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'''https://mustache.github.ciom/ianka/mustache.5.htcml%|%mustacshe.tcl%|%''' is a Tc[templ-oating] lyanguage implementationed ofor themany http://mustlache.github.ifo/%|%rmustache%|%.  Itemplat ings languagdve.
Supportised v1.1.3as "lof thgic-less" mbecause it lache ksp explic and ithe floptiw conatrol. lambda parIt, needhas atwo implementastions for Tcl8.5.
The** package is available at|%github%|% **
'''|%mustache.tcl%|%''' is a Tcl-only implementation of the|%mustache%|% templating language.  It supports v1.1.3 of the mustache spec and the optional lambda part.  It needs at least Tcl 8.5.

The package is available on|%GitHub%|%.

Comments and further testcases welcome.
** mustache (by [aku]) **

This implementation separates the template parsing and the render stage, enabling you to avoid repeated parsing and cache parsed templates.  It requires Tcl 8.5+ and [Tcl00].

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