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Tclshapefile is a tcl-only package to read esri shapefiles (well at least points, polylines and polygones). It reads both the geometry (.shp) files and the attribute (.dbf) file. Data are returned as [dict]s.
It uses the specific reader components shpreader and [dbfreader]. 
 # $Id: tclshapefile.tcl,v 1.1 2012/01/02 16:18:03 joheid Exp $
 # package to read esri shapefiles
 # uses shpreader and dbfreader as components
 # (C) Joachim Heidemeier 2011
 # published under the same license als Tcl
 # methods
 # readShape
 # readCoords -> delegated
 # readAttributes -> delegated
 # getCoords -> delegated
 # getAttributes -> delegated
 # dbfInfo -> delegatd
 # shpInfo  -> delegated 
 # getRecord
 # readProjection 

 package require snit
 # specific reader packages
 package require shpreader.tcl
 package require dbfreader.tcl
 package provide shapefile 0.5
 snit::type shapefile {
 # components
 component dbfReader
 delegate option -encoding to dbfReader
 delegate method attributes to dbfReader
 delegate method readAttributes to dbfReader as readData
 delegate method getAttributes to dbfReader as data 
 delegate method dbfInfo to dbfReader as dbfInfo
 component shpReader
 delegate option -bbox to shpReader
 delegate option -shapetype to shpReader
 delegate option -nrecords to shpReader
 delegate method readCoords to shpReader as readData
 delegate method getCoords to shpReader as coords
 delegate method shpInfo to shpReader 
 # options
 option -filename -validatemethod CheckFile -configuremethod ShapeFileName
 # for use as component
 # option -partof 
 option -projection none
 # variablen
 variable status ;# interneral status
 set status(shpcheck) 0
 set status(dbfcheck) 0
 set status(projection) 0
 set status(projectionfile) {}    
 # validatemethods
 # checks whether a shp, shx and dbf and proj file is available
 # error if no shp &  dbf
 method CheckFile {option value}  { 

    set fn [file rootname $value]
    if {!([file exists $fn.shp] && [file exists $fn.shx] && [file exists $fn.dbf])} {
        error "$fn ist kein gültiger shapefile"
    } else {
        set status(shpcheck) 1
        set status(dbfcheck) 1
    if {[file exists $fn.prj]} {
            set status(projection) 1 
 # configuremethods
 method ShapeFileName {option value} {
        set f  [file rootname $value]
        set options(-filename) $f
        set status(projectionfile) ${f}.prj
        $dbfReader configure -filename ${f}.dbf
        $shpReader configure -filename ${f}.shp
 constructor {args} {
    install dbfReader using dbasefile  %AUTO% -partof $self
    install shpReader using shpfile %AUTO% -partof $self
    $self configurelist $args
 destructor  {
        catch {$dbRreader destroy}
        catch {$shpReader destroy}
 # read the proj file
 # public methods
 method readProjection {} {
    if {$status(projection)} {
        set option(-projection) [read [open $status(projectionfile) r]]
 # opens shp, dbf and proj, set options
 # reads all data
 method readShape {} {
        $shpReader readData
        $dbfReader readData
        if {[$shpReader cget -nrecords] != [lindex [$dbfReader dbfInfo] 0]} {
            error {different number of records in shp and dbf File}
        $self readProjection
 method getRow {recnr} {
    set x [dict create]
    if {[string is integer $recnr] && $recnr <= [$shpReader cget -nrecords]} {
        dict append x coords [dict get [$shpReader coords $recnr] $recnr]
        dict append x attributes [dict get [$dbfReader data  $recnr] $recnr]
        } else {error "not existing record requested"}
    return $x
 if {0} {
 shapefile s1 -filename [tk_getOpenFile]
 s1 readShape
 set c [s1 getCoords 1]
 set a [s1 getAttributes 1]
 set x [s1 getRow 1]
 set t [s1 cget -shapetype]
Now the shp-file reader:
 # $Id: shpreader.tcl,v 1.3 2012/01/02 16:17:40 joheid Exp $
 # (C) Joachim Heidemeier
 # published under the same licence as Tcl
 # pure tcl snit object to read the files with the geometries in shapefiles (.shp files)
 # public methods 
 # readData -- read and decode the file
 # coords   -- outputs the coordinates of one or all geometric objects
 # shpInfo  -- give information on internal details (mostly for inspection purposes)
 # shapetype, bounding box and number of geometric objects are available as (read-only)
 # obtions.
 if {0} {
 The information on shapefile structure is taken from the ESRI shapefile documentation (
 In the tables the first columns including ByteOrder/Content are taken from the documentation.
 A a shapefile consists of a 100 Byte long Header and subsequent records made up from an 8 byte record header and the record content.
 The record content structure is shapetype dependent. 

