A graph plotter, by GWM, is based on A Little graph Plotter.
To plot multiple graphs, provide more than one y value for each x value. The following example defines two graphs, with points for the first graph being {0.0 0.1} {0.333 0.327} {0.667 0.618}, and points of the second graph being {0.0 1.0} {0.333 0.944} {0.667 0.785} :
set data [list {0.0 0.0 1.0} {0.333 0.327 0.944} {0.6667 0.618 0.785}]
2006-05: corrected for missing proc.
PYK 2013-04-25: Made axis labels more readable. Moved legend to lower right. PYK 2013-04-28: Canvas automatically resizes to fit window, plot automatically resizes to fit canvas. Changed the data format: each item is now a list where the first item is x, followed by y values.
#! /bin/env tclsh package require Tk package require math proc graphscale {v vmin vmax pixels} { return [expr {$pixels*($v-$vmin)/($vmax-$vmin)}] } proc plot {res labels} { # adapted the simple graph plotter, https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/8552 upvar [set state [namespace current]::plot_[clock clicks]] plot array set plot [list busy 0 colors {ff 00 00} res $res labels $labels] set plot(newcolors) $plot(colors) set width [expr {[winfo screenwidth .] / 2}] set height [expr {[winfo screenheight .] / 2}] # canvas if [winfo exists .c] { ;# delete it. Same as clear. destroy .c } canvas .c -width $width -height $height \ -xscrollincrement 1 -bg beige pack .c -expand 1 -fill both wm title . Graph bind .c <Configure> [list draw $state] event generate .c <Configure> return $state } proc draw {plot} { upvar [namespace current]::$plot plot[unset plot] if {$plot(busy)} return set plot(busy) 0 .c addtag all all .c delete all set plot(newcolors) $plot(colors) set res [lsort -real -index 0 $plot(res)] # get range of x & y set width [winfo width .c] set height [winfo height .c] variable xmin {} xmax {} ymin {} ymax {} set nvars [expr {[llength [lindex $res 0]]-1}] foreach item $plot(res) { set y [lassign $item r] set xmin [::math::min {*}$xmin $r] set xmax [::math::max {*}$xmax $r] foreach yv $y { ;# get range of Y coordinate set ymin [::math::min {*}$ymin $yv] set ymax [::math::max {*}$ymax $yv] } } #how often tick marks set tspace [expr {($xmax-$xmin)/8.0}] ;# how often to draw grid in X set nexttic [expr {int($xmin/$tspace)*$tspace}] while {$nexttic < $width} { ;# draw grid set xpix [graphscale $nexttic $xmin $xmax $width] set nexttic [expr {$nexttic+$tspace}] .c create text [expr {$xpix-10}] 0 -anchor n -text [format %.2f $nexttic] \ -fill gray .c create line $xpix 0 $xpix $height -fill gray } #how often Ytick marks set tspace [expr {($ymax-$ymin)/8.0}] ;# how often to draw grid in X set nexttic [expr {int($ymin/$tspace)*$tspace}] while {$nexttic < $ymax} { ;# draw grid set ypix [graphscale $nexttic $ymax $ymin $height] set nexttic [expr {$nexttic+$tspace}] .c create text 20 [expr {$ypix-10}] -anchor n -text [format %.2f $nexttic] \ -fill gray .c create line 0 $ypix $width $ypix -fill gray } set lastheight $height for {set iy 0} {$iy<$nvars} {incr iy} { lassign $plot(newcolors) red green blue lappend plot(newcolors) $red set plot(newcolors) [lreplace $plot(newcolors) 0 0] #label graph set label [lindex $plot(labels) $iy] .c create text -1000 0 -anchor n -text $label \ -fill #$red$green$blue -tag $label lassign [.c bbox $label] textx1 texty1 textx2 texty2 set textwidth [expr {abs($textx2-$textx1)}] set textheight [expr {abs($texty2-$texty1)}] .c coords $label [expr {$width-$textwidth}] \ [set lastheight [expr {$lastheight-$textheight}]] set coordlist {} foreach item $res { set y [lassign $item r] set xpix [graphscale $r $xmin $xmax $width] set vv [lindex $y $iy] set v [graphscale $vv $ymax $ymin $height] lappend coordlist $xpix $v set rold $xpix set yold $v ;# vector of y values } .c create line $coordlist -fill #$red$green$blue } set plot(busy) 0 } proc examples {} { ##Exercise the graph thus: #set plot [list] #for {set i 0} {$i<20} {incr i 1} { # set plot [linsert $plot 0 [list [expr {$i/3.0}] [expr {sin($i/3.0)}]]] #} #set names Sine # Or 2 graphs (values of sin(x) and cos(x) are placed in a list of results at x): set plot [list] for {set i 0} {$i<20} {incr i} { lappend plot [list [expr {$i/3.0}] [expr {sin($i/3.0)}] \ [expr {cos($i/3.0)}]] } ##set data [list 52 97 113 33 189 17 118 22 68 163] #set data [list 40 20 180 80 100 120 140 160 60 200] #foreach item $data { # lappend plot [list [expr {$item/3.0}] [expr {sin($item/3.0)}] [expr {cos($item/3.0)}]] #} set names {Sine Cos} plot $plot $names } examples