Colors in Unix Shells

Using colors when printing text to a console can be quite helpful for a program's users and, under Unix-like operating systems, it is natively supported by almost any shell.

The following code shows the ccolor namespace containing several variables with common color codes and a procedure for parsing text containing tags.

On the bottom of the page you can find examples on how to use it.

According to the valuable insights by RLE (thanks!), I've made improvements to the code and replaced it below:

# ########################################################################### #
# Description:
#  This script contains console color codes defined in variables of a
#  namespace named 'ccolor'.
#  Additionally, it contains a procedure which replaces certain tags in a 
#  text with their corresponding color codes, making the resulting string 
#  suitable for dumping to a console supporting colors.
#  As a reference, the following table lists the escape codes used and their 
#  corresponding effect on the text (note: the '\e' sequence represents 
#  the '0x1b' hexadecimal number:
#  |-------------------|--------------------|------------------|
#  |Effects            |Foreground Colors   |Background Colors |
#  |-------------------|--------------------|------------------|
#  |bold       : \e[1m |black      : \e[30m |black   : \e[40m  |
#  |-------------------|--------------------|------------------|
#  |dim        : \e[2m |red        : \e[31m |red     : \e[41m  |
#  |-------------------|--------------------|------------------|
#  |underlined : \e[4m |green      : \e[32m |green   : \e[42m  |
#  |-------------------|--------------------|------------------|
#  |blink      : \e[5m |yellow     : \e[33m |yellow  : \e[43m  |
#  |-------------------|--------------------|------------------|
#  |reverse    : \e[7m |blue       : \e[34m |blue    : \e[44m  |
#  |-------------------|--------------------|------------------|
#  |invisible  : \e[8m |magenta    : \e[35m |magenta : \e[45m  |
#  |-------------------|--------------------|------------------|
#  |                   |cyan       : \e[36m |cyan    : \e[46m  |
#  |-------------------|--------------------|------------------|
#  |                   |white      : \e[37m |white   : \e[47m  |
#  |-------------------|--------------------|------------------|
#  |                   |default    : \e[39m |default : \e[49m  |
#  |-------------------|--------------------|------------------|
#  To reset the color codes:
#  - reset      : \e[0
# Examples:
#  puts [ccolor::replace "<b>Blue on a <by>yellow background</>."]
#  puts [ccolor::replace "<u><gb>Underline</> and <v><r>reverse</>."]
# ########################################################################### #
namespace eval ccolor {
  # To be used when the console has no color support #
  variable empty ""
  # The color reset code #
  variable reset   [binary format a4 \x1b\x5b\x30\x6d]
  # Helpful control characters #
  variable backspace [binary format a1 \x08]
  variable home      [binary format a1 \x0d]
  # Foreground #
  variable bold       [binary format a4 \x1b\x5b\x31\x6d]
  variable dim        [binary format a4 \x1b\x5b\x32\x6d]
  variable underlined [binary format a4 \x1b\x5b\x34\x6d]
  variable blink      [binary format a4 \x1b\x5b\x35\x6d]
  variable reverse    [binary format a4 \x1b\x5b\x37\x6d]
  variable invisible  [binary format a4 \x1b\x5b\x39\x6d]
  # Foreground colors #
  variable black   [binary format a5 \x1b\x5b\x33\x30\x6d]
  variable red     [binary format a5 \x1b\x5b\x33\x31\x6d]
  variable green   [binary format a5 \x1b\x5b\x33\x32\x6d]
  variable yellow  [binary format a5 \x1b\x5b\x33\x33\x6d]
  variable blue    [binary format a5 \x1b\x5b\x33\x34\x6d]
  variable magenta [binary format a5 \x1b\x5b\x33\x35\x6d]
  variable cyan    [binary format a5 \x1b\x5b\x33\x36\x6d]
  variable white   [binary format a5 \x1b\x5b\x33\x37\x6d]
  variable def     [binary format a5 \x1b\x5b\x33\x39\x6d]
  # Background colors #
  variable bblack   [binary format a5 \x1b\x5b\x34\x30\x6d]
  variable bred     [binary format a5 \x1b\x5b\x34\x31\x6d]
  variable bgreen   [binary format a5 \x1b\x5b\x34\x32\x6d]
  variable byellow  [binary format a5 \x1b\x5b\x34\x33\x6d]
  variable bblue    [binary format a5 \x1b\x5b\x34\x34\x6d]
  variable bmagenta [binary format a5 \x1b\x5b\x34\x35\x6d]
  variable bcyan    [binary format a5 \x1b\x5b\x34\x36\x6d]
  variable bwhite   [binary format a5 \x1b\x5b\x34\x37\x6d]
  variable bdef     [binary format a5 \x1b\x5b\x34\x39\x6d]
  # Variables for tags replacement and escaping #
  variable replacements
  variable escapes

