ttk::style examples

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This page is intended to collect in one place various bits of knowledge gained through much trial, many errors, and some reading the [C] code of the [Tile] widget set.  The intent is to not have to repeat the trial, error, or reading in order to remember how to utilize the [ttk::style] command to style various [Ttk] [widget]s.  This initial version is quite incomplete, as it only documents those bits I've deduced so far.  This is for Tk 8.5.8.

[dzach] (2015-9-23) I changed the style to be similar to the [tklib], added a few more ''ttk::style'' configuration options for ''Treeview'' and ''Treeview.Heading'' styles, which I have confirmed working with wish8.6. The mappings for ''Treeview.Heading'' are also confirmed to work. However, I have not been able to configure the style of some of the rest of the elements that appear on this page, namely ''Treeview.Row, Treeview.Item, Treeview.Cell'' and I have marked them with a (?). Maybe someone else can confirm those too, hopefully with an example on this page, and delete this part of the note.
[bll] 2015-10-21: See also: [Changing Widget Colors] 
[MAG] 2019-08-28: See also: [ttk::style toolbar]


'''ttk::style configure Treeview.Heading''' ''?options?''

   -'''background''' ''color'':   Configures the background color of the heading
   -'''font''' ''fontSpec'':   Configures the font for the heading
   -'''foreground''' ''color'':   Configures the foreground color of the heading
   -'''padding''' ''[[list pixels ...]]'':   Additional padding to include inside the border of the heading

'''ttk::style configure Treeview''' ''?options?''

   -'''background''' ''color'':   Configures the background color of rows that contain data values
   -'''fieldbackground''' ''color'':   Configures the background color of the unused portion of a treeview widget (any area not covered by rows of data).
   -'''font''' ''fontSpec'':         Configures the font for the contents of the tree (not the heading)
   -'''foreground''' ''color'':   Configures the foreground for the contents of the tree
   -'''indent''' ''pixels'':       Adjusts the indentation amount of child elements below parent elements within the tree column.
   -'''padding''' ''[[list pixels ...]]'':   Additional padding to include inside the border of the widget body, including the heading
   -'''rowheight''' ''pixels'':    Adjusts the rowheight (spacing between rows) in the treeview, distance is in pixels.

'''ttk::style configure Treeview.Row''' ''?options?''

   -'''background''' ''color'':     Configures the background color of rows that contain data values when applied to a .Row style sub-selector. (?)

'''ttk::style configure Treeview.Item''' ''?options?''

   -'''foreground''' ''color'':   Configures  the  foreground color used to draw items in the tree column (#0) when applied to an .Item style sub-selector. (?)
   -'''padding''' ''[[list pixels ...]]'':   Additional padding to include inside the border of each tree item (column #), but not of the cells

'''ttk::style configure Treeview.Cell''' ''?options?''

   -'''foreground''' ''color'':   Configures the foreground color used to draw non-tree (-values list) columns when applied to a .Cell style sub-selector. (?)
   -'''padding''' ''[[list pixels ...]]'':   Additional padding to include inside the border of the cells (columns #1, #2, ...), but not of the tree items

'''ttk::style map Treeview.Heading''' ''?options?''

   -'''background''' ''[[list active color !active color ...]]'':   Configures the background color of the heading for various states

'''ttk::style map Treeview.Row''' ''?options?''

'''ttk::style map Treeview.Cell''' ''?options?''

'''ttk::style map Treeview.Item''' ''?options?''

   -'''background''' ''[[list active color !active color ...]]'':   Configures the background color of the elements for various states (?)


'''ttk::style configure TCheckbutton''' ''?options?''

   -'''wraplength distance''':   Configures wordwrapping of the textual label of the checkbutton.  Distance is in pixels.


'''ttk::style configure Vertical.Sash''' ''?options?''

'''ttk::style configure Horizontal.Sash''' ''?options?''

   -'''sashthickness''' ''pixels'':   Configures the thickness of the sash between the panes of the paned window. Thickness is in pixels. Note that the vertical sash is used for the '-orient horizontal' layout of the panedwindow and vice versa. Also note that the sash seems not accessible anymore if the thickness is set to 1 (this is with Tk 8.6b3 on a Mac). It would also be great, if the color of the sash could be altered, but see also the section on "Create a custom sash handle bar" on this page: [ttk::panedwindow].


'''ttk::style configure TNotebook''' ''?options?''

   -'''tabposition''' ''tabPosition'':   Configure the position of the tabs. ''tabPosition'' can be any of ''n, s, e, w'' or meaningful  combinations of them. ''nw'' is the default, ''sw'' configures the tabs at the bottom left, et.c.

<<categories>> Widget