&| What | ideTK|&
&| Where | https://tcltk.fr/?idetk |&
&| Description | Tcl/Tk 8.x , IDE allowing editing of multiple Tcl files, providing syntax highlighting, indentation support, search/replace, unlimited undo/redo, simple console, source code navigation, syntax-check, automatic command completion, online-help and Tcl testing. Currently at v241216. |&
&| License | |&&| Updated | 12/20024 |&
&| Contact | mailto:[email protected] (Fabien Toniutti) |&
** Screenshot **
[https://tcltk.fr/site/file/source/logiciels/ide/idetk.jpg] [https://tcltk.fr/site/file/source/logiciels/ide/241216-idetk03.jpg]
<<categories>> Application | Dev. Tools | IDE