AndroWish supports a number of USB to serial converters through the usbserial command which wraps that connectivity into a Tcl channel to be operated with the usual read, puts, and fconfigure commands.
Currently these adapters are supported
Vendor ID | Product ID | Remarks |
0x10c4 | 0xea60 | CP2102 |
0x10c4 | 0xea70 | CP2105 |
0x10c4 | 0xea71 | CP2108 |
0x10c4 | 0xea80 | CP2110 |
0x067b | 0x2303 | Prolific PL2303 |
0x0403 | 0x0601 | FTDI FT232R |
0x0403 | 0x6015 | FTDI FT231X |
0x2341 | 0x0001 | Arduino UNO |
0x2341 | 0x0010 | Arduino Mega 2560 |
0x2341 | 0x003b | Arduino serial adapter |
0x2341 | 0x003f | Arduino Mega ADK |
0x2341 | 0x0042 | Arduino Mega 2560 R3 |
0x2341 | 0x0043 | Arduino UNO R3 |
0x2341 | 0x0044 | Arduino Mega ADK R3 |
0x2341 | 0x8036 | Arduino Leonardo |
0x16c0 | 0x0483 | TeensyDuino |
0x03eb | 0x2044 | ATMEL ??? |
0x1eaf | 0x0004 | Leaflabs Maple |
0x1a86 | 0x7523 | CH 34x |
0x1a86 | 0x5523 | CH 34x |
0x4348 | 0x5523 | CH 34x |
Jorge - 2016-12-10 22:21:57
when executing usbserial command, it returns an empty string, any idea why? (I had an arduino connected throuh USB-OTG adapter)
chw - 2016-12-11
please first check out if your Android device detects a normal USB to serial adapter. If that succeeds, please find out the product and vendor identifiers of your Arduino for further analysis and post a ticket on
Jorge - 2016-12-11 16:35:14
JM when using a normal usb-serial converter (based on PL-2303 XA/HXA chip), my android tablet responds with an empty string when executing usbserial command from Androwish
chw this is unfortunate. If your tablet is Android > 4.0 it should work, however one of my tablets with Android 4.2 doesn't support usbserial either, although memory sticks work. Seems, that the manufacturer left something essential of the USB stack out.
JM thanks for checking, I will later try with a different tablet, I am really curious about the potential of the android-arduino pair.