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A [Tk] (or rather [Ttk]) [widget] that stacks a bunch of widgets on top of each other in a window, with some tabs at the top to allow users to select between the widgets. A common idiom in Windows's Properties dialogs.


**Tips and Tricks**

<<discussion>> Use notebook as a pages manager
A [notebook] may be used as a '''pages manager'''[] by using a style to turn off the tabs, like this (by [Joe English]):
ttk::style theme settings default {
    ttk::style layout Plain.TNotebook.Tab null
ttk::notebook $nb -style Plain.TNotebook
Alternatively, you can set it on the current style (useful on some platforms) with:
ttk::style layout Plain.TNotebook.Tab null
ttk::notebook $nb -style Plain.TNotebook
[pw]: Neither of these methods work on Mac OS X (as of 10.6.8 and Tk 8.5.9). Both methods have some effect but the result looks mangled. I'm not sure why, but this seems to work instead:
ttk::style layout Plain.TNotebook.Tab { -side left}
ttk::notebook $nb -style Plain.TNotebook

<<discussion>> Current selected tab info
[tonytraductor]  I have a question.  Using a ttk::notebook, how do I pass the currently selected tab's info to a process? 

Answer: [[$nb select]] returns the widget name of the currently selected pane.  In addition, the string "current" may be used as a tab identifier.
<<discussion>> Change tab position

[Flame] A [notebook] can change its tab position like this:
    ttk::style configure ENNotebook.TNotebook -tabposition en
    ttk::notebook .nb -style ENNotebook.TNotebook

<<discussion>> Tab list scrolling code

[Flame] Here is some code to add tab list scrolling to a [notebook]. The code is not optimized, supports only ne-oriented tabs, and assumes user does not change tab states.
    namespace eval SNotebook {

      # create scroll buttons  
      foreach anchor {n s e w} arrow {uparrow downarrow leftarrow rightarrow} {
        set uanchor [string toupper $anchor]
        ttk::style layout ${uanchor}Button.TButton [list Button.focus -sticky nswe -children [list ${uanchor}Button.$arrow -sticky nswe]]
      variable scrollpos
      variable hsizes
      variable tabheight
      proc _updatehsizes {nb} {
        if {![winfo exists $nb.escroll]} {
          ttk::button $nb.escroll -style EButton.TButton -command [string map [list \$nb $nb] {
            if {$::SNotebook::scrollpos($nb)>0} {
              incr ::SNotebook::scrollpos($nb) -1
              ::SNotebook::_scroll_notebook $nb
        if {![winfo exists $nb.wscroll]} {
          ttk::button $nb.wscroll -style WButton.TButton -command [string map [list \$nb $nb] {
            if {$::SNotebook::scrollpos($nb)+1<[llength [$nb tabs]]} {
              incr ::SNotebook::scrollpos($nb) 
              ::SNotebook::_scroll_notebook $nb
        variable hsizes
        variable tabheight
        set ntabs [$nb index end]
        set tabs [$nb tabs] 
        ttk::notebook .tmp -style [$nb cget -style]
        set p0 [winfo reqwidth .tmp]
        set hsizes($nb) $p0
        for {set i 0} {$i<$ntabs} {incr i} {
          set tab [lindex $tabs $i]
          if {1} { ;# theme-independent, but could have side effects 
            eval .tmp add [ttk::frame .tmp.f$i] [::SNotebook::$nb tab $tab] -state normal
            update idletasks
            set hsizes($tab) [expr [winfo reqwidth .tmp]-$p0]
            set p0 [winfo reqwidth .tmp]
          } else { ;# there is a theme-dependable constant, which includes padding and tab margins
            eval ttk::label .tmp2 -style TNotebook.Tab [dict remove [::SNotebook::$nb tab $tab] -sticky] 
            set hsizes($tab) [expr [winfo reqwidth .tmp2]+10]
            destroy .tmp2
        destroy .tmp
        ttk::label .tmp -style TNotebook.Tab
        set tabheight [winfo reqheight .tmp]
        destroy .tmp

