Tcl Tutorial Lesson 8

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**Textual Comparison - switch**

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The `switch` command allows you to choose one of several options in your code.  It is similar to `switch` in C, except that it is more flexible, because you can switch on strings, instead of just integers.  The string will be compared to a set of patterns, and when a pattern matches the string, the code associated with that pattern will be evaluated.

It's a good idea to use the `switch` command when you want to match a variable against several possible values, and don't want to do a long series of `if... elseif ... elseif` statements.

The syntax of the command is:

   switch ?options? string {
       pattern1 {
       ?pattern2 {
       ?patternN {

`string` is the string that you wish to test, and `pattern1, pattern2,` etc are the patterns that the string will be compared to.  If `string` matches a pattern, then the code within the `body` associated with that pattern will be executed.  The return value of the `body` will be returned as the return value of the switch statement.  Only one pattern will be matched.

If the last `pattern` argument is the string `default`, that pattern will match any string.  This guarantees that some set of code will be executed no matter what the contents of `string` are.

If there is no `default` argument, and none of the `patterns` match `string`, then the `switch` command will return an empty string.

If the body is a dash (`-`), then the `switch` command uses the body of the next pattern, i.e. it "falls through":

set string "a"
switch $string {
    "a" -
    "b" {
        puts "Using the body for pattern 'b' for both a and b"

The `options` can be used to change the interpretation of the patterns. By default glob-style pattern matching is used, where an asterisk (*) matches any number of characters, that is, a pattern "lesson*" matches "lesson", "lessons", "lession 2" etc.
Other options are: `-exact`, causing the patterns to be literal strings and `-regexp`, in which case the patterns follow the rules of ''regular expressions'' (see [Tcl Tutorial Lesson 20%|%Regular Expressions 101%|%]).



set x "ONE"
set y 1
set z ONE

# Note that patterns are not subject to substitutions if
# contained in braces

switch $x {
    "$z" {
        set y1 [expr {$y+1}]
        puts "MATCH \$z. $y + $z is $y1"
    ONE {
        set y1 [expr {$y+1}]
        puts "MATCH ONE. $y + one is $y1"
    TWO {
        set y1 [expr {$y+2}]
        puts "MATCH TWO. $y + two is $y1"
    THREE {
        set y1 [expr {$y+3}]
        puts "MATCH THREE. $y + three is $y1"
    default {
        puts "$x is NOT A MATCH"

<<discussion>> Resulting output======none
MATCH ONE. 1 + one is 2

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