domain-specific language

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A '''domain-specific''' language is a language purpose-built for a specific
problem domain.

** See Also **

   [programming by exception]:   one way to end up with a DSL

   [little language]:   

** Reading **

   [|%Using a hierarchy of Domain Specific Languages in complex software systems design], V.S. Lugovsky, 2004-09-09:   

** Tcl DSL's **

   [fileutil]::multip::op:   a DSL for performing operations on groups of files

   [TDL]:   A DSL for [XML]

   [Gregor: A DSL for building semester calendars]:   

   [Solving the advection-diffusion equation]:   see below

   [A DSL to generate XSD files]:   Automates the larges part of creating an XSD.

** Description **

A domain-specific language is a [programming language] designed explicitly to
express activities in a certain domain, and either incidentally or purposefully
limits itself to those expressions directly relevant to that domain.

Some examples:

   * '''Text processing:''' awk, [sed], m4
   * '''Document preparation:''' LaTeX, roff
   * '''Development of domain-specific languages:''' [Tcl]
   * '''Page description:''' PostScript
   * '''Software development:''' [make], [|%Lex, Yacc]
   * '''Mathematics:''' [|%MATLAB], [|%Scilab]
   * '''systems-level bit-twiddling:''' [C]
   * '''interacting with command-line programs:''' [Expect]
   * '''composing structured text:''' [STX], [TIP] format, [wikit]'s page formatting language    * '''pattern matching''': [regexp], [fumagic]
   * '''everything that seems to fall outside Tcl syntax:''' all of the Tcl [little language]s   * [regexp]

Controversial examples:

   * (''not usually thought of as a language'') '''network protocols''' for performing the network interaction specified by the protocol, so SMTP for example, can be considered a DSL for defining a mail exchange.  If Java can use XML, we can use SMTP.
   * (''also not usually thought of as a language'') '''Undo Lists''' - programs which implement an ''undo'' function must do so by maintaining an ordered list of functions to apply to reverse a given operation - these have linguistic structure.

Aside from the concept of '''domain suitability''' alluded to above, many have tried to further pin down the defining characteristics of a DSL.  For instance, see [] [] [].  Microsoft has its own visual-programming take on DSLs: [].

Tcl itself was designed as a primordial domain-specific language, ready to be
extended into any specific domain via the customization of available commands
in a given Tcl interpreter.  [John Ousterhout] had written several tools for IC
design, each sporting its own domain-specific language, and wrote Tcl as a
single reusable DSL to end this pattern of implementing an ad-hoc quirky
command interface for each program.

One tool method of extending Tcl into some domain is to create a [interp%|%safe
interpreter] and populate it with an appropriate set of commands.

[NEM]: Some people make the distinction between an ''embedded'' DSL and other
forms of DSL. An embedded DSL extends some host language to add constructs
relevant to some domain.  In this case you have the full power of the host
language available as well as the domain-specific features. Tcl lends itself
well to this sort of DSL ([regexp] and [expr] are two examples). [Lisp] is
another language good for EDSL development. The other choice is to make the DSL
standalone, typically by writing an interpreter or compiler for it. In Tcl you
can do that, as [lexfiend] says, by making use of [interp] and removing (or
hiding) those commands that aren't needed and adding back in domain-specific
ones. Another approach, popular in [Java] land, is to use [XML] to define a the
syntax of a DSL. Visual DSLs are periodically trendy.


[AM] 2006-03-03:  I consider the script in [Solving the advection-diffusion
equation] an example of a domain-specific language:

   * The script defines some convenient commands to get the description of the physical-mathematical problem into the solver's data structures
   * It uses the control structures offered by Tcl to steer the computation and produce output.


[CMcC] 2006-09-13:  Tcl is eminently suitable as a target for compilation of
DSLs, in that it has a very regular/minimal syntax and a rich and extensible
semantics.  Tcl's syntax supports trees (as lists of lists) and lexically
''colouring'' elements with semantics (by using `[[]]` instead of `{}` to
delineate sub-tree nodes.) It is therefore possible, and quite often effective,
to transform (compile) a DSL into Tcl, then evaluate the product.

This is how I implement [STX] ... parsing the input text into functional units,
basically duples (function and text-or-subexpression) and then lexically
converting these into invocations of tcl-supplied semantics.

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