ABU 23-07-2020
Some variations of the classic checkbutton widget.
The following code is based on a set of small PNG images. Here is a link to a zip containing two basic images and other variations
Define a new ttk style ...
# --------------------------------------- # Creating a Checkbutton variant .... # --------------------------------------- set imageDir ..... image create photo toggle.off -file [file join $imageDir toggle20off.png] image create photo toggle.green -file [file join $imageDir toggle20green.png] # A new image element ; the 'active' image is green ttk::style element create Checkbutton.Toggle.Green image { toggle.off selected toggle.green } # define a new style using the Green checkbutton ttk::style layout TCheckbutton.Toggle.Green { Checkbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children { Checkbutton.Toggle.Green -side left -sticky {} Checkbutton.label -sticky nswe } }
ttk::checkbutton .chkbox1 -text " some text" -style TCheckbutton.Toggle.Green