
Dandelion has been renamed Shrike

Dandelion is a small easily embeddable server, more capable than the very light servers (multiple simultaneous connections, multiple sites on different ports, can handle HEAD requests correctly, etc.), but much smaller and simpler than Wub or Tclhttpd

FGP 2017-09-15: I am the author and this went nowhere because I have not been using TCL. I am taking an interest in it again, and I even have a possible use for it, and will upload it to a public repo (probably Github) once I think of a better name for it (suggestions very welcome). I would be very interested in hearing from anyone who has used it, or who has suggestions for improvements/changes.

lordmundi (2011-08-24): Found a few more bugs and also made some enhancements in addition to the one below. Fixed issue with text files switching encoding to dos formatted on the client, problem with the filter_req for redirects, added cache headers along with default argument to allow the user to specify the cache-control header if desired, and added some error checking. New version of the file is attached below:

lordmundi (2017-06-29): Trying to get dandelion working in Tcl 8.6 led to discovery of a bug when checking to see if a socket was blocked. Best way to work around it was to just check to see how many bytes were read first before checking for if a socket is blocked. Rather than post another complete file, I'm going to replace the complete tcl file posted below back in 2011 with the complete new version in 2017 since I think that is what most people will want.

#=Dandelion webserver
#Light weight webserver, using non-blocking sockets. It has just enough functionality to handle GET, POST and HEAD requests.

# FG ++ Tcl 8.6 compatibility (06/29/17)
# FG ++ Minor upgrades and bug fixes (08/24/11)

#GPL licensed. See end of file for copyright notice.

#Request is parsed, checked and passed to handler. The simple static_handler and simple_handler are provided as an example. simple_handler is more intersting, as it shows various information, but reveals more about your server than you probably want exposed on the net.

#The handler mostly receives the same as CGI variables in $headers dict. A major exception is that REQUEST_URI has had query string and fragment removed and been url decoded. Some other things are missing. Please see the output of simple_handler to see what is there.

#The handler should include a "Connection: Close" header as keep alive is not supported. This is done by try_file and the example handler, and looking up the beginning of the response in ::dandelion::first_line is sufficient to ensure this.

#*Serves static and dynamic pages.
#*Can handle multiple simultaneous clients
#*Can run multiple servers on different ports in a single process.
#* Not well tested, although should be acceptable for non-critical sites.
#* Limited testing of performance, which is not expected to be sufficient for busy sites.
#* Implements only a subset of HTTP/1.1. Important omissions below:
#* No keep alive (and therefore no pipelining as well.This is allowed by the standard as long as Connection: Close is sent with each response. 
#*Absolut URLs in requests are not accepted.
#*Chunked requests are not accepted.
#* 100 Continue not sent (may be implemented by handler)
#* If-Modified-Since and If-Unmodified-Since preconditions are ignored for static files. (may be implemented by handler)
# For a site that where reliability really matters, or that has high traffic, this is probably not the right solution.

#=To do
#* Handle absolute requests
#* SSL (tls extension)
#* Improve deny response detail and formatting, and add custom error messages.
#* Test static_handler example and add redirects for directories without "/"
#* Content size and date headers for static files.
#* Host header and absolute request uri.
#*Consider implmenting more responses: 100, 504,....
#*Put more info into headers dict: DOCUMENT_ROOT, REMOTE_ADDR etc.
#*Error logging to file, console or none
#*Add more filters
#*Timeout connections that take too long. [after {close $socket) and undo all [chan configure] should do it, but how to deal with removing the event when the socket closes?.
#*Implement keep-alive. Needs new API with socket closed only by server, not app, and content length header is sent.
#*Pipelining. Should work once keep-alive is implemented.
#*More request types: TRACE and OPTIONS.


#Call ::dandelion::init with name value list of configs, then enter Tcl event loop. If-Modified-Since:  or If-Unmodified-Since: headersSee default configs below for more explanation.