 1. Definition of Shape File Header (100 Bytes long), {II5Iiiqqqqqqqq}

 Position    Field       Value       Type    ByteOrder         FormatSpecifier  TclVariable
 Byte 0      FileCode    9994        Integer Big                        I       info(fc)
 Byte 4      Unused       0          Integer Big                {               discarded                        
 Byte 8      Unused      0           Integer Big                                discarded
 Byte 12     Unused      0           Integer Big                        I5      discarded
 Byte 16     Unused      0           Integer Big                                discarded
 Byte 20     Unused      0           Integer Big                        }       discarded
 Byte 24     FileLength FileLength   Integer Big                        I       info(FLength),in Bytes
 Byte 28     Version     1000        Integer Little                i            discarded
 Byte 32     ShapeType ShapeType     Integer Little                i            option(-shapetype)
 Byte 36     BoundingBox Xmin        Double Little                q             {
 Byte 44     BoundingBox Ymin        Double Little                q                
 Byte 52     BoundingBox Xmax        Double Little                q             option(-bbox)
 Byte 60     BoundingBox Ymax        Double Little                q             as dict, key coordname
 Byte 68*    BoundingBox Zmin        Double Little                q              {
 Byte 76*    BoundingBox Zmax        Double Little                q              if required,
 Byte 84*    BoundingBox Mmin        Double Little                q              else discarded
 Byte 92*    BoundingBox Mmax        Double Little                q              }}
 * Unused, with value 0.0, if not Measured or Z type
 The value for file length is the total length of the file in 16-bit words (including the fifty
 16-bit words that make up the header).

 Available shape types

 Value       ShapeType      Content     supported
 0           NullShape       Null          y
 1           Point           P-Struct      y
 3           PolyLine        PL-Struct     y
 5           Polygon         PG-Struct     y
 8           MultiPoint
 11          PointZ
 13          PolyLineZ
 15          PolygonZ
 18          MultiPointZ
 21          PointM
 23          PolyLineM
 25          PolygonM
 28          MultiPointM
 31          MultiPatch

 2. Record Header fixed (8 bytes long)

 Position    Field       Value           Type    ByteOrder        FormatSpecifier                TclVariable
 Byte 0  RecordNumber    RecordNumber    Integer     Big                        I                IInfo(RecNR), Key für coords Dict
 Byte 4  ContentLength   ContentLength   Integer     Big                        I                info(RecNR,Rlength), in Bytes
 The content length for a record is the length of the record contents section measured in
 16-bit words. Each record, therefore, contributes (4 + content length) 16-bit words
 toward the total length of the file, as stored at Byte 24 in the file header. 

 3. Record Content (variable length)

 ShapeType(4Bytes) + geometric data according to type
 returned Tcl Variable coords is a dict with RecordCount entries, key is RecNr value is list of X Y coordinates 

 3.1 Point-Struct

 Position    Field       Value   Type    Number  ByteOrder        FormatSpecifier                TclVariable
 Byte 0      ShapeType   1       Integer     1   Little                        i                internal check
 Byte 4      X           X       Double      1   Little                        q                coords 
 Byte 12     Y           Y       Double      1   Little                        q                coords

