exec ampersand problem

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The [exec] command treats ampersands (&) in its arguments specially, e.g. for making execution asynchronous. This can be a problem if an argument, like an URL, contains ampersands.


[email protected] (Petteri K) writes in [the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup]:
[[working on [Microsoft Windows]]] Would anybody know a workaround
in case $url contains character '&' e.g.

[Benny Riefenstahl] replied:
[exec] plays tricks with quoting which make it impossible for me to
get the right command executed in Tcl 8.3.4.  What works on W2K here
though is this:

   set url "http://www.tcl.tk?hello&hi"
   set shell [open "|[file join $env(COMSPEC)]" w]
   fconfigure $shell -buffering line
   puts $shell "start \"\" \"$url\""
   puts $shell exit
   close $shell

I hope this works on Windows 9x/Me, too.

[CL] suggests: In the context of avoiding exec's
unescapable special characters, I prefer to use the
far-too-little-understood << argument, in the manner of
[[slightly edited]]:

   set url http://ats.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cgi.tcl/echo.cgi?hello=1&hi=2
   exec [file join $env(COMSPEC)] << "start \"\" \"$url\" \n exit \n"

[SLB] I have occasionally encountered a similar problem using rsh
to execute a process on a remote machine with characters such
as &|<> interpreted on the remote machine. Unfortunately, the implementations
of rsh on windows I have used only support stdout and stderr
streams, stdin is disconnected. The << argument relies on having
a working stdin channel. One proposal for changing Tcl to resolve
this problem is given here [http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&threadm=slrnbgqb8j.eo.Andreas.Leitgeb%40pcc524.gud.siemens.at&rnum=1&prev=/groups%3Fq%3Dexec%2Btcl%2B%2522steve%2Bbold%2522%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8%26oe%3DUTF-8%26selm%3Dslrnbgqb8j.eo.Andreas.Leitgeb%2540pcc524.gud.siemens.at%26rnum%3D1]

Here is the simplest way that I've found, and I use it in my mindweb [http://www.rohanpall.com/mindweb/].  It relies on the [rundll] utility available with some versions of Windows.

  proc goUrl x {
    global tcl_platform
    if {$tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} {
      set x [regsub -all -nocase {htm} $x {ht%6D}]
      exec rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler $x &
  } ;# This definitely works on Win95 and Win98. 
See [invoking browsers] ''--[Ro]''


For Unix/Linux, it is highly probable that the line
   set shell [open "|/bin/sh" w]
works as well (just in place of the "start" command, you'd have to substitute a more specific one...)
        set shell [ open "|/bin/sh -s 2>@stdout" w+ ]
        fconfigure $fid -blocking off
        fconfigure $fid -buffering line

Comes closer to doing what is expected... ''-sluggo''

And when time comes to read it off, something like:

  while { [ gets $shell line ] >= 0 } {
     append retval "$line\n"
     after 1

Will get you past things that buffer, like ps. The `after 1' seems to be quite magical in the case of buffering, whereas `after 0' does nothing useful.

But one idea for more cross-platformity: Unix has (guaranteed?) env(SHELL) to give the default shell; Windows has env(COMSPEC), Mac I don't know. Would it be worthwile to unify these into a, say, ''::[tcl_platform](shell)'' element? ([RS])

No, [auto_execok] should cover that.

[peterc]: [Mac OS X] users tend to prefer using [Applescript] for that sort of thing.


(Snaury) It seems I found true solution to the problem. Cmd.exe for WinXP has special characters '&', '|', '(' and ')', and in its help system it is written that if you want to pass these symbols as arguments you need to either use quotes or escape it with '^'.

Try the following code:

        exec >&@stdout cmd /c echo {a^&b}
        OUTPUT: a&b

However, exec seems to auto-quote its arguments if they contain blanks. Try the following:

        exec >&@stdout cmd /c echo {a & b}
        OUTPUT: "a & b"

The real question now, is how can one force quotes to some arguments? Apparently, using manual quotes produces wrong results:

        exec >&@stdout cmd /c echo {"a&b"}
        OUTPUT: \"a&b\"

[DKF]: This is caused by the fact that `cmd.exe` uses non-standard quoting rules compared with the normal case (basically the rules implemented by the MSVC runtime library, which we target because that's what third-party apps use or emulate). I remember [David Gravereaux] scratching his head a lot over this.

FWIW, you don't get this problem on Unixes, where argument processing is substantially different.

----[neb] Aside from the escape character (^), and the continuation (&) DOS also has two boolean operators: && and ||.

 exec cmd /c dir /B filex & type filex

will show the existence of filex, then type the contents.

 exec cmd /c dir /B filex && type filex

will only type the contents of filex if it exists.

 exec cmd /c dir /B filex || echo hello 

will only echo 'hello' if filex ''doesn't'' exist.

I thought I would have to escape these for Tcl (\&\&) to pass them, but it appears to work with our without Tcl escapes.

Under linux I had trouble opening a pipe with arguments containing <, > and alike - this does not work, e.g.:

 close [open "|ls <filename" "w"]

will cause the "open" command to interpret "<filename" as a redirection of stdin, and there is no trivial way to escape this.

''[Lars H]: For file names, you might try including the path (e.g. `./<filename` if you really want it to be relative). That's not a general solution though.''

I found the following non-trivial solution:

 proc shell_escape {s} {
        regsub -all -- {[^a-zA-Z0-9]} $s {\\\0} s
        return $s

 proc pipeline args {
        set p "|bash -c \{"
        foreach a $args {
                append p [shell_escape $a]
                append p " "
        append p "\} 2>@stderr "
        return $p

 close [open [pipeline ls <filename] "w"]

This works for other special characters (&, |, spaces etc.), too.

The only disadvantage, of course, is that there's another executable (bash) involved, which is acceptable in many cases.


Peter Niemayer <niemayer at isg.de>


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