#::dandelion::init port 8080 limit 10000 doc_root ~/mypics
#vwait forever

#This will start a server on port 8080 with a request size limit of 10,000 bytes, and serve the contents of the mypics directory in your home directory

#::dandelion::init doc_root ~/public_html
#::dandelion::init doc_root /var/www handler simple_handler port 8081 static_fail 0
#vwait forever

#This will start one server on the default port (8080) to serve the contents of public_html in your home directory.

#It will start another on port 8081 that will serve files from /var/ww, or show the details of a failed request.


#===Socket filter
#Pass ::dandelion::init a filter_sock setting list of lambdas to run, each of which receives the socket handle as the arg.. IP is easilly pulled from the socket handle with [chan configure $sock -peername]. If the lambda returns 1, the response will be terminated (it may be necessary to call [deny] or similar to return some data.
#===Header filter
#For re-directs. List of lambdas in filter_req is iterated over. Each gets a dict of headers and a dict of settings as args, and returns a list of a dict of headers and a dict of settings [list $headers $settings].
#This is the place to do redirects etc.

#work around tcl bug # 2116053
namespace eval tcl::mathfunc namespace export min max

package provide dandelion 1.0
namespace import ::tcl::mathop::*
namespace import ::tcl::mathfunc::*

namespace eval dandelion {

#=Initialise namespace variables

#NB Check whether changes in error codes need to be made to wsinter as well.
#Dict of http error codes
#Check what is actually needed!
variable errors [dict create \
        100 Continue \
        200 OK \
        204 {No Content} \
        400 {Bad Request} \
        404 {Not Found} \
        405 {Method Not Allowed} \
        411 {Length Required} \
        413 {Request Entity Too Large} \
        500 {Internal Server Error} \
        501 {Not Implemented} \
        503 {Service Unavailable} \
        504 {Service Temporarily Unavailable}]

#Dict of actual first lines or response
variable first_line [dict create]
dict for {k v} $errors {
        dict set first_line $k "HTTP/1.1 $k [dict get $errors $k]\nConnection: Close"

#Just to avoid overwriting global
variable f
#Get mime types
variable mime [dict create {*}[read [set f [open [file join [file dirname [info script]] mime.txt] r]]] ]

#Dict of ports in use
#If a port is in use by an http server then the port number will be a key and the value will be a dict {sock server-socket root document-root ......}
variable ports [dict create]
#==Default config
#*default: default file to server for directories
#*limit: request size limit in bytes (must be raised for post to be practical)
#* addr: IP address to bind to: 0 for all
#* check_dir: check if requested remains in doc_root (i.e. do not follow symlinks to directories). NB does follow symlinks to files)
#* doc_root: root directory of site
#* port: port on which to open server
#* handler: proc to pass parsed request to. See default for example.
#* static: try serving a static file first (only if the file extension has a mime type).
#* static_fail: what to do if static file cannot be found. 1 to return 404, 0 to fall back to handler
variable config [dict create \
        limit 1024 \
        addr 0 \
        check_dir 0 \
        doc_root [file join ~ public_html] \
        port 8080 \
        handler static_handler \
        static 1 \
        static_fail 1 \
        filter_sock {} \
        filter_req {}]

#Just for pattern matching
variable pattern_sp [subst -nocommands -novariables {[ \t]*}]


#Start http server
#Calling init on the same port again will close server socket and open new one.
#$args should be name value list to override defaults.
proc init {args} {
        variable ports
        variable config
        #$args overrides config. {*}$config {*}$args does not work.
        set settings [dict create {*}[concat $config $args]]
        dict with settings {
                set doc_root [file normalize $doc_root]
                if {[dict exists $ports $port]} {stop $port}
                set opts [list -server ::dandelion::respond]
                if {$addr != 0} {lappend opts -myaddr $addr}
                lappend opts $port
        dict set settings server_sock [socket {*}$opts]
        #puts "server on [dict get $settings port]"
        dict set ports $port $settings

#Stop server, remove info from dict.
proc stop {port} {
        variable ports
        close [dict get [dict get $ports $port] server_sock]
        dict unset ports $port

