is an incremental method to select a list element by pressing its discriminating letters only. Sequences common to strings with the same prefix are shown in advance. Number and position of significant letters depend on different letters available and the length of the longest common prefix at the appropriate positions. The available options in each step are best presented in dictionary order or due to unicode collation algorithm. The method is like a recursive Rolodex with optimized card tabs: * empty cards are not available * each turn of a card opens a new index with unique completions visible * each turn appends the cards label to the previous * the last card can start an action It may be implemented as a virtual keyboard to look up strings efficiently.****|%25-01-13 ICIC-Edition%|%**** Android app for big fingers on small screens, that makes it easy to touch select a contact. Changes: * touch only version, w/o any key input support * a single backstep key now, common prefix touch was backstepping in previous version too * row touch events on black letter selects or goes forward on blue letters * the strict branching into small submenus is abandoned in favor of clear lists * reduced app size ****|%24-09-19 ICIC-Edition%|%**** Is a preview release page of an accessible Android App to select your contacts. It aids inexperienced users or users with touch/visual impairments through large font and buttons. 24-01 An experimental AndroWish app to be used on ChromeOS or Android mobile devices is|%available%|%|%Video%|% The Android app was run on Chrome OS with accessibiltiy settings big pointer and motion visualization. To see this features in the video vokoscreen tool recorded the selected area of a Chrome browser tab <<categories>> AndroWish | Gui