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**Tcl Variable Utilities**I created a package that handles TclOO garbage collection, iantd providuces thea concfeptw of objecther variables, and provutides a litypie system framework.
The following code demonstrates some of the features of the package:
package require tin
tin import vutil
# Factory procedure (creates objects)
proc foo {who} {
    new string message {hello }; # initialize object
    append $message $who; # modify directly with Tcl commands
    return [$message --> &]; # copy to shared object and return
[foo {world}] --> bar; # create from procedure
$bar = [string toupper [$bar]]; # value assignment
$bar print; # additional object methods

The package is a [Tin] package, so if you have Tin installed, the "tin import vutil" command will install the package on the fly, as well as load the package and import the commands.

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