#Respond to request: Configure socket and call [get_initial] to start reading in data.
#args: socket, client address, client port.
proc respond {sock caddr cport} {
        variable ports
        #Get the server port and use it to get the setting from the dict. Very neat behaviour on the part of [chan configure]/[fconfigure] as we do not need the original file handle.
        set settings [dict get $ports [lindex [chan configure $sock -sockname] 2]]
        chan configure $sock -blocking 0 -buffersize [min [dict get $settings limit] 1000000]
        #filter by socket data: ip is easilly pulled from the scoket name with [chan configure $sock -peername]. A true return value from the lambda expression called will terminate the response.
        foreach i [dict get $settings filter_sock] {
                if {[apply $i $sock]} {return}
        chan event $sock readable [list ::dandelion::get_initial $sock $settings {}]

#Get the initial line of the requests.
proc get_initial {sock settings {line {}}} {
        #Check request size against limit.
        if {([chan pending input $sock]+[string bytelength $line])>[dict get $settings limit]} {
                deny $sock 413 $settings
        #Try to get the line.
        append line [gets $sock]
        #If we got a partial line, complete when more is available.
        if {[chan blocked $sock]} {
                chan event $sock [list ::dandelion::get_initial $sock $settings $line]
        set size [string bytelength $line]
        set line [split [string trim $line]]
        #Should only be three elements in the inital line.
        if {[llength $line] > 3} {
                deny $sock 400 $settings
        #Reject request for files if request uri is absolute. This should be extended to proper http 1.1 support.
        set uri [lindex $line 1]
        if {[string index $uri 0] ne {/}} {
                deny $sock 400 $settings
        #Strip fragment.
        if {[string first # $uri] != -1} {
                set uri [string range $uri 0 [string first # $uri]]
        #Separate query string.
        lassign [split $uri ?] path query
        if {[string first {./} $uri] != -1} {
                deny $sock 404 $settings
        chan event $sock readable [list ::dandelion::get_headers $sock $size [dict create REQUEST_METHOD [lindex $line 0] REQUEST_URI $uri SCRIPT_NAME [decode $path] QUERY_STRING $query SERVER_PROTOCOL [lindex $line 2]] $settings {}]

# FG ++ A helper procedure to read from a socket but also check for an error
proc get_sock_line { sock line } {
        upvar $line line_out
    if { [catch { set num_bytes [gets $sock line_out]}] } {
        #puts "Error reading socket.  Closing."
        return -1
    return $num_bytes

