e_menu, pluginable menu for editors

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The https://aplsimple.github.io/en/tcl/e_menu%|%e_menu v3.0%|% provides a menu system bound to an editing / file managing session. A text editor / file manager with plugin / context features allows to use e_menu as "a plugin of plugins" that raises a whole environment of commands & menus around it.

By now e_menu is implemented for:

    * https://aplsimple.github.io/en/tcl/e_menu/index.html#detailed_tke%|%TKE editor%|%

    * https://aplsimple.github.io/en/tcl/e_menu/index.html#detailed_kate%|%Kate editor%|%

    * https://aplsimple.github.io/en/tcl/e_menu/index.html#detailed_geany%|%Geany IDE%|%

    * https://aplsimple.github.io/en/tcl/e_menu/index.html#detailed_wing%|%Wing Python IDE%|%

    * https://aplsimple.github.io/en/tcl/e_menu/index.html#detailed_pycharm%|%PyCharm IDE%|%

The four of them support Tcl/Tk highlighting. https://kate-editor.org/%|%Kate%|% and https://www.geany.org/%|%Geany%|% provide a symbol chart of Tcl code.

There are at least https://aplsimple.github.io/en/tcl/e_menu/index.html#detailed_fm%|%four file managers%|% that allow to run e_menu and apply its commands to files and directories:

    * https://aplsimple.github.io/en/tcl/e_menu/index.html#caja_fm%|%Caja%|%

    * https://aplsimple.github.io/en/tcl/e_menu/index.html#nautilus_fm%|%Nautilus%|%

    * https://aplsimple.github.io/en/tcl/e_menu/index.html#nemo_fm%|%Nemo%|%

    * https://aplsimple.github.io/en/tcl/e_menu/index.html#thunar_fm%|%Thunar%|%

There are a few of e_menu commands to support Tcl/Tk development. For example, e_menu provides a https://aplsimple.github.io/en/tcl/e_menu/index.html#contextHelp%|%context help%|% on Tcl/Tk commands / keywords while editing a Tcl script.

The e_menu can be a "mega-widget" called from Tcl/Tk code as a modal / independent / dock / desktop window.

Three executables allow to run e_menu on Linux 64 and Windows 32/64 without Tcl/Tk installed. Somewhat exotic for Tclers, though.

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Further details:

    * https://aplsimple.github.io/en/tcl/e_menu - a description

    * https://github.com/aplsimple/aplsimple.github.io/releases/download/e_menu_v3.0/e_menu-3.0.mp4%|%e_menu-3.0.mp4%|% (~33 Mb) - a demo of e_menu v3.0

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Download links:

    * https://chiselapp.com/user/aplsimple/repository/e_menu/download%|%e_menu.zip%|%
    * https://chiselapp.com/user/aplsimple/repository/e_menu/download%|%at chiselapp.com%|%
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