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''dotcanvas'' - canvas widget and application tied to a GraphViz dotfile with automatic updates if the file file changes.



[DDG] 2021-09-02: ''dotcanvas''  is a special [canvas] widget and application with automatic rendering of a [GraphViz] dotfiles. If the users edits the file, the canvas widget automatically updates the display. This is nice to have a live preview of the dot file beside of your editor. 


    * Homepage:
    * Download:
    * Version: 0.1 - 2021-09-02
    * License: MIT


Below is a simple dot-file:

digraph G {
    A -> B;
    A -> C;
    C -> D;

You can render this dot file by using the command line:

tclsh dotcanvas.tcl

If you edit the dot-file in your text editor, the canvas will be automatically update, errors will be shown in the label at the bottom.


Below is an image of the running application.


**Source code**

Below the initial source code, the latest version should be take from the GitHub page. The code is inspired by the Wiki page [File watch]. Thanks for the code!

package require Tk
package provide dotcanvas 0.1

namespace eval dotcanvas {
    variable fname ""
    proc wcanvas {w file {mtime -}} {
        set checkinterval 1000 ;# modify as needed
        if {$mtime eq "-"} {
            if [info exists ::_cwf] {after cancel $::_cwf}
            set file [file join [pwd] $file]
            [namespace current]::wcanvas $w $file [file mtime $file]
        } else {
            set newtime [file mtime $file]
            if {$newtime != $mtime} {
                [namespace current]::canvasupdate $w $file
                [namespace current]::wcanvas $w $file
            } else {set ::_cwf [after $checkinterval [info level 0]]}
    proc canvasupdate {w file} {
        variable fname 
        if {$fname eq ""} {
            $w delete all
        set dot ""
        if {$::tcl_platform(os) eq "Linux"} {
            set dot dot
        } else {
            if {[file exists "C:/Program Files/GraphViz/bin/dot.exe"]} {
                set dot "C:/Program Files/GraphViz/bin/dot.exe"
            } elseif {[file exists "C:/Programme/Graphviz/bin/dot.exe"]} {
                set dot "C:/Programme/Graphviz/bin/dot.exe"
            if {$dot eq ""} {
                tk_messageBox -title "Error!" -icon error -message "GraphViz application not found!\nInstall GraphViz!" -type ok
        if {[catch {
             set res [exec $dot -Ttk $file]
             #puts $res
             set c $w
             $c delete all
             eval $res
             set ::einfo "File [file tail $file] is ok! [clock format [file mtime $file]]"
         }]} {
                $w configure -background salmon
                after 1000
                set ::einfo [regsub {.+dot:(.+)\n +while.+} $::errorInfo "\\1"]
                $w configure -background white
    proc dotcanvas {path {dotfile ""}} {
        variable fname
        set fname $dotfile
        canvas $path -background white -width 200 -height 200 -borderwidth 10 -relief flat
        if {$dotfile ne ""} {
            [namespace current]::wcanvas $path $dotfile
            [namespace current]::canvasupdate $path $dotfile
        return $path
if {[info exists argv0] && $argv0 eq [info script]} {
    if {[llength $argv] > 0} {
        if {[lindex $argv 0] eq "--help"} {
            puts "dotcanvas.tcl"
        } elseif  {[lindex $argv 0] eq "--version"} {
            puts "[package present dotcanvas]"
        } elseif {[file exists [lindex $argv 0]]} {
            set ::einfo ""
            pack [dotcanvas::dotcanvas .c [lindex $argv 0]] -fill both -expand true  -padx 5 -pady 5 -ipadx 5 -ipady 5
            pack [ttk::label .l -textvariable  ::einfo] -side top -fill x -expand false -padx 5 -pady 5
        } else {
            puts "Error: File [lindex $argv 0] does not exists!"
            exit 0
    } else {
       puts "dotcanvas.tcl"   



   * make einfo namespace var
   * tied text and canvas widget together
   * other layout engines, neato, fdp etc
   * widget docu
   * OSX port

**See also**

   * [GraphViz] - Graph Visualization Software
   * [tcldot] - tcldot package
   * [pandoc-tcl-filter] - embedding and rendering dot files directly within Markdown document



Please discuss here ...

<<categories>> Package | Widget | Widgets | Graph Theory