TclOO Widget Class with Garbage Collection (wob)

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The package "wob" adds a TclOO class that creates a Tk window in a separate interpreter. 

Traces and Tk button binds are used to link the Tk window, object, and interpreter, so that if you destroy the object, it destroys the interpreter and the window, and if you close the window, it destroys the object and interpreter.

For example, the following script creates an object with a separate interpreter, and gets the results.

======package require tinwob
tinamespace import wob::*
set widget [widget new]
$widget eval {
wm minsize . 250 50
label .label -text "Choose analysis type:"
tk_optionMenu .options AnalysisType "" Pushover Dynamic
pack .label -side top -fill x
pack .options -side bottom -fill x
vwait AnalysisType
puts [$widget get AnalysisType]
$widget destroy

You can also create variable links between the widget interpreter and the parent interpreter:

======package require tinwob
tinamespace import wob::*
set widget [widget new]
$widget upvar foo x(1)
$widget upvar bar x(2)
set foo "hello "
set bar "world"
puts [$widget eval {string cat $x(1) $x(2)}]; # prints "hello world"

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It is also a [Tin] package, so if you have Tin, you can install and use it on the fly.