Tk offers good stuff. Worked with QT, which is also great but complementary
We need more modern skins. TTK is 20 years old and no new core skins.
Remove support for monocrome displays for Tk 9
John (from Audience)
We make Android full screen apps and have developped a framework working with that. On multi-platform and multi language, there are lots of challenges: Right to Left fonts, some Asiatic fonts have much bigger height.
The scaling work is great. We would volonteer to provide code and help.
Question 2: What do you think of the new Text widget
New Text widget should be in trunk. Legacy text widget has constant performance degradation over the versions, getting worse.
For me, new text widget should replace current text widget
Re ttk themes, I use the Sun Valley ttk theme from [L1 ]. Although that page focusses on tkinter and Python, the theme is written in Tcl/Tk and easily installed into a Tcl/Tk program. Assuming the author agrees I suspect those could be dropped into Tk without much effort. There are examples at [L2 ] including . There are also two other themes linked from that page, Azure and Forest