Richard Suchenwirth 2000-12-21: This was originally part of my not-yet wikified sandbox, then isolated out into Turtleshell, but since it is a pretty self-contained thingy, here it comes by itself: a history mechanism for entry widgets, now in its own namespace.
On creating an entry, you just prepend the word(s) history::for:
Your entry will be created with all its args, and in addition you get the following key bindings:
NB: When the user adds another binding (e.g. for <Return>), he must start it with a + sign, otherwise the history binding gets lost. But I wanted to concentrate all in the history::for command, which does the creation and the bindings, so user-defined bindings come after history's. Each entry's history is kept in a separate variable history::$widgetname, so you can have more than one around.
namespace eval history { proc add? {w} { variable $w variable n$w upvar 0 $w hist set s [set ::[$w cget -textvariable]] if {$s == ""} return if [string compare $s [lindex $hist end]] { lappend hist $s set n$w [llength $hist] } } proc move {w where} { variable $w variable n$w upvar 0 $w hist incr n$w $where if {[set n$w]<0} {set n$w 0} if {[set n$w]>=[llength $hist]+1} { set n$w [llength $hist] } set ::[$w cget -textvar] [lindex $hist [set n$w]] } proc for {type name args} { switch -- $type { entry { uplevel $type $name $args bind $name <Up> {history::move %W -1} bind $name <Down> {history::move %W 1} bind $name <Next> {history::move %W 99999} bind $name <Return> {history::add? %W} variable $name {} variable n$name 0 } default {error "usage: history::for entry <w> <args>"} } } }
Test and demo code:
history::for entry .1 -textvar foo history::for entry .2 -textvar bar pack .1 .2 bind .1 <Return> {+ puts [string tolower $foo];set foo ""} bind .2 <Return> {+ puts [string toupper $bar]; set bar ""}
Also see GWM Undo and Redo undoable widgets for a general method of adding a history and undo/redo functionality to all widgets (not just entry widgets but tbuttons, menus...).