George Peter Staplin: sftp (ssh FTP) has a wonderful feature that allows for executing a script. The script below automates the procedure of uploading files from a local public_html to a network.
To make it easier you can use ssh public keys, so that you don't have to type the password repeatedly. I suggest that you generate a public key (~/.ssh/, and upload it to the server's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys, so that you don't need a password.
The authentication agent can help make it easier to manage key passwords.
$ crontab -l @reboot ssh-agent -s | grep -v echo > $HOME/.ssh-agent
Then I just type ssh-add after I have started my box, and enter the private key password.
#!/usr/bin/env tclsh8.4 proc main {argc argv} { if {$argc < 1} { puts stderr "syntax is: [info script] file" return 1 } set dir [file normalize .] set remote_dir [string range $dir [string first public_html $dir] end] puts REMOTE:$remote_dir set fd [open _script_ w] # Prefix the mkdir with - to avoid termination if it already exists. puts $fd "-mkdir -p $remote_dir" puts $fd "cd $remote_dir" foreach f $argv { puts "PUT $f" puts $fd "put $f\nls -l $f" } puts $fd quit close $fd if {[catch {exec sftp -b _script_ [email protected]} r] && $::errorCode ne "NONE"} { puts stderr ERRORCODE:$::errorCode puts stderr ERROR:$r return 1 } puts $r file delete _script_ return 0 } exit [main $::argc $::argv]
$ pwd /home/gps/archive/public_html/tmp $ pubup foo.jpg
At this point foo.jpg should be uploaded to the server's public_html/tmp.
gavino - 16aug2012
I automated sftp login and change dir and download:
1 without keys
2 SSH was turned OFF on the server, so ONLY pure SFTP connections are not dropped. My Expect attempt failed, Net::SFTP failed since it uses SSH, which was turned off: so I used perl expect in order to script monitor the sftp server's working condition.
I would love to see how tcl or tcl expect would do this without keys, and without ssh: only sftp connections get handled.
code follows:
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Expect; # Uncomment the following line if you want to see what expect is doing #$Expect::Exp_Internal = 1; # Uncomment the following line if you don't want to see any output from the script #$Expect::Log_Stdout = 0; # set your username/password here my $sftpUsername = "gerogebush" ; my $sftpPassword = "texas"; my $sftpServer = ""; my $fileToFetch1 = "file1"; my $fileToFetch2 = "file2"; my $dir1 = "IN"; my $dir2 = "OUT"; my $timeout = 1; # If sftp is not in your path replace with absolute path of sftp program my $command = 'sftp'; my $params = ("$sftpUsername\@$sftpServer"); # Create the Expect object my $exp = Expect->spawn($command, $params) or die "Cannot spawn sftp command \n"; # If this is the first time you are running this , expect will send "yes" to add the key # for the sftp server to the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file else # wait for "Password Authentication" string to show up $exp->expect($timeout, "Password Authentication", "Are you sure you want to continue connecting", sub {my $self = shift; $self->send("yes\n");} ); # Wait for Password prompt to show up #$exp->expect($timeout, "password:"); $exp->expect($timeout, "password:"); #$exp->expect($timeout, "Password:"); # Sent the sftp password $exp->send("$sftpPassword\n"); # Wait for sftp prompt $exp->expect($timeout, "sftp>"); $exp->send("cd $dir1\n"); # Wait for sftp prompt $exp->expect($timeout, "sftp>"); $exp->send("get $fileToFetch1\n"); # Wait for sftp prompt $exp->expect($timeout, "sftp>"); $exp->send("cd ../$dir2\n"); # Wait for sftp prompt $exp->expect($timeout, "sftp>"); $exp->send("get $fileToFetch2\n"); # Wait for sftp prompt $exp->expect($timeout, "sftp>"); # Close ftp session $exp->send("bye\n"); # Destroy the expect object $exp->soft_close();