
Difference between version 11 and 12 - Previous - Next
 | What        | '''Tclog''' |
| Where       | |
|             | (defunct) |
|             | |
|             | (working archive mirror of the project webpage and downloads) |
|             | |
|             | (v1.2.1 code fork that adds FTP passive mode, [Ttk] GUI.) |
| Description | Weblog application, [static site generator%|%with no server side script requirements]. Uploads entries via FTP. Has a Tk GUI. Features RSS 1.0, HTML templates, trackback, wiki like formatting rules, etc. |
| License     | 3-clause BSD license | 
| Updated     | 02/2004 (original), 07/2014 (fork) |----


[Tclog screenshot]


''[escargo] 2012-04-27'' -- Attempted to check out the application, but following the
link gives a message that says the project doesn't exist.

[dbohdan] 2014-07-19: Added a Wayback Machine mirror. Mirrored code in a [Fossil] repository.
See also [RSS], [HTML], [FTP], [wiki], [weblog], [static site generator].

<<categories>> Application | CMS | Internet | Web