The Mystical Tcl 9.0

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Back when Tcl 8.4 was released (2002), a paradigm was established according to which the Tcl 8.x series was almost at an end; there would be another minor version upgrade (Tcl 8.5) to take care of some minor itches, but after that all development effort would be focused on Tcl 9.0. It wasn't so clear what the Tcl 9 series would bring though (beyond a reform of octal numbers), so it became somewhat mystical, with several more or less radical language reforms proposed (many of which would make Tcl 9 far less compatible with Tcl 8 that Tcl8 is with Tcl 7).

As it turned out, things didn't go according to this plan (but its mere existence may well have been instrumental to the way things happened). Concretely, Tcl 8.5 didn't get released until 2007 — over five years after 8.4 — and when it came it had so many new features that they would probably have been enough for two or three minor version increments, including
   * [namespace ensemble]s
   * [dict]s
   * [{*}]
   * [ttk]
   * [tcl::mathfunc]
   * Bignum support ([tcl::tommath])
   * Reworked [clock] command
   * [Tcl modules]
   * [chan], including [reflected channel]s
   * [apply]
and much more (see [Changes in Tcl/Tk 8.5] for the full list). Why is this? Well, since it "was going to be the last", lots of people wanted to put in "just one more feature", and as it turned out, there were plenty of improvements that could be had within the Tcl 8 series. Still, when 8.5 was finally released, it was clear that there would have to be an 8.6 as well (for the sake of [TclOO]), and as 8.6 is approaching feature-freeze, there are still several outstanding issues which shouldn't have to wait for 9.0, including:
   * Scriptable [VFS] in the core (TIP#228 [])
   * Zlib compression (TIP#234 [])
   * [Unicode] beyond \uFFFF
See also [ActiveState of Tcl 2008] for a summary of the state of things in October 2008.

**Suggestions and discussion**

[George Peter Staplin]: July 13, 2004 - Tcl 9.0 feels like something just beyond the grasp of reality.  There are many ideas for what needs to be done, but most ideas from what I've seen aren't being actively worked on.  I can't blame anybody for that though.  We work on what we want to -- Tcl is free after all.

I've talked with [Joe Mistachkin] about [JIT] for Tcl 9.0.  I've come to realize it's quite a bit more complex than my JIT for [Forth], because of Tcl being so dynamic.  I'm actively working on a prototype design.

[Salvatore Sanfilippo] and I talked about BigNum support.  He even has some C code that implements such a thing.  There is also: [Proper integers for Tcl 8.5 or 9.0] and [Proper integers implementation].  There are several existing packages that already implement BigNums, but one has a license restriction (GPL/LGPL) and the other uses strings and I've been told/read is much slower than native CPU integer operations.  I've written little prototypes that use the x86 opcodes add/adc to deal with larger integer types, but more design will obviously be needed.
''As it turned out, bignum support came already with Tcl 8.5.''
[LV] Is the purpose of this page to summarize whom is working on features
that are waiting for Tcl/Tk 9.0?  It might be worth taking a pass through
the [TIP] list to see which ones are tagged as being for 9.0 ...

[George Peter Staplin]: The purpose behind this page is to bring Tcl 9.0 closer to reality.  I want to know what others are doing to reach this goal.

[LV] Fair enough - take a look at the TIP list.  Basically anything that people plan on
making it into Tcl / Tk 9 should have a [TIP] submitted...

[FB]: I've created a project on SourceForge dedicated to everything Tcl9-related:

Currently it only holds the mailing list for [Cloverfield] but I'd be very happy to host other projects as well.

**See also**
   * [Tcl chronology]
   * [Tcl 9.0 Wishlist]
   * [Tk 9.0 Wishlist]
   * [Tcl9 internal changes]
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