Another minimalistic XML package

wdb On base of Another minimalistic XML parser Iʼve built a tiny XML package, intended to be productive, providing these procedures:

 % set tree [xml parse $src]
 type element name rss attribute {} content { ... }
 % _

parses $src to dictionary $tree like .

 % set path [xml findElementById $tree important]
 4 0 2
 % _

returns path af child element with attribute id="important." $path is used to gain access:

 % set element [xml getElement $tree {*}$path]
 type element name p attribute {id important} content {{type pcdata content hi!}}
 % _

Simplified for text data:

 % set text [xml getText $tree {*}$path]
 % _

To find all children with name item:

 % set itemPaths [xml findElementsByName $tree item]
 {1 3} {1 4} {1 5}
 % _

Helpful when debuging:

 % xml unparse $element -pp
 <p id="important">
 % _

shows $element with proper indentation.

As mentioned above, itʼs intended for production. Iʼve built a RSS processor dealing with feeds from outer world. Badass.

# file:
# XMl -- minimalistic but working XML parser
# usage: package require XML
# xml parse $src ?-space yes|no?
# xml getElement $tree ?n1 ?n2 ...??
# xml getText $tree ?n1 ?n2 ...??
# xml findElementById $tree $id
# xml findElementsByName $tree $name
# xml unparse $tree ?-pp?

package require Tcl 8.6.1
package provide xml 0.1

namespace eval xml namespace export\

namespace eval xml namespace import ::tcl::mathop::+

proc ::xml::parse {src args} {
  set option [dict merge {
    -space no
  } {*}[lmap {a b} $args {list $a $b}]]
  # remove comments
  set src [regsub -all <!--{1,1}?.*--> $src ""]
  # encode <![CDATA[!p4608/]]>
  set cdataMap [concat {*}[lsort -unique [lmap {a b}\
    [regexp -inline -all {<!\[CDATA\[(.*?)\]\]>} $src] {
    list $a [string map {< &lt; & &amp; > &gt;} $b]
  set src [string map $cdataMap $src]
  # list of tag index pairs
  set pairs\
    [regexp -inline -indices -all {</?[[:alnum:]:-]+[^>]*/?>} $src]
  # list of tag strings
  set tagList [lmap pair $pairs {string range $src {*}$pair}]
  # indices of pcdata
  set strIdx [lrange [concat {*}$pairs] 1 end-1]
  # list of pcdata strings
  set strList {}
  foreach {i j} $strIdx {
    lappend strList [string range $src $i+1 $j-1]
  # tokens alternating: tag, pcdata, tag, ...
  set tokens {}
  foreach tag $tagList str $strList {
    lappend tokens $tag
    if {[dict get $option -space]} then {
      if {$str ne ""} then {
        lappend tokens $str
    } else {
      if {![string is space $str]} then {
        lappend tokens [string trim $str]
  # process list
  tokensVarToTree tokens

proc ::xml::tokensVarToTree _tokens {
  lassign [info level 0] recurse
  upvar $_tokens tokens
  set openPattern {<([[:alnum:]:-]+)[^>]*>}
  set emptyPattern {<([[:alnum:]:-]+)[^>]*/>}
  set closePattern {</([[:alnum:]:-]+)>}
  set dataPattern {^[^<]}
  # destructive
  set tokens [lassign $tokens token]
  if {[regexp $dataPattern $token]} then {
    # PCDATA
    dict set result type pcdata
    dict set result content $token
    return $result
  } elseif {[regexp $openPattern $token - name]} then {
    # TAG opening or empty
    dict set result type element
    dict set result name $name
    dict set result attribute {}
    dict set result content ""
    # attributes
    foreach {- key val}\
      [regexp -inline -all {([[:alnum:]]+)="([^"]*?)"} $token] {
      dict set result attribute $key $val
    foreach {- key val}\
      [regexp -inline -all {([[:alnum:]]+)='([^']*?)'} $token] {
      dict set result attribute $key $val
  if {[regexp $emptyPattern $token]} then {
    # TAG empty: done
    return $result
  while {![regexp $closePattern [lindex $tokens 0]] &&
         [llength $tokens] > 0} {
    # TAG non-empty: fill contents
    dict lappend result content [$recurse tokens]
  # remove closing TAG
  if {[regexp $closePattern [lindex $tokens 0]]} then {
    set tokens [lrange $tokens 1 end]
  set result

