How does Tcl work in the cloud?

The titular question is ill-posed, but understandable. [Explain much more.]

DKF has made many pertinent observations based on his own cloud work:

  • "... it's really about rethinking applications for the internet and not just applications, but also business processes"
  • "... t's difficult to get right but the big drivers are the fact that it's becoming untenable to build machine rooms for everyone; that's just horribly inefficient"
  • "... the location of things matters, but it did before anyway even if people didn't know it"
  • "grid computing is focussed very much on scientific computing with an HPC flavor; cloud computing is more about renting out services"
  • "cloud computing is primarily not a technical change, but rather a business change, which is why most techies find it awkward ... the heart of cloud computing is not about tech"
  • "it's a way of sticking virtual machines and services together"
  • "the important thing about the cloud is that it doesn't try to make the distributedness invisible"
  • "'porting to the cloud' means adapting the app so that the fact that some or all of it runs remotely is not a problem"
  • "... think in terms of 'virtual machines for hire'"

Similarly, Steve Landers mentions that, "if we engineered an in-house solution to cope with the peaks we'd have a lot of kit sitting around unused most of the time."

DKF: Also note that there is no "compiler for the cloud"; it's about how to put pieces of applications on servers on the internet, with added virtualization and fine-grained accounting; you use standard compilers.

Fabricio Rocha - 12 Mar 2010 - I have been thinking about this subject these days. My knowledge about cloud computing is minimal, and so I think of it as something that can be done in multiple ways. What exactly is cloud computing? At first, it looks like having very lightweight applications in a desktop, netbook or mobile device (a basic OS and a browser) able to connect to application servers which do the heavy computing. So it looks like Tcl/Tk is very adequate to the task at a server side, thanks to its channels, http support, etc. At the client side I see a problem with the apparent abandon of the Tcl/Tk plugin. Or maybe we need something new, based in HTML5...

See also: