terminal emulator

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This page [https://web.archive.org/web/20050122010227/http://www.engcorp.com/acf/terminal%20emulator] has a few general remarks on the role of terminal emulators.

Ian Bell's "8052 Development for [Linux] Users"
[http://www.8052.com/users/redtommo/] and 
[Melissa Schrumpf]'s post 
on automation of 
miscellaneous devices both illustrate how experienced
developers think about terminal emulation in projects 
with specialized hardware.

[[Describe rxvt and the one Don distributes with [Expect].]]

An interesting piece of software noticed on [freshmeat] is

|What:| rxvt-unicode|| Where:| http://software.schmeatorp.ndet/projectskg/rxvt-unicode/.html |
| Description:| Clone of rxvt modified to store text in Unicode and to use locale-correct input/output.  Allows mixing multiple fonts at the same time, including Xft fonts. Includes a Perl/Tk example.|||        Currently at version 59.230 .|
| Updated:| 0211/200521|
| Contact:| See web site|

There is a rather full-featured terminal emulator using a Tk text widget distributed as an example with Expectk -- it can be found next to http://expect.nist.gov/example/README -- term_expect, [tkterm] and virterm are of interest (as of 05/12, NIST no longer seems to be hosting a browsable expect repository - see instead http://expect.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/expect/expect/example/).  A simpler version is at [handling of ANSI terminals with Expect].  From [DL]:

The [Expect] terminal emulator is pretty full-featured.  It supports/understands:
   * scrollbars
   * both termcap and terminfo
   * meta-key (so things like zsh, emacs, etc work)
   * selections
   * standout mode, function keys, etc, etc, etc.

Plus, it supports screen-scraping.

If you want to understand it in detail, the [BOOK Exploring Expect] has a code walk-through of the terminal emulator.

I've seen the expect example, and it works amazingly well. What I would like to know is whether or not it's possible to get the same effect with pure [tcl/tk]. The acid test would be to run [vi] within a [tk]-based emulator without  using the expect extension.

[RJM] Hm. Don't know exactly what you mean. But for the sake of this pages' title an example of an extremely simple terminal emulator follows here. You can adapt/extend it for your own purpose.

 set serial [open com1 r+]
 fconfigure $serial -mode "9600,n,8,1" -blocking 0 -buffering none -translation binary
 fileevent $serial readable {.t insert end [read $serial]}
 pack [text .t]
 bind .t <KeyPress> {puts -nonewline $serial %A; break}

The ''break'' prevents local echo of typed characters on the text widget.

''Exactly what I mean: I want to [exec] vi and have its input and output managed through a tk [widget]. It has nothing to do with a serial communications port.''

[DL] I think the answer to the original question may have different answers depending on whether you're on a [UNIX]-based platform (which would include [MacOS]) or a [Windows] platform.  On UNIX, you need [pseudotty]s, something vanilla Tcl just doesn't provide support for - except with the Expect [extension].  On Windows, there is no unified mechanism for interacting with other programs.  The simple script above merely opens a connection to a serial port.  If your idea of a terminal emulator is to interact with a serial port, then yes you can get by with a pure Tcl script.

'''[rustycar] - 2010-01-11 16:58:36'''

Ok, so cut and paste the minimial terminal emulator above into a new file, turn it in to an executable using tclsh and a build script, (in this case freewrap), and fire it up as a terminal program in windows XP.

Make sure it works, then, send it a break from the device it is hooked to.  Or, if you are using a 'real' COM port, disconnect the serial cable and reconnect it.

Now, try typing again - nothing happens in my case.

Has anyone else seen this?  I have done all sorts of web searching, generally looking for 'break terminal tcl' and found nothing - everyone seems to think this works perfectly all the time.  It does - until the COM port has a (temporary) BREAK condition - then the port can receive but cannot send!  And closing the port no longer works - you must close the entire freewrap script to release the port and get it working again.


See also [A simple serial terminal]

See also [Termi]

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