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** Attributes **

    Name:   gdb

** Summary **

'''G'''NU '''D'''e'''B'''ugger.  An interactive debugging utility.

** GUI **

Graphical user interfaces to gdb:

   [|%Insight%|%]:   [tjk]: written in Tcl/Tk by people working at Red Hat, Inc. and Cygnus Solutions.
   [|%Tdb%|%]:   depends on Tk packages.   [|%dbg%|%]:   heavily modified from an old version of tdb (v1.3)
   [RamDebugger]:   is a GUI Tcl debugger that doubles as a gdb front end.
   [|%dbg%|%]:   a one tcl file lightweight gdb frontend for native and embedded applications.

** See Also **

   [Critcl debugging with gdb]:   
   [Debugging a Tcl extension written in C using gdb]:   
   [|%notes on gdb%|%]:   especially its tutorials, by [CL%|%Cameron Laird%|%] 
   [A weekend experiment with a Tk GUI for gdb]:   
   SmartGDB [] merges the commands offered by GDB with the Tcl/Tk scripting language. Tcl/Tk offers an expanded set of commands for control flow and data modeling that greatly increase the power of the debugger:   

** Description **

[AMG] 2008-04-16 [PYK] 2012-12-15: The latest release of Insight (6.8-1, posted 2009-07-19),
embeds Tcl/Tk 8.4.1 and [[[incr Tcl]]] 3.2.  I imagine it could benefit greatly
from a newer version of Tcl.  For example, libgui/src/subcommand.c is obsoleted
by namespace ensembles, libgui/library/list.tcl contains an implementation of
[lassign], and libgui/library/lframe.tcl provides a [labelframe].

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