Richard Suchenwirth 2002-11-05: SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is an application of XML to describe images in terms of elements, which often resemble Tk's [[canvas] items.
The following code attempts to dump canvas contents into a well-formed SVG string. Having neither the complete SVG spec nor a viewer at hand, it is just a first shot - no warranty, feel free to improve and edit this page!
Try [Inkscape| ].
proc canvas2svg {c} { set res "<svg xmlns=''[att width [$c cget -width]][att height [$c cget -height]]>\n" # Adjustment when scroll region is shifted lassign [concat [$c cget -scrollregion] 0 0 0 0] x0 y0 x1 y1 set dx [expr {-$x0}] set dy [expr {-$y0}] foreach item [$c find all] { set type [$c type $item] set atts "" foreach {x0 y0 x1 y1} \ [string map {".0 " " "} "[$c coords $item] "] break catch {set fill [rgb2xcolor [$c itemcget $item -fill]]} catch {set stroke [rgb2xcolor [$c itemcget $item -outline]]} catch {set width [expr round([$c itemcget $item -width])]} set pts {} foreach {x y} [$c coords $item] { lappend pts [list [expr {round($x) + $dx}] [expr {round($y) + $dy}]] } switch -- $type { line { set type polyline append atts [att points [join $pts ", "]] append atts [att stroke $fill #000000] append atts [att stroke-width $width 1] } oval { set type ellipse append atts [att cx [expr {($x0+$x1)/2}]] append atts [att cy [expr {($y0+$y1)/2}]] append atts [att rx [expr {($x1-$x0)/2}]] append atts [att ry [expr {($y1-$y0)/2}]] append atts [att fill $fill #000000][att stroke $stroke none] append atts [att stroke-width $width 1] } polygon { append atts [att points [join $pts ", "]] append atts [att fill $fill #000000][att stroke $stroke none] append atts [att stroke-width $width 1] } rectangle { set type rect append atts [att x $x0][att y $y0] append atts [att width [expr {$x1-$x0}]] append atts [att height [expr {$y1-$y0}]] append atts [att fill $fill #000000][att stroke $stroke none] append atts [att stroke-width $width 1] } text { append atts [att x $x0][att y $y0][att fill $fill #000000] set text [$c itemcget $item -text] } default {error "type $type not(yet) dumpable to SVG"} } append res " <$type$atts" if {$type=="text"} { append res ">$text</$type>\n" } else { append res " />\n" } } append res "</svg>" } proc att {name value {default -}} { if {$value != $default} {return " $name=\"$value\""} } proc rgb2xcolor rgb { if {$rgb == ""} {return none} foreach {r g b} [winfo rgb . $rgb] break format #%02x%02x%02x [expr {$r/256}] [expr {$g/256}] [expr {$b/256}] } # Test code: if {[file tail [info script]] == [file tail $argv0]} { catch {console show} ;# for Win and Mac pack [canvas .c] .c create rect 10 10 90 90 -fill red -outline yellow -width 2 .c create oval 110 10 190 90 -fill blue .c create poly 175 37 190 80 235 80 190 107 212 150 175 125 \ 138 150 152 107 115 80 160 80 -fill yellow .c create line 50 50 150 50 .c create text 100 100 -text Hello -font {Helvetica 18} foreach item [.c find all] { puts $item:[.c type $item],[.c itemconfig $item]\n } puts [canvas2svg .c] bind . <Escape> {exec wish $argv0 &; exit} }
This is what comes out of the test:
<svg width="377" height="264"> <rect x="10" y="10" width="80" height="80" fill="#ff0000" stroke="#ffff00" stroke-width="2" /> <ellipse cx="150" cy="50" rx="40" ry="40" fill="#0000ff" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" /> <polygon points="175 37, 190 80, 235 80, 190 107, 212 150, 175 125, 138 150, 152 107, 115 80, 160 80" fill="#ffff00" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" /> <polyline points="50 50, 150 50" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" /> <text x="100" y="100" fill="#000000">Hello</text> </svg>
For a more elaborate dumper see
VI 2007-09-11: Just using that in an svg file causes Firefox to display say - No style information. And it displays the xml source rather than the graphic. The minimum I required to add was an xmlns parameter to the svg tag, like this (only first line is below).
<svg xmlns="" width="377" height="264">
KPV 2019-10-07: added fix to handle when scroll region is shifted plus added VI's xmlns fix into the code.