      proc _scroll_notebook {nb} { ;# assumes tabposition is nw or ne
        variable scrollpos
        variable hsizes 
        variable tabheight
        if {![info exists scrollpos($nb)]} {
          set scrollpos($nb) 0
        set startindex $scrollpos($nb)
        for {set i 0} {$i<$startindex} {incr i} {
          ::SNotebook::$nb hide $i
        set ntabs [$nb index end]
        set tabs [$nb tabs] 
        set availw [winfo width $nb]
        set reqw $hsizes($nb)
        set overflow 0
        for {} {$i<$ntabs} {incr i} {
          set tab [lindex $tabs $i]
          incr reqw $hsizes($tab)
          ::SNotebook::$nb add $tab
          if {$reqw>$availw} {
            incr i
            set overflow 1
        for {set j $i} {$j<$ntabs} {incr j} {
          ::SNotebook::$nb hide [lindex $tabs $j]
        set h $tabheight
        set eh [expr 4*$h/5]
        if {$startindex>0} {
          set ew [expr $eh*[winfo reqwidth $nb.escroll]/[winfo reqheight $nb.escroll]]
          place $nb.escroll -x 0 -y 0 -width $ew -height $eh
        } else {
          place forget $nb.escroll
        if {$overflow} {
          set ew [expr $eh*[winfo reqwidth $nb.wscroll]/[winfo reqheight $nb.wscroll]]
          place $nb.wscroll -relx 1.0 -x -$ew -y 0 -width $ew -height $eh
        } else {
          place forget $nb.wscroll
      proc snotebook {path args} {
        ttk::notebook $path {*}$args
        _updatehsizes $path
        bindtags $path [linsert [bindtags $path] 1 SNotebook]
        bind SNotebook <Configure> {::SNotebook::_scroll_notebook %W}
        rename ::$path ::SNotebook::$path
        proc ::$path {cmd args} [string map [list \$path $path] {
          switch $cmd {
            index -
            configure -
            cget -
            identify -
            instate -
            select -
            state -
            tabs {
              ::SNotebook::$path $cmd {*}$args
            default {
              bind SNotebook <Configure> {}
              set res [::SNotebook::$path $cmd {*}$args]
              ::SNotebook::_updatehsizes $path
              bind SNotebook <Configure> {::SNotebook::_scroll_notebook %W}
              ::SNotebook::_scroll_notebook $path
              return $res
        return $path


    ::SNotebook::snotebook .nb
    pack .nb -fill both -expand true

    set i 0
    foreach theme [ttk::themes] {
      frame .f$i
      pack [button .f$i.b -text "Theme: $theme" -command "ttk::setTheme $theme"] -anchor nw
      .nb add .f$i -text "Tab $i"
      incr i
    for {} {$i<20} {incr i} {
      .nb add [text .t$i] -text "Tab $i"

<<discussion>> dragging tab code
[MG] just started playing with the ttk::notebook (Aug 2011), and wrote a little package to allow dragging the tabs with the right mousebutton to reorder them. Only tested on Windows, and only with one theme, but it seems to work OK (though there's a little jumping when you move a switch a small tab with a larger one, which I haven't fixed yet).

Requires a version of ttk::notebook that supports ''$notebook identify tab $x $y'' - 8.5.7 doesn't, but 8.6.1 does. (It's in the docs online for 8.5, though, so was presumably added into 8.5.8 or 8.5.9.)

(Using the left mousebutton might be better, but that means making it play nice with the notebook's existing bindings, and it's long since time I went to bed, so that's a task for another day, too.)

[MG] I just found this again (July 2012), and thought I'd spruce it up a bit. It no longer stutters, and it now uses the left mouse button for dragging instead of the right, which is both more user-friendly and looks better, because the tab always comes to the front before you start dragging it.
namespace eval tabdrag {}
bind TNotebook <Destroy> {+tabdrag::destroy %W}
bind TNotebook <Button-1> {+tabdrag::click %W %x %y}
bind TNotebook <ButtonRelease-1> {+tabdrag::release %W %x %y}
bind TNotebook <B1-Motion> {+tabdrag::move %W %x %y}

proc ::tabdrag::destroy {win} {
  variable winstate;

  array unset winstate ?,$win

proc ::tabdrag::click {win x y} {
  variable winstate;

  set what [$win identify tab $x $y]
  if { $what eq "" || [$win index end] <= 1} {

  set winstate(x,$win) $x
  set winstate(t,$win) [lindex [$win tabs] $what]
  set winstate(e,$win) 0

proc ::tabdrag::release {win x y} {
  variable winstate;

  array unset winstate ?,$win

proc ::tabdrag::move {win x y} {
  variable winstate;

  if { ![info exists winstate(x,$win)] || ![info exists winstate(t,$win)] || $winstate(t,$win) eq "" } {

