tls ssllabs rating

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***Steps required to get 'A' rating at|%SSLLABS%|% ***

****Build [tls] from source with actual ssl version****

Build package|%tls1.6.7%|%tls1.6.7 from source with actual ssl version, unpack to /x/tls1.6.7

   *|%openssl-1.1.0%|%is now incompatible with tls, last working version is openssl-1.0.2g

   * unpack to /x/libressl-2.4.2
   * in /x/tcl1.6.7: ./configure --with-ssl-dir =/x/libressl-2.4.2 -with-tcl=/opt/tcl8.6.6/unix --with-tcl-include=/opt/tcl8.6.6/generic

   * `make` is ok, `make test` gives runtime-error `SSLv2_method not found`

   * workaround: set compiler directive `#define NO_SSL2` or `#define NO_PATENTS` in `tlsInt.h`

   * using default file names from|%Let's Encrypt%|% e.g. in file httpd.tcl of tclhttpd3.5.1 web server insert the lines

set dir /x/tls1.6.7
source [file join $dir pkgIndex.tcl]
package require tls
set ciphers [tls::ciphers tls1.2]
# avoid RC4 attack
set tmp [lsearch -all -inline -not $ciphers *RC4*]
# only Diffie-Hellman for forward secrecy
set ciphers [lsearch -all $tmp *DHE*]
tls::init -server 1 -request 0 -require 0 -tls1 0 -tls 1.1 0 -tls1.2 1 \
   -cafile /etc/letsencrypt/live/<>/fullchain.pem \
   -certfile .../cert.pem \
   -keyfile  .../key.pem \
   -ciphers $ciphers
Httpd_SecureServer $CONFIG(https_port) $CONFIG(https_host) $CONFIG(https_ipaddr)

Notice: some codelines in tls.c may be obsolete now, as options concerning ssl2, ssl3, compression named `SSL_OP_NO_..` in file `openssl/ssl.h` are deprecated by definition.

Platform information `parray tcl_platform`
tcl_platform(byteOrder)     = littleEndian
tcl_platform(engine)        = Tcl
tcl_platform(machine)       = i686
tcl_platform(os)            = Linux
tcl_platform(osVersion)     = 3.16.0-4-686-pae
tcl_platform(pathSeparator) = :
tcl_platform(platform)      = unix
tcl_platform(pointerSize)   = 4
tcl_platform(threaded)      = 1
tcl_platform(user)          = fr
tcl_platform(wordSize)      = 4

<<categories>>Category Cryptography | Category Tclhttpd | Category Security