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scan.coverity is a static code analysis engine.
They provide a tool that is free to use for open source software,
and a website and defect management interface is available to
track defects.

The defect management web interface is a bit hard to use.

Website for Tcl:

The Tcl code was updated after a three year hiatus on 2018-11-13.

On the website, you can select the 'add me to the project'
button in order to be an Observer (can view the defect summary), a Defect viewer
(can view all of the defects), a Contributor/Member (can triage defects) or
an Admin (can submit new builds).


****Sample Scripts for Administrators****

This is a sample build script using the coverity static analysis tool.
Note that the script removes the pkgs/ sub-directory, as the analysis
is for Tcl, not sqlite, tclodbc* or the thread package.

<<discussion>>Test Script for Coverity


set -x
test -d tcl${ver} && rm -rf tcl${ver}
unzip -q tcl${sver}${rc}.zip
cd tcl${ver}
test -d pkgs && rm -rf pkgs
cd unix
make distclean
./configure --prefix=$HOME/cov/tcl-inst
make distclean
./configure --prefix=$HOME/cov/tcl-inst
cov-build --dir cov-int make

This is an example script to submit a build to Coverity.

The submission script should be modified to set the version and description
to what is wanted.

<<discussion>>submission script

desc="${ver}${rc} test"

cd tcl${ver}
cd unix
test -f conv-int.tgz && rm -f cov-int.tgz
tar cfz cov-int.tgz cov-int

curl --form token=COVERITYTOKEN \
  --form email=YOUREMAILADDRESS \
  --form file=@cov-int.tgz \
  --form version="${ver}${rc}" \
  --form description="${desc}" \