  set where [$win identify tab $x $y]
  if { [info exists winstate(a,$win)] } {
       if { $x < $winstate(a,$win) && $where < $winstate(i,$win) } {
            unset -nocomplain winstate(a,$win) winstate(i,$win) winstate(j,$win)
          } elseif { $x > $winstate(a,$win) && $where > $winstate(i,$win) } {
            unset -nocomplain winstate(a,$win) winstate(i,$win) winstate(j,$win)
  if { $where ne "" } {
       set what [lindex [$win tabs] $where]
     } else {
       set what ""
  if { $what eq $winstate(t,$win) } {
  if { $what eq "" } {
       # Not over a tab - check to see if we're before or after where we started
       if { $winstate(e,$win) } {
       set winstate(e,$win) 1
       if { $x < $winstate(x,$win) } {
            $win insert 0 $winstate(t,$win)
          } else {
            $win insert end $winstate(t,$win)
       #unset -nocomplain winstate(j,$win) winstate(a,$win) winstate(i,$win)
       set winstate(x,$win) $x
     } else {
       set winstate(e,$win) 0
       if { [info exists winstate(j,$win)] && $what eq $winstate(j,$win) } {
            if { (($x > $winstate(x,$win) && $x > $winstate(a,$win)) || ($x < $winstate(x,$win) && $x < $winstate(a,$win))) } {
                 return;# avoid stuttering when jumping a bigger tab
       $win insert $what $winstate(t,$win)
       set winstate(j,$win) $what
       set winstate(a,$win) $x
       set winstate(i,$win) $where

pack [ttk::notebook .test]
 foreach x {Foo Bar Baz Boing Sprocket} {
.test add [frame .f$x -height 200 -width 200] -text $x

<<discussion>> Tab background color

[|%Don on clt%|%]:
I am trying to specify the background tab colors in a TNotebook, in particular the background color of the tab for the selected page

toplevel .top
wm geometry .top 500x400+40+50;
.top configure -background wheat
ttk::style configure TNotebook -background wheat
ttk::style configure TNotebook.Tab -background plum
ttk::style map  TNotebook.Tab -background [list disabled plum selected green]
ttk::notebook .top.nb  -width 300 -height 200
.top.nb add [frame .top.nb.f1 -bg wheat] -text "First tab"
.top.nb add [frame .top.nb.f2 -bg wheat] -text "Second tab"
.top.nb add [frame .top.nb.f3 -bg wheat] -text "Third tab"
place .top.nb -in .top -x 100 -y 100 

[Zipguy]  2013-02-07 - You can find out my email address by clicking on [Zipguy].

It seems that the colors are determined by the '-bg wheat' in the '.top.nb add' command. I tried changing the second tab to 
.top.nb add [frame .top.nb.f2 -bg plum] -text "Second tab"
which did work fine.  Then I changed it to 
.top.nb add [frame .top.nb.f2] -text "Second tab"
which did make it grey. So then I tried 
.top.nb add [frame .top.nb.f2 -class TNotebook.Tab] -text "Second tab"
Which left it grey. Dang! I thought the answer is in getting the '-class TNotebook.Tab' working correctly with the defined TNotebook.Tab which does not seem right.  I tried commenting out both the 'ttk::style map', and the 'ttk::style configure TNotebook -background wheat' lines, and it still remained grey!

That means that, it's ignoring the 'ttk::style configure TNotebook.Tab -background plum' line.

<<discussion>> Specifically: Tab background color on the Mac

[TB] 2016-07-14 On the Mac, the background of a notebook is darker than the one of the surrounding window/frame. However, ttk does not automatically style the widgets inside a tab with this darker background, but uses the background color of the normal ttk::frame. This will look ugly since it involves changing background colors in the widget hierarchy from light gray, to dark gray, to light gray. There seems to be no easy solution, but [] is an example with a possible workaround.


<<discussion>> Adding an icon to notebook tabs (i.e., close icon)

Georgios Petasis in a [comp.lang.tcl] posting dated Fri, 17 Jan 2014 04:11:27 gave the following as an example of how to add an icon to the tab of a ttk::notebook widget:

You can always change the layout, and use a text & an image instead of
the label. Then the subcommand identify will report which element was

bind TNotebook <ButtonPress-1> {+puts [%W identify %x %y]}
catch {console show}
ttk::style layout TNotebook.Tab { -children {
   Notebook.padding -side top -children {
     Notebook.focus -side top -children {
       Notebook.text -side left
       Notebook.image -side right
pack [ttk::notebook .nb] -fill both -expand true

ttk::frame .nb.f1
.nb add .nb.f1 -text {tab 1} \
   -image [image create photo -width 36 -height 36]


[MG] 2014-01-17 Not sure when it changed, but support for this seems to be built-in, now:
set i [image create photo -width 36 -height 36]
$i put red -to 0 0 36 36
pack [ttk::notebook .nb] -expand 1 -fill both
set f [ttk::frame .nb.f1]
.nb add $f -text "Foo" -image $i -compound right

<<discussion>>Set font of tab
[HaO] 2016-07-15
font create TitleFont -size 20
ttk::style configure TNotebook.Tab -font TitleFont

<<categories>> Widget