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'''tar''', or "tape archive" is a format for storing file hierachies in a
single file, known as a [tarball].

** See Also **

   [Tcllib tar]:   reads and writes tarballs

   [Jimlib]:   writes tarballs from [Jim Tcl]

** Description **

** [SDX] **

[jcw]:  There's code to decode and unpack a tar file in the [SDX] starkit utility,
unwrap and look at lib/app-sdx/tgz2kit.tcl, it's about 25 lines.

The sdx untar does not respect file permissions and owners, nor special files.
It does not set owner/group or permissions on the files being extracted and
does not create special files such as hard and soft links.

[LV]: Something I recently learned about the tar package in tcllib - we ran
into a case where until Feb, 2007, the tar files created by the tar package
occasionally didn't include all the files it should.  This has been fixed, but
the code hasn't, yet, been included in a formal tcllib release.

Anyways, during the testing of that, I discovered that the GNU tar program
creates larger tar files than the non-GNU tar program that comes in
Sun Solaris or the Tcl tar package in tcllib. For that matter, the
Solaris and the Tcl tar package create different tar files for the same
data, but the size of the tar package is the same in this latter case.
Just wanted to warn people to expect the unexpected...

[AF]:  GNU tar is a mostly incompatible format with POSIX tar. The
tcllib tar module documents the fact that it only supports POSIX tar. The main
difference between GNU and POSIX is that GNU supports paths longer than 100
characters (the POSIX header is a fixed length) thus the larger size. The
difference in tarballs between the Solaris tar and the module I think is due to
the order of the files in the tarball, which should be insignificant.

[MAKR]: Correction: There are quiet a number of tar formats available: ''gnu'',
''oldgnu'', ''v7'', ''star'', ''ustar'' (POSIX.1-1988), ''posix''
(POSIX.1-2001, see ''pax'' there), etc. Recent GNU tar versions support at
least extraction for all of those listed. Issuing the `--help` option will show
which format will be created by default by your particular GNU tar executable.
With `--format` the format can be changed. The best choice WRT portability
would IMHO be ''posix''. It does not impose restrictions on path name length,
maximum file size, device node numbers, UID/GID numbers, encodings, etc.
anymore, while trying to be backward compatible to ''ustar'' as much as

GNU tar supports a number of operation extensions, e.g. instead of creating a
tar archive and then piping it through a compressor, one could just issue `-Z`
for [compress], `-z` for [gzip], `-j` for [bzip2], or even `--lzma` for [LZMA]
(as of version 1.20).

[DKF]: Tar is also, and coincidentally, a black sticky substance that traps
stuff that falls into it (e.g. the La Brea Tar Pits in LA [http://www.tarpits.org/]). In computing, this
brings on the term "a tar-pit project", which sucks in all effort that goes
even close and swallows it all without trace. Avoid tar pits by using [Tcl/Tk]!

[LV]: I've tended to refer to this type of effort as a ''black hole''.  I've
also heard it referred to as a ''tar baby'' (which refers back to old
[http://xroads.virginia.edu/~UG97/remus/tar-baby.html%|%children's tales of
Brer Rabbit and company ].

[ECS]: The first reference I know to "a tar-pit project" is from Fred Brooks'
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mythical_Man-Month%|%The Mythical Man-Month:
Essays on Software Engineering].

[GWM] I've also called these 'bucket of worms' projects - every time you move
one layer another one slithers into view.  Similar: 'a box of frogs'
(originally referring to the way 5-10 year old boys leap about - imagine
opening a shoe box with frogs in, out they all come).

[escargo] 2007-02-13: Another tar-pit is the ''Turing tar-pit,'' where
everything is possible, but nothing is easy.

[AMG]: Avoid Turing tar pits by using [Tcl/Tk]!

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