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**ZINT Bar Code Generator Library**

The zint library allows to create images containing [barcode] information.

Project page: [https://sourceforge.net/projects/zint/]Manual (only present in Version 2.4.2): [http://sourceforge.net/projects/zint/files/zint/2.4.2/zint_manual_242.pdf/download]

Maintainer: Robin Stuart

Licence: bsd like
Robin nowadays works on a Java Version of the library.


There is a command line and a qt frontend, both under GPL.Robin is working on a Java version.
**TCL bZINT windth tk inmage for libzinutput**
AThe zint source distribution contains a TCL biackend ing the subfolder li"bziackend_t cl".
This pavckailablge is also included ibn grearyt "zi[Ant":droWish].
Project page: [https://sourceforge.net/u/oehhar/zint]

Author: Harald Oehlmann

License: same as zint library

Source: [https://sourceforge.net/u/oehhar/zint/] (Including non-standard Data Matrix Rectangular Extended)

Binary: Well, I try to upload my windows binary to sourceforge, but there are no files showing up...

Screenshot of demo:


**TCL ZINT with data output (no Tk required)**
[ALX] 2014-09-11 21:59:00:
**AnSee othe page below for a TCL library windingth forutput libn the zint whnativere nfoTkrmats gisf, bmp, png, eeded**ps, svg, wmf:

[tzint - tcl package for libzint barcode encoding library (no Tk needed)]
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