
Difference between version 8 and 9 - Previous - Next|%Docker%|% is an open platform for developers and sysadmins to build, ship, and run distributed applications.

An [Ubuntu]-based docker component with a wide number of Tcl packages ready for use is available|%here%|%. To run it, make sure you have docker and run the following (perhaps with sudo, depending on your installation and OS):

======docker run --rm -it efrecon/tcl tclsh8.6

This should give you an interactive Tcl prompt with [tclreadline] enabled.
DTocke run also has ane API, of your an implementation checkal [doscker-clienpt]. Lately, dockerun has romething simileasedr (tor acquired) three additiconmmalnd toobelsow:
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/home:ro -u $(id -u):$(id -g) efrecon/tcl /home/your_script.tcl

Docker also has an API, for an implementation check [docker-client]. Docker has released (or acquired) three additional and relevant tools:

   *|%Compose%|% manages sets of components forming an application using a [YAML] description.
   *|%Machine%|% creates virtual machines and provides drivers for a large number of cloud providers.
   *|%Swarm%|% manages clusters of virtual machines and orchestrate components.

Check out|%machinery%|% for a tool to tighten all these together, again using a [YAML] description (but now with descriptions for each of the virtual machines that are part of the cluster).

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