William Duquette

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'''My Web Pages'''

   * A View from the Foothills [http://foothills.wjduquette.com/blog], my web log 
   * My seldom updated home page [http://www.wjduquette.com]
   * My seldom updated Tcl page [http://www.wjduquette.com/tcl]


In order of activity:

   * [Quill] [http://github.com/wduquette/tcl-quill], a project build system for Tcl projects.   * [Robbie the Robot] [http://www.wjduquette.com/projects/robbie.cgi], the beginnings of a simple programming game
   * [Glue] [http://www.wjduquette.com/projects/glue.cgi], a library of Tcl infrastructure code, mostly drawn from the [Notebook App] project.
   * The [Snit's Not Incr Tcl] object and megawidget framework.
   * The [Notebook App] personal wiki, which is pretty much completely stalled at the moment.
   * [Ramble], a rogue-like dungeon-crawling game
   * [Tcllib]'s [textutil]::expander module
   * The [expand] macro/template processor


Quite some time ago now, I observed that [Scripted Documents Are Obscure], even if they are way cool.  But by a miracle of timing, [jcw] anticipated my concern, and moments later announced that Scripted Documents were now [Starkit]s.  The rest is history.

'''Mostly Obsolete Stuff'''

These two documents used to be quite popular; but [Snit's Not Incr Tcl] has pretty much removed the need for them.

   * Will's Guide to Namespaces and Packages [http://www.wjduquette.com/tcl/namespaces.html]
   * Will's Guide to Object Commands [http://www.wjduquette.com/tcl/objects.html]

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