#Get headers a line at a time. Once complete either pass to try_file or handler, or read body.
#Args: socket bytes-data-read dict-of-headers settings partial-line-if-any
proc get_headers {sock size headers settings {partial {}}} {
        variable pattern_sp
        #If what is in the buffer, and what has already been processed, exceeds the limit, send back a 413
        if {([chan pending input $sock] + $size) > [dict get $settings limit]} {
                deny $sock 413 $settings
        while {[get_sock_line $sock line] >= 0} {
                #Deal with partial line: Store data in event handler. Increase size by data read from buffer
                #Increase size by data read from buffer. Add two bytes for discarded cr-lf newline.
                set size [+ $size [string bytelength $line] 2]
                if { "$partial$line" eq {}} {
                        #headers done, adjust to match CGI, then get body (if any!)
                        foreach i [list CONTENT_TYPE CONTENT_LENGTH] {
                                if [dict exists $headers HTTP_$i] {
                                        dict set headers $i [dict get  $headers HTTP_$i]
                        foreach i [dict get $settings filter_req] {
                                lassign [apply $i $headers $settings] headers settings
                                if {[dict size $settings] == 0} {return}
                        #If the request is a GET or HEAD, respond immediately. If a POST get the body. If none of these, reply not implemented.
                        switch [dict get $headers REQUEST_METHOD] {
                                GET -
                                DELETE -
                                HEAD {
                                        if {[dict get $settings static] && [try_file $sock $headers $settings]} {return}
                                        [dict get $settings handler] $sock $headers $settings {}
                                PUT -
                                POST {
                                        #check length within limit
                                        if {[dict exists $headers CONTENT_LENGTH]} {
                                                if {([dict get $headers CONTENT_LENGTH] + $size)  > [dict get $settings limit]} {
                                                        deny $sock 413 $settings
                                        } else {
                                                #insist on content length for post
                                                deny $sock 411 $settings
                                        #Change encoding to match content type
                                        if {[dict exists $headers CONTENT_TYPE]} {
                                                if {[string match multipart/* [dict get $headers CONTENT_TYPE]]} {
                                                        chan configure $sock -encoding binary -translation binary
                                        ::dandelion::get_body $sock $size $headers $settings {}
                                default {
                                        deny $sock 501 $settings
                #Check for continuation line. Inefficient but not common case
                if {[string match $pattern_sp $line]} {
                        dict append headers [lindex [dict keys $headers] end] " $line"
                #Increase size by data read from buffer. 2 bytes for discarded cr-lf newline.
                set size [+ $size [string bytelength $partial$line] 2]
                #Parse header, add to dict. dashes to underscores like CGI, combine multiple values. Combine multiple values.
                set index [string first : $line]
                set key HTTP_[string map {- _} [string toupper [string trim [string range $line 0 [- $index 1]]]]]
                if {[dict exists $headers $key]} {
                        dict append headers $key ,[string trim [string range $line [+ $index 1] end]]
                } else {
                        dict set headers $key [string trim [string range $line [+ $index 1] end]]
        if {[chan blocked $sock]} {
                chan event $sock readable [list ::dandelion::get_headers $sock [+ $size [string bytelength $partial]] $headers $settings $partial$line]
        #if it is not blocking and headers have not finished and there is nothing to read, something is wrong with the request
    #puts "Something is wrong.  headers dict is:"
    #puts "$headers"
        #deny $sock 400 $settings
        catch { close $sock }

#Read request body, try to serve static file, if that fails adjust headers and pass to handler.
#Args: socket, size read so far, dict of headers, server settings.
proc get_body {sock size headers settings {body {}}} {
        if {([chan pending input $sock] + $size + [string bytelength $body]) > [dict get $settings limit]} {
                deny $sock 413 $settings
        set data [read $sock]
        if {[string bytelength $data] == 0 && [chan blocked $sock]} {
                chan event $sock readable [list ::dandelion::get_body $sock $size $headers $settings $body]
        } else {
                append body $data
        #nothing left to read, so try returning file, if cannot adjust headers to CGI var names and pass to handler
        if {[chan configure $sock -encoding] eq {binary}} {
                set blength [string length $body]
        } else {
                set blength [string bytelength $body]
        if {[dict exists $headers CONTENT_LENGTH] && ($blength < [dict get $headers CONTENT_LENGTH])} {
                chan event $sock readable [list ::dandelion::get_body $sock $size $headers $settings $body]
        [dict get $settings handler] $sock $headers $settings $body

#Try to return a file. If file exists, return file and close socket. If file does not exist, then pass to handler to respond dynamically. returns 1 if it responds, 0 otherwise.
proc try_file {sock headers settings} {
        #get mime type. If it does not have a mime type do not serve and go to handler
        variable mime
        set ext [file extension [dict get $headers SCRIPT_NAME]]
        if {[dict exists $mime $ext]} {
                set mime_type [dict get $mime $ext]
        } else {
                return 0
        #normalised request path
        set path [file normalize [file join [dict get $settings doc_root] [string trimleft [dict get $headers SCRIPT_NAME] /]]]
        #ensure within doc_root
        if {[dict get $settings check_dir] && (![string equal [string range $path 0 [- [string length [dict get $settings doc_root]] 1]] [dict get $settings doc_root]])} {
                deny $sock 404 $settings
                #return 1 to say response sent
                return 1
        #open file, if error, return 0 so handler is used. Return 404 or fallback to handler depending on settings.
        if {[catch {file stat $path attribs}]} {
                if {[dict get $settings static_fail]} {
                        deny $sock 404 $settings
                        return 1
                } else {
                        #add back looking for default file for directory here. Check if directory and call directory handler?
                        return 0
        switch [dict get $headers REQUEST_METHOD] {
                GET {
                        send_head $sock $mime_type
                        set fd [open $path r]
                        # FG ++
                        # Don't check for mime_type - just always return files exactly as they exist on the server
                        #if {![string match text/* $mime_type]} {
                                chan configure $sock -encoding binary -translation binary
                                chan configure $fd -encoding binary -translation binary
                        chan copy $fd $sock -command [list ::dandelion::file_done $fd $sock]
                HEAD {
                        #just send the header
                        send_head $sock $mime_type
                        close $sock
                default {
                        deny $sock 405 $settings
                        close $sock
        return 1

