] ,Benedict Chng ,JavaWorld ,2001-03-23

[|%Android: Open-Source Scripting for Testing and Automation%|%] ,[Larry Smith] and [Cameron Laird] ,Dr. Dobb's ,2001-07-01
   * about [Android],

[|%Network Test Automation with Mac OS X and Tcl%|%] ,Michael J. Norton ,O'Reilly macdevcenter ,2001-10-26

** 2000 **

[|%An empirical comparison of C, C++, Java, Perl, Python, Rexx, and Tcl%|%] ,Lutz Prechelt ,2000-03-14

   * Real reports of about 80 implementations of the same problem by different people, in a variety of languages. The paper draws conclusions on performance, speed of development, reliability and the like.

[|%Using SWIG to interface scripting languages with C/C++%|%] ,Pramode C.E and Gopakumar C.E ,Linux Gazette ,Issue 49 ,2000-01

[|%An introduction to Tk%|%] ,Charles Vidal ,2000-11

   * with links to translation of the article to 5 languages: French, Englsih, Nederlands, Russian, and Turkish.  

[|%Creating PGM Multicast Packets Using Tcl%|%] ,Michael J. Norton ,O'reilly ,2000-04-21

** 1999 **

[|%Automating Your Site with Expect%|%] ,Mike Schwager ,SysAdmin Magazine ,Volume 8,p.49-54 ,1999-11

[,11280,33629,00.html%|%Computerworld featured the NBC control room in January, 1999:%|%]

** 1998 **

[A Generated XML Interface to an Abstract MarketData Service]:   A large Swiss bank wanted to develop a web-based internet quotes and trading information service for end users

[|%Rapid Prototyping with Tcl/Tk%|%] ,Richard Schwaninger ,Linux Journal ,1998-05-01

[|%Tcl/Tk: The Swiss Army Knife of Web Applications%|%] ,Bill Schongar ,Linux Journal ,1998-11-01

[|%Automating Tasks with EXPECT%|%] ,Vinnie Saladino ,Linux Journal ,1998-10-01

[|%XML Support for Tcl%|%] ,[Steve Ball] ,Sixth Annual Tcl Workshop ,1998-09-14

[|%TclBlend: Blending Tcl and Java%|%] ,Scott Stanton ,Dr. Dobb's ,1998-02-01

[|%SWIG and Automated C/C++ Scripting Extensions%|%] ,[David Beazley] ,Dr. Dobb's ,1998-02-01

[|%Creating High Performance Web Applications using Tcl, Display Templates, XML, and Database Content%|%] ,Alex Shah and Tony Darugar ,Sixth Annual Tcl/Tk Workshop ,1998-09-14

** 1997 **

[|%Sun releases scripting technology for Java%|%] ,[Jacl] promises more power for Java ,[Cameron Laird] and Kathryn Soraiz 1997-12-01

[|%Agent Tcl: A flexible and secure mobile-agent system%|%] ,a thesis ,Dartmouth College ,Robert S. Gray ,1997-06-30

There is a PDF article from July/August 1997 at on [D'Agents (formerly Agent Tcl)%|%Agent Tcl%|%]

[|%Tcl/Tk-based Agents for Mail and News Notification%|%] ,[Don Libes] ,1997

[|%Using TCL as a scripting language for an application written in C%|%] ,ungod ,C-Scene ,Issue 2 ,1997-08-27

[|%Agent Tcl %|%] ,Robert S. Gray ,Dr. Dobb's ,1997-03-01

        * about [D'Agents (formerly Agent Tcl)%|%Agnt Tcl%|%].

[|%OI to Tcl/Tk Migration for WFO-Advanced%|%] ,Sean Kelly NOAA Forecast Systems Laboratory,1997-11-05

** 1996 **

[|%A Tcl/Tk-Based, Intelligent Graphical Editor for Preparing HST Programs%|%] ,D. J. Asson, A. Bose, A. Krueger ,Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems V ASP Conference Series, Vol. 101, 1996 ,George H. Jacoby and Jeannette Barnes, eds.

** 1993 **

There's also
, an article
about an early 80s effort to create a C++ binding for Tcl and a debugger.

** Article Sources ** has quite a number of articles and papers that have been presented at conferences or published in their monthly journal which relate to Tcl and Tk, including a semi-regular column by [Clif Flynt].

The X Resource, a publication by O'Reilly's, has published a few articles on Tcl and Tk.  Unfortunately, I don't think the articles themselves are available only - the source from the articles is available on though.