proc ::xml::getElement {tree args} {
  lassign [info level 0] recurse
  if {$args eq "" || 
      [dict get $tree type] eq "pcdata"} then {
    set tree
  } else {
    set args [lassign $args index]
    if {$index < [llength [dict get $tree content]]} then {
      $recurse [lindex [dict get $tree content] $index] {*}$args

proc ::xml::findElementById {tree id args} {
  lassign [info level 0] recurse
  if {[dict get $tree type] eq "element"} then {
    set i 0  
    foreach child [dict get $tree content] {
      if {[dict get $child type] eq "element" &&
          [dict exists $child attribute id] &&
          [dict get $child attribute id] eq $id} then {
        return [concat $args $i]
      set path [$recurse $child $id {*}$args $i]
      if {$path ne ""} then {
        return $path
      incr i

proc ::xml::findElementsByNameRoutine {tree name args} {
  lassign [info level 0] recurse
  if {[dict get $tree type] eq "element"} then {
    set i 0  
    foreach child [dict get $tree content] {
      if {[dict get $child type] eq "element" &&
          [dict get $child name] eq $name} then {
        yield [concat $args $i]
      $recurse $child $name {*}$args $i
      incr i

proc ::xml::findElementsByName {tree name} {
  lassign [info level 0] recurse
  set i 1
  while {[info commands c$i] ne ""} {
    incr i
  set coroutine c$i
  coroutine $coroutine apply [list  {tree name} {
      yield [info coroutine]
      findElementsByNameRoutine $tree $name
    } [namespace current]] $tree $name
  set result {}
  while true {
    set path [$coroutine]
    if {$path ne ""} then {
      lappend result $path
    } else {
      return $result

proc ::xml::unparse {tree {indent 0} args} {
  lassign [info level 0] recurse
  if {![string is digit $indent]} then {
    lappend args $indent
    set indent 0
  set result ""
  if {"-pp" in $args} then {
    if {$indent > 0} then {
      append result \n
    append result [string repeat "  " $indent]
  if {[dict get $tree type] eq "pcdata"} then {
    if {"-pp" in $args} then {
      append result [string trim [dict get $tree content]]
    } else {
      append result [dict get $tree content]
  } else {
    append result <[dict get $tree name]
    foreach {key val} [dict get $tree attribute] {
      append result " $key="
      if {[string first \u0022 $val] < 0} then {
        append result \" $val \"
      } else {
        append result ' $val '
    if {[llength [dict get $tree content]] == 0} then {
      append result " />"
    } else {
      append result >
      foreach child [dict get $tree content] {
        append result [$recurse $child [+ $indent 1] {*}$args]
      if {"-pp" in $args} then {
        append result \n[string repeat "  " $indent]
      append result </[dict get $tree name]>
  set result

proc ::xml::decode txt {
  lappend map "&lt;" < "&gt;" > "&amp;" & "&quot;" \"
  set matches [lsort -unique [regexp -inline -all {&#[0-9]+;} $txt]]
  foreach match $matches {
    regexp {([0-9]+)} $match - i
    lappend map $match [format %c [scan $i %d]]
  string map $map $txt

proc ::xml::getText {tree args} {
  set child [getElement $tree {*}$args]
  if {[dict get $child type] eq "pcdata"} then {
    decode [dict get $child content]
  } elseif {[llength [dict get $child content]] > 0} then {
    getText $child 0

namespace eval xml namespace ensemble create