#send headers for a file sent by try_file
#connection close is required to make it clear keep alive and pipelining are not supported.
proc send_head {sock mime {cache_control "public, max-age=31536000"}} {
        upvar attribs attribs
        variable first_line
        puts $sock [dict get $first_line 200]
        puts $sock "Content-Type: $mime"
        puts $sock [clock format [clock seconds] -format {Date: %a, %d %b %Y %T GMT} -timezone :UTC]
        puts $sock [clock format $attribs(mtime) -format {Last-Modified: %a, %d %b %Y %T GMT} -timezone :UTC]
        puts $sock "Cache-Control: $cache_control"
        puts $sock "Content-Length: $attribs(size)\n"

#Helper proc to allow try_file to close channels after file is done.
#Needs extending with error handler?
proc file_done {fd sock bytes {error {}}} {
        close $fd
        close $sock

#This decodes data in www-url-encoded format. It is a bit ugly to include it, but doing so removes the only external dependency.
proc decode {str} {
    # rewrite "+" back to space
    # protect \ from quoting another '\'
    set str [string map [list + { } "\\" "\\\\"] $str]

    # convert %HH to \uxxx, process the escapes, and convert from utf-8
    return [encoding convertfrom utf-8 [subst -novar -nocommand [regsub -all -- {%([A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9])} $str {\\u00\1}]]]

#Refuse access for whatever reason: e.g. large request that might be DOS
#args: sock: socket, code: http response code, settings: server settings.
proc deny {sock code settings} {
        #expand to be able to return custom error page from file
        variable first_line
        variable errors
        puts $sock [dict get $first_line $code]
        puts $sock "Content-Type: text/html\n"
        set msg [dict get $errors $code]
        puts $sock "<html><head><title>$msg</title></head></html><h1>$msg</h1>"
        close $sock 

#=Examples and tests

#Just serve static files, provided as a safe default.
####needs testing
proc static_handler {sock headers settings body} {
        dict set headers SCRIPT_NAME [file join [dict get $headers SCRIPT_NAME] index.html]
        if {[try_file $sock $headers $settings]} {return}
        deny $sock 404 $settings

#Simple example of how a handler works.
proc simple_handler {sock headers settings body} {
        variable first_line
        puts $sock [dict get $first_line 404]\n
        puts $sock {<html><head><title>Show request</title></head><body><h1>Headers</h1><table>}
        dict for {name value} $headers {
                puts $sock "<tr><td>$name</td><td>$value</td></tr>"
        puts $sock {</table><h1>Settings</h1><table>}
        dict for {name value} $settings {
                puts $sock "<tr><td>$name</td><td>$value</td></tr>"
        puts $sock {</table><h1>Body</h1><table>}
        puts $sock $body
        puts $sock {</body></html>}
        catch { close $sock }

#End namespace

#Copyright Graeme Pietersz 2008
#This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>

lordmundi (2011-04-05): Seems to be a good mix of features and simplicity. I noticed the comments were closed on the author's page so figured i would document an issue here. After unzipping the package, I noticed the ::stop command wasn't working, giving a key value problem on the dict command. I changed my stop procedure to the following in dandelion.tcl:

#Stop server, remove info from dict.
proc stop {port} {
    variable ports
    close [dict get [dict get $ports $port] server_sock]
    dict unset ports $port