COMPANY: Boeing Satellite Systems


Boeing Satellite Systems (El Segundo California) uses Tcl extensively in its Ground and Test Equipment operations. Large and complex products for both internal and external customers use Tcl as the core language, with extensions written in C/C++.

Ease of integration with existing legacy applications facilitated its initial use.

[incr tcl/tk] is the primary language extension used, and without it, continued use of Tcl for the large projects would be questionable.


Jaleh Ferdowsian
System tests include spacecraft attitude verification with TCL/TK test codes in clean room environments (ATLO) and subsystem tests include ADA SW verification, 2003
Sibren Isaacman
user interfaces in Tcl/Tk for the Common Test Executive, a general testing system for spacecraft, for Boeing Space Systems


Kennedy Space Center Technical Services
2011, a marketing brochure which includes Tcl and Tk in the list of technologies