Google AJAX search API

jdc 23-jan-2008 This example shows how to use the Google AJAX search API from Tcl. You will need a Google AJAX Search API Key which you can get here .

set api_key "<your google ajax api here>"
set query $argv

package require http
package require json

set url ""
append url [::http::formatQuery callback GwebSearch.RawCompletion context 0 lstkp 0 rsz large hl en sig $api_key q $query key  internal v 1.0 nocache 7]

set t [http::geturl $url]

if { [http::ncode $t] == 200 } {
    set d [http::data $t]
    set idx 0
    while { $idx >= 0 } {
	set idx [string first {GsearchResultClass} $d $idx]
	if { $idx >= 0 } { 
	    set jd [json::json2dict [string range $d [expr {$idx-2}] end]]
	    puts "[dict get $jd url] [dict get $jd titleNoFormatting]"
	    incr idx 5
} else {
    puts "Error=[http::error $t]"
    puts "Status=[http::status $t]"
    puts "Code=[http::code $t]"
    puts "Ncode=[http::ncode $t]"
    puts "Data=[http::data $t]"

http::cleanup $t

Example searching this site for tcltest:

% tclsh test.tcl tcltest site:: tcltest How to write tcltest result values tcltest customMatch Your first tcltests How to mimic event generation without TK examples needed Tcl and LISP Toplevel widgets in a tree hierarchy: the test suite

See also json

jdc 24-jan-2008 The following piece of html contains some javascript to use the Google AJAX API to query this wiki. Again you have to provide a Google AJAX Search API Key (put it where there now is ##########). At most 32 search results can be obtained with this API.

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">

      google.load("search", "1");

      function App(query) {
        this.siteSearch = new GwebSearch();
	this.siteSearch.setUserDefinedLabel("Tcler's wiki");
     	this.siteSearch.setSearchCompleteCallback(this, App.prototype.OnSearchComplete);
	document.getElementById("searchresult").innerHTML = "<ul>";
	document.getElementById("searchresult").innerHTML += "</ul>";
	document.getElementById("searchresult").innerHTML += "<form action=''>";
        document.getElementById("searchresult").innerHTML += "<input type='test' id='q' name='q' size='20' value='" + query + " site:'/>";
        document.getElementById("searchresult").innerHTML += "<input type='submit' value='All matches on Google' />";
        document.getElementById("searchresult").innerHTML += "</form>";

      App.prototype.OnSearchComplete = function() {
        if (this.siteSearch.results && this.siteSearch.results.length > 0) {
	  for (var i = 0; i < this.siteSearch.results.length; i++) {
            var result = this.siteSearch.results[i];
            if (result.GsearchResultClass == GwebSearch.RESULT_CLASS) {
 	      document.getElementById("searchresult").innerHTML += "<li><a href='" + result.url + "'>" + result.title + "</a><p>" + result.content + "</p></li>";
	  var cursor = this.siteSearch.cursor;
	  if (cursor && cursor.currentPageIndex < cursor.pages.length - 1) {
	    this.siteSearch.gotoPage(cursor.currentPageIndex + 1);

      function googleQuery() {
        var app = new App(document.getElementById("searchstring").value);
	return false;

    <form action="" method="get" onSubmit="return googleQuery();">
    <input id="searchstring" size="20" />
    <input type="button" value="Click Here" onClick="googleQuery();" />
    <div id="searchresult"></div>