Michael A. Cleverly - The other day someone on OpenACS.org asked [L1 ] for a Tcl proc that would convert a base-62 number into a base-10 integer. I replied with a version I'd written. Here is a slightly expanded one. convert_number employs some Salt and Sugar which I quite like.
(One caveat is that base_n_to_decimal will either return an incorrect answer or generate an error for really large numbers that are > than 2147483647.)
proc base_characters {base_n} { set base [list 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M \ N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p \ q r s t u v w x y z] if {$base_n < 2 || $base_n > 62} { error "Invalid base \"$base_n\" (should be an integer between 2 and 62)" } return [lrange $base 0 [expr $base_n - 1]] } proc base_n_to_decimal {number base_n} { set base [base_characters $base_n] # trim white space in case [format] is used set number [string trim $number] # bases 11 through 36 can be treated in a case-insensitive fashion if {$base_n <= 36} { set number [string toupper $number] } set decimal 0 set power [string length $number] foreach char [split $number ""] { incr power -1 set dec_val [lsearch $base $char] if {$dec_val == -1} { error "$number is not a valid base $base_n number" } set decimal [expr $decimal + $dec_val * int(pow($base_n,$power))] } return $decimal } proc decimal_to_base_n {number base_n} { set base [base_characters $base_n] # trim white space in case [format] is used set number [string trim $number] if {![string is integer $number] || $number < 0} { error "$number is not a base-10 integer between 0 and 2147483647" } while 1 { set quotient [expr $number / $base_n] set remainder [expr $number % $base_n] lappend remainders $remainder set number $quotient if {$quotient == 0} { break } } set base_n [list] for {set i [expr [llength $remainders] - 1]} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} { lappend base_n [lindex $base [lindex $remainders $i]] } return [join $base_n ""] } proc convert_number {number "from" "base" base_from "to" "base" base_to} { return [decimal_to_base_n [base_n_to_decimal $number $base_from] $base_to] }
Bryan Steimel - same thing as above for the most part, just what I managed to put together .. hopefully its helpful to someone. usage is hopefully self explanatory .. [to_base <num> <base>] and vice versa
variable base_chars "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" proc to_base {number base} { variable base_chars if {$number==0} { return 0 } elseif {(($base>62) || ($base<2))} { return -code error "base: expected integer between 2 and 62, got '$base'" } set nums [string range $base_chars 0 [expr $base - 1]] set result "" while {$number > 0} { set result "[string index $nums [expr $number % $base]]${result}" set number [expr int($number / $base)] } set result } proc from_base {number base} { variable base_chars if {(($base>62) || ($base<2))} { return -code error "base: expected integer between 2 and 62, got '$base'" } set nums [string range $base_chars 0 [expr $base - 1]] for { set result 0 set i 0 set len [string length $number] } {$i<$len} { incr i } { incr i set result [expr $result * $base] set result [expr $result + [string first [string index $number $i] $nums]] } set result }
LV I'm searching for a technique of transforming strings. The transformation is to take a string like "Abc" and transforming it into an ASCII string of base 2, and then code to do the reverse - to transform "0110000101101001" and so forth into a string of alphabetic (or whatever) characters. However, I don't know how clear that description is... Anyways, I'm trying to figure out exactly how to do this - do I need to use the above code along with binary, format and scan to accomplish what I'm aiming for?
FrankBannon - 2011-11-09 22:29:51
LV: you have helped me so many times I feel compelled to return the favor. One quick method to convert text to binary and back might be:
# text to binary proc text_to_bin str { foreach s [split $str ""] { set dec [scan $s %c] set bin [decimal_to_base_n $dec 2] append output [format "%08s " $bin] ;# pad to 8 bits } return $output } # binary to text proc bin_to_text str { foreach s $str { append output [format "%c" [scan $s %b]] } return $output } set binary [text_to_bin Tickle] 01010100 01101001 01100011 01101011 01101100 01100101 bin_to_text $binary Tickle