  # ########################################################################### #
  # Description:
  #  This procedure checks if the console seems to have color support by 
  #  checking the 'tput' program.
  #  Additionally, it will set the 'escapes' and 'replacements' namespace 
  #  variables for later use by the 'ccolor::replace' procedure.
  # Parameters:
  #  None.
  # Returns:
  #  true : The console supports colors.
  #  flase : The console does not support colors.
  # ########################################################################### #
  proc initialize {} {
    variable replacements
    variable escapes

    # Make sure the namespace variables are reset in case this procedure is called more than once #
    set replacements [list]; set escapes [list];
    # If the 'tput' program does not exist or the shell does not seem to support colors #
    if {![file exists "/usr/bin/tput"] || [catch {exec /usr/bin/tput setaf 1}]} {
      # The tag letters will all be replaced by an empty string #
      set tagLettersAndVars {"e"  empty "s"  empty "u"  empty "f"  empty \
                             "v"  empty "i"  empty "k"  empty "r"  empty \
                             "g"  empty "y"  empty "b"  empty "m"  empty \
                             "c"  empty "w"  empty "d"  empty "kb" empty \
                             "rb" empty "gb" empty "yb" empty "bb" empty \
                             "mb" empty "cb" empty "wb" empty "db" empty \
                             "/"  empty "bs" empty "cr" empty}
      # Un-set the flag which indicates the console supports colors #
      set isColorSupported "false"
    # If colors are supported #
    } else {
      # The tag letters will be replaced by the values in the corresponding namespace variables #
      set tagLettersAndVars {"e"  bold      "s" dim       "u"  underlined "f"  blink   \
                             "v"  reverse  "i"  invisible "k"  black      "r"  red     \
                             "g"  green    "y"  yellow    "b"  blue       "m"  magenta \
                             "c"  cyan     "w"  white     "d"  def        "kb" bblack  \
                             "rb" bred     "gb" bgreen    "yb" byellow    "bb" bblue   \
                             "mb" bmagenta "cb" bcyan     "wb" bwhite     "db" bdef    \
                             "/"  reset    "bs" backspace "cr" home}
      # Set the flag which indicates the console supports colors #
      set isColorSupported "true"
    # Go through each pair of <tag variable> values #
    foreach {tagLetters colorVar} $tagLettersAndVars {
      # Create a local variable linked to the namespace one #
      variable $colorVar
      # Append the escape pair to the list to be used when replacing escaped tags #
      lappend escapes "<<$tagLetters>" "<$tagLetters>"
      # Append the tag pair to the list to be used replacing tags by their codes #
      lappend replacements "<$tagLetters>" [set $colorVar]
    # Return the flag indicating whether the console supports colors or not #
    return $isColorSupported

  # ########################################################################### #
  # Description:
  #  This procedure will parse the given input text and will replace all tags 
  #  with the corresponding color code. The tags are:
  #    |---------------------|------------------|--------------------------|
  #    |Effects              |Foreground Colors |Background Colors         |
  #    |---------------------|------------------|--------------------------|
  #    |<e> : bold (Emphasis)|<k> : black       |<kb> : black background   |
  #    |---------------------|------------------|--------------------------|
  #    |<u> : underlined     |<r> : red         |<rb> : red background     |
  #    |---------------------|------------------|--------------------------|
  #    |<s> : dim (Shadow)   |<g> : green       |<gb> : green background   |
  #    |---------------------|------------------|--------------------------|
  #    |<f> : blink (Flash)  |<y> : yellow      |<yb> : yellow background  |
  #    |---------------------|------------------|--------------------------|
  #    |<v> : reVerse        |<b> : blue        |<bb> : blue background    |
  #    |---------------------|------------------|--------------------------|
  #    |<i> : invisible      |<m> : magenta     |<mb> : magenta background |
  #    |---------------------|------------------|--------------------------|
  #    |                     |<c> : cyan        |<cb> : cyan background    |
  #    |---------------------|------------------|--------------------------|
  #    |                     |<w> : white       |<wb> : white background   |
  #    |---------------------|------------------|--------------------------|
  #    |                     |<d> : default     |<db> : default background |
  #    |---------------------|------------------|--------------------------|
  #  To reset text printing to its normal behavior, use:
  #   </> : reset
  #  If you want to keep one of these tags unchanged in your text, please 
  #  escape them by pre-pending an additional '<' character. For example:
  #   "The <<r> tag sets the text color to <r>red</>"
  #   "The <</> tag resets printed text to its normal behavior."
  #  Additional helpful control tags:
  #   <bs> : backspace
  #   <cr> : carriage return
  #  Examples of legal tagged text:
  #   "This text is <r>red</> and this one is <e><g>bold green</>."
  #   "<b>Blue on a <yb>yellow background</>."
  # ########################################################################### #
  proc replace {taggedText} {
    variable replacements
    variable escapes