[Carsten Zerbst] has a column on Tcl/Tk for [|%LinuxMagazin%|%]. appears to have published over 30 articles
related to Tcl - the most recent being in August, 2003.  These articles
are available in PDF format.  See, for instance,


'''The Tcl/Tk Journal''' 

never got past the first issue, but had a couple of good articles on CGI and architecture.  

The "Way Back Machine" has the one and only issue at [].




Since 2002, Michael J. Norton has been publishing pieces Since 2002
,[|%Michail J. Norton] has been
publishing pieces, nominally about [Mac OS X], but which generally can be
interpreted in terms of Tcl [scripting] for all the usual platforms.

** Historical **


WebReview did an article on Tcl which is available at

At you find the archives of the WWW Journal,
a publication by O'Reilly's which covers the world of the Web.  A number
of articles have been published relating to Tcl ; use their search
engine to find the currently available ones.

Byte Magazine had a few articles specifically about Tcl over the
years, as well as references in a number of others.  See for instance 

and if you search their site, you will also find references relating
to products reviewed which use Tcl.

Text versions of articles from ;Login: regarding Tcl can be found at .

The site did a profile on John Ousterhout at .  There
are a couple of articles on Jacl, as well as a few other Tcl references
at this web site.  They have created a Tcl directory at in yet another
attempt to categorize Tcl offerings.
for a longer article on using Tcl with Java.

The bioinformatic part of GNOMICS - the small genome sequencing group -
was written 99% in Tcl/Tk.  See the article on
and notice figures 1 and 2 - which are Tk canvas dumps.
is an article in French, written for the French Linux magazine .

The WebTechniques magazine
continues to publish articles on Tcl and Tk on occasion.
See the 1997 article on the Tcl Plugin  ,
the 1999 issue for Steve Ball's article on Scripting XML with Tcl, 
the 2000 article on Web agents written in Tcl/Tk , 
and many more - more than 45 hits on Tcl are found.

Frank Pilhofer [mailto:[email protected]] has written
an article on getting dynamic extensions written in C++ to work.  It
can be found at in
various formats.  The text only covers Unix issues.

There is a brief introduction to Tcl and Tk by the site at .
This article appears to be related to Red Hat Linux Unleashed. and appears to have been written by Rick McMullin.

At Linux Month, there are  [] there is Tcl coverage in various articles.

element k publishes a journal on DBM.  They have published articles on OraTcl such as

O'Reilly's publishes all sorts of articles - here are a few articles relating to Tcl 

   * Visual Tcl []
   * Tcl/Tk []
   * XStick []

Also, an article on [XML] tools and [Jacl] can be found at,t=gr

"Perl guru Charlie Stross" nicely introduces Tcl to the 
''Linux Format''
audience in his "What on Earth is Tcl?"
Quibbles are minor, and most exacerbated by publishing delays:  URLs
are given for and rather than  He
fails to credit the Expect book properly for its coverage of Tk. 
Overall, it's plenty readable and useful.
[Patrick Finnegan] summarizes:
"it's ideal for proselytising managers and
potential Tcl programmers."

"Using Tcl as Application Glue for the Enterprise"

The Great Computer Language Shootout:

A comparison of the performance of 30 languages spread over 25 benchmark
tests. The performance alone is interesting, but not the most valuable
aspect of this site. Being able to see the same piece of code implemented
in different languages is a great way to get an idea for the syntax and
style of a language. No matter how fast or expressive it is, you have
to like programming in it for it to be a worthwhile choice.

[CL] mentions in
connection to information about [Expect].

[LV] Dec 15, 2005, Over in comp.lang.tcl, there has been discussion about starting an online magazine for Tcl at . If you would like to contribute material for the magazine, contact the editor as listed on that page.

** to sort **


Cameron Laird is writing a new column called '''Tcl Counselor''', which can be found at 
(See index  [,4413,2652169,00.html]) 
Cameron also keeps his own index []

[Larry Virden]: Be aware that some browsers (at least SPARC Solaris Netscape Communicator 4.76!) has 'indigestion' with the site.  That is to say, when I try the above pages, some render, some don't, some take a very long time to render, etc.  Don't blame the author for the sins of the webmasters...

[|%"Bonjour toi !" en Tcl/tk%|%] ,[David Zolli] ,Linux Magazine ,French Edition 


[[It appears this page was truncated at some point :-( ]]


[] is a page on Tcl articles. Though the web site is
French, the articles appear to be a variety of languages.

[AM] Here is a list of [scientific papers mentioning Tcl]

See also [Tcl Bibliography] for very old references.

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