 3.2 Polyline-Struct
 consists of parts

 Position    Field       Value       Type       Number   ByteOrder   Remark                TclVariable
 Byte 0      ShapeType   3           Integer     1       Little                                internal check
 Byte 4      BBox        BBox        Double      4       Little      xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax  info(bbox,recNr)
 Byte 36     NumParts    NumParts    Integer     1       Little                           info(numParts,recNr)
 Byte 40     NumPoints   NumPoints   Integer     1       Little      for all parts        info(numPoints,recNr) 
 Byte 44     Parts       Parts       Integer NumParts    Little      offset to first point of part, 0_indexed
 Byte X      Points      Points      Point   NumPoints   Little      no part delimiter
 Note: X = 44 + 4 * NumParts

 3.3 Polygon-Struct
 consists of rings, structure analogue to PL.

 Position    Field       Value       Type       Number   ByteOrder   Remark                TclVariable
 Byte 0      ShapeType   5           Integer     1       Little                                internal check
 Byte 4      BBox        BBox        Double      4       Little      xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax
 Byte 36     NumParts    NumParts    Integer     1       Little
 Byte 40     NumPoints   NumPoints   Integer     1       Little      for all rings
 Byte 44     Parts       Parts       Integer NumParts    Little      offset to first point of part, 0_indexed
 Byte X      Points      Points      Point   NumPoints   Little      no part delimiter
 Note: X = 44 + 4 * NumParts
 package require snit
 package provide shpreader 0.5
 snit::type shpfile {
 variable TCL_OK 0
 variable TCL_CONTINUE 3
 # daten as list of lists
 variable coords
 variable info
 variable fh    
 variable status ;# interner Status
 variable shapeTypes ;# gueltige shapes mit Nr / Namenmapping
 set status(shp_ok) 0
 set status(shp_open) 0
 set status(eof) 0    
 # options
 option -filename  -configuremethod ShpFileName
 # ohne extension, die wird in configuremethod weggeworfen
 option -bbox -readonly yes ;# bounding Box wird aus shapefile gelesen
 # normally used as component
 option -partof
 # shapetype
 option -shapetype -default null -readonly yes
 option -nrecords -readonly yes
 # configuremethods
 method ShpFileName {option value} {
  set options(-filename) "[file rootname $value].shp"
 constructor {args} {
    set status(read) 0
    array set shapeTypes [list\
                0 Null\
                1 Point\
                8 MultiPoint\
                3 PolyLine\
                5 Polygon\
                21 PointM\
                28 MultiPointM\
                23 PolyLineM\
                25 PolygonM\
                11 PointZ\
                18 MultiPointZ\
                13 PolyLineZ\
                15 PolygonZ\
                31 MultiPatch]
    $self configurelist $args
 # reads and evalutes the header
 # stores relevant data in the info or options variable
 method ReadHeader {} {
 # formatstring for binary scan accoring to table 1
 set formatstring {II5Iiiqqqqqqqq}
 set rec [read $fh 100]
 set status(eof) [eof $fh]
 if {!$status(eof)} {   
    binary scan $rec $formatstring info(fc) tmp info(fLength) vers info(type) xm ym XM YM zm ZM mm MM
    if {$info(fc) != 9994} {
        error {file is not a shp-file}
    } else {
        set info(fLength) [expr {2 * $info(fLength)}]
        set options(-shapetype) $shapeTypes($info(type))
        set options(-bbox) [dict create XMin $xm YMin $ym XMax $XM YMax $YM]
        if {$info(type) > 8}  {
            if {$info(type) < 21} {
                dict append options(-bbox) ZMin $zm
                dict append options(-bbox) ZMax $ZM
            } else {
                dict append options(-bbox) MMin mm
                dict append options(-bbox) MMax MM
        return $TCL_OK
    } else {
    return $TCL_CONTINUE    
 # open File or raise error
 method OpenShpFile {} {
    if {[catch {open $options(-filename)} res]} {
       return -code error $res
    set fh $res
    set status(shp_open) 1
    fconfigure $fh -translation binary
    return $TCL_OK
 # decode a point record
 proc getPoint {rcont} {
   if {[string length $rcont != 20]} {error "wrong contentlength in getPoint [string length $rcont] instead of 20"}
   binary scan $rcont iq2 t c
   if {$t != 1} {error "wrong shapetype in getPoint $t instead 1"}
   return [dict create p $c]
 # Polyline and Polygone need the same algorithm
 # returns a dict over parts
 proc getPoly {selfns type recnr rcont} {
    set pp 0   
    set offset 0
    set tmp [dict create]
 # get type and check, we assume one type per file
    binary scan $rcont i t
    if {$t != $type} {error "wrong shapetype in getPoly $t instead $type"}
    set offset 4 ;#start of data section
 # get record info
    binary scan $rcont @${offset}q4ii bbox  npart npoint
    set info(bbox,$recnr) $bbox
    set info(numParts,$recnr) $npart
    set info(numPoints,$recnr) $npoint
    set offset 44 ;#start of variable section
 # get part-offsets
    set formatstring "@${offset}i$npart"
    binary scan $rcont $formatstring ofs
    set offset [expr {44 + 4* $npart }]
 # set end of last part        
    lappend ofs  $npoint
 # build formatstring and varlist for scan
    set formatstring "@$offset"
    set varlist [list]
    set keylist [list]
    for {set i 0} {$i < $npart} {incr i} {
        set start [lindex $ofs $i]
        set end  [expr {[lindex $ofs $i+1] -1}]
        set np [expr {$end - $start} +1]
        set nfloat [expr {$np * 2}]
        append formatstring "q$nfloat"
        set pp [expr {$pp + $np}]    
        lappend keylist part${i}
    set varlist $keylist
 # the conversion
    binary scan $rcont $formatstring {*}$varlist
 # the return value
    foreach key $keylist var $varlist {
        dict append tmp $key [set $var]
    if {$pp != $npoint} {error "wrong number of points"}       
    return $tmp   
 # method GetNextRecord
 # reads one record
 # assign it to dict
 method GetNextRecord {} {
 # first the RecordHeader