    # Make sure the escaped tags do not get replaced #
    regsub -all -- "<<" $taggedText "<< " taggedText
    # Replace the tags by their color codes #
    set taggedText [string map $replacements $taggedText]
    # Re-establish the escaped tags #
    regsub -all -- "<< " $taggedText "<<" taggedText
    # Un-escape them and return the resulting text #
    return [string map $escapes $taggedText]

  # Call the initialization procedure #

Here's a short example on how to use it (assuming the code has been saved in a file named ccolor.tcl):

tclsh8.5 [~]source ccolor.tcl
tclsh8.5 [~]append tagged_text "The following is a list of categories (<e>not automatically updated, so there could be some missing</>) with short descriptions:\n"
tclsh8.5 [~]append tagged_text " * <b><u>Category Category</> - the meta category - covers the list of all categories.\n"
tclsh8.5 [~]append tagged_text " * <b><u>Category Uncategorized</> - the \"<d>anti-category</>\" - put on a page as a reminder that it hasn't really been categorized yet.\n"
tclsh8.5 [~]append tagged_text " * <b><u>Category 3D Graphics</> - pages relating to <g><v>3D graphical</> display of information\n"
tclsh8.5 [~]append tagged_text " * <b><u>Category Broken Links</> - used in connection with the <i>Broken Link Report\n"
tclsh8.5 [~]puts [ccolor::replace $tagged_text]

Or, if you want to use the namespace variables directly in a text string:

tclsh8.5 [~]puts " * ${ccolor::blue}Category AI${ccolor::reset} - pages relating to Artificial Intelligence"
tclsh8.5 [~]puts " * ${ccolor::blue}Category Critcl${ccolor::reset} - discussion of the Tcl runtime compile extension ${ccolor::bgreen}critcl${ccolor::reset}"

RLE (2012-11-09): Is there a reason you chose to use a slew of sequential regsub calls in your replace proc instead of building up a string map list and using string map to perform the replacements of the <?> tags with the appropriate color escape values?

rui (2012-11-13): I've made it that way only to make it simple to see the operations the code was making. However, I find your solution more elegant and made the changes accordingly in the code above.

I.e. (this is only for four colors, I didn't want to copy and edit everything here):

  set replacements [ list <<e> <e>    <<d> <d>    <<u> <u>    <<f> <f>
                          <e> $ccolor::bold       <d> $ccolor::dim
                          <u> $ccolor::underlined <f> $ccolor::blink ]

  set replaced_text [ string map $replacements $taggedText ]

Note that the first replacements in the list (<<e> <e> ...) must remain ahead of the color replacements, because they handle your escaping mechanism.

One call to string map, with one pass over the string will be significantly faster than 54 individual regsubs which each have to traverse the string in full each time to make each single replacement.

The replacements list could be built up with a foreach loop to save typing as well (this assumes at least Tcl 8.5):

  foreach {echar colorvar} {e bold    d dim   u underlined   f blink} {
    lappend replacements <<$echar> <$echar>
    lappend list2 <$echar> [ set ccolor::$colorvar ]
  lappend replacements {*}$list2

If you run the foreach in the namespace initialization code, and store the results in a namespace variable, then the foreach only needs to execute once, when the namespace is loaded.

Also, the way you are accessing the namespace "ccolor" variables has a dependency upon the implicit manner in which Tcl resolves namespace paths. As long as your namespace is only ever loaded into the root namespace (::) everything will work. But if your namespace is ever loaded inside another namespace (so the path becomes anotherNamespace::ccolor::bold) the variable look-up will fail.

rui (2012-11-13): Thanks for the hint - I've corrected the code so it now uses the variable command.