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NX is a highly flexible, Tcl-based, object-oriented scripting language. It is a descendant of [XOTcl] and was designed based on 10 years of experience with XOTcl in projects containing several hundred thousand lines of code. While XOTcl was the first language designed to provide language support for design patterns and to provide a highly dynamic programming environment, the Next Scripting Framework (NSF) and NX add to these features support for language-oriented programming.

NX is designed to improve maintainability of large systems involving teams of developers by removing sources of common errors. It encourages developers to write better structured programs by providing clear interfaces. Explicit interfaces improve reliability and reuse of components. NX facilitates language learning for novices by adopting a streamlined terminology. The Next Scripting Language is implemented fully scripted on top of the Next Scripting Framework (NSF). NX and NSF are available under the terms of the MIT license. 


   * [TclSpec]   * [Customizable Linux Workspace Switcher]


<<categories>>Object Orientation | next-scripting