        set headerFormat II
        set header [read $fh 8]
         set status(eof) [eof $fh]
        if {!$status(eof)} {   
        binary scan $header $headerFormat recNr contentLength
        set contentLengthBytes [expr {$contentLength *2}]
        } else {
    return $TCL_CONTINUE    
        set content [read $fh $contentLengthBytes]
        set status(eof) [eof $fh]
        if {!$status(eof)} {   
        switch -exact -- $info(type) {
            0 {dict append coords $recNr {}}
            1 {
                dict append coords "$recNr" [getPoint $content]
            3 {
                dict append coords "$recNr" [getPoly $selfns $info(type) $recNr $content]
            5 {
                dict append coords "$recNr" [getPoly $selfns $info(type) $recNr $content]
            default {error "unsupported shape type in GetNextRecord"}
        set info(recnr) $recNr
        return $TCL_OK
    } else {
    return $TCL_CONTINUE    
 # public methods
 # read the file
 method readData {} {
    if {!$status(read)} {
        $self OpenShpFile
        $self ReadHeader
        set retval  [$self GetNextRecord]
        while {$retval == $TCL_OK} {
        set retval  [$self GetNextRecord]
         set options(-nrecords) $info(recnr)   
        set status(read) 1
        if {[catch {close $fh} msg]} {
                unset fh
                return -code error -errorcode $errorCode $msh
        return $TCL_OK
    } else {
            error {file already read}
 # retrieve the coords
 # of one record or all
 # argument

 method coords {{recnr all}} {
    if {"$recnr" eq "all"} {
        return $coords
    } elseif {[string is integer $recnr] && $recnr <= $info(recnr)} {
        return [dict filter $coords key $recnr]
    } else {error "Record $recnr not available"}
 # return internal infos from info array
 # what is optional pattern 
 method shpInfo {{what all}} {
  if {"$what" eq "all"} {
    return [array get info]
  } else {
    set s [array get info $what]
    if {[llenth $s]} {
        return $s
     } else {
        return "info $what not available" 
======<<categories>> Package | Geography