Ashish patnaik

Hi ai am ashish patnaik .. a newbie to TCL .. you might be seeing a lot of questions from me than answers :-)

 # Count accesses from a series of computers to a serverset 
 fhandle [open seal_log r]
 # CL observes that the next line likely does NOT evaluate as
 # intended.  Consider what happens if the only content is the
 # single digit "0".
 while {[set line [gets $fhandle]] >0} {
        set hitlist [split $line]        
        set hostname [lindex $hitlist 0]
        if {[info exists counter($hostname)]} {
                incr counter($hostname)        
           } else {
                set counter($hostname) 1
 foreach host [lsort [array names counter]]  {        
 puts "$host accessed us $counter($host) times"