This is the second version of this script, it provides for more information and is more generic than what was posted on this page earlier. At the bottom is the only "interface" that you should know of, a procedure called mac.
This version does its best to perform output from the commands that are called and would not be in English. It also segragates interfaces that are no "real" interfaces (virtual network cards, bluetooth, etc.).
A properly packaged version of this code can be found as part of another project on bitbucket
proc mac.section { iface_ptn ipv4_ptn allow deny section } { if { [llength $section] > 0 } { set mac_ptn {([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][\-:]){5}[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]} set mac "" set ip4 "" set iface "" set lno 0 foreach s $section { if { $lno == 0 } { if { [regexp $iface_ptn $s - i] } { set iface $i } } if { [regexp $mac_ptn $s m] } { set mac $m } if { $ipv4_ptn ne "" && [regexp -nocase -- $ipv4_ptn $s - - i] } { set ip4 $i } if { ($ip4 ne "" || $ipv4_ptn eq "" ) \ && $mac ne "" && $iface ne "" } { foreach ptn $allow { if { [regexp $ptn $iface] } { set denied 0 foreach ptn $deny { if { [regexp $ptn $iface] } { set denied 1 break } } if { ! $denied } { return $mac } } } } incr lno } } return "" } proc mac.gather { cmd iface_ptn ipv4_ptn allow deny } { set macs {} set section {} if { [catch {eval [linsert $cmd 0 exec]} res] == 0 } { foreach l [split $res "\n\r"] { if { [string trim $l] ne "" } { if { ![string is space [string index $l 0]] } { set mac [mac.section $iface_ptn $ipv4_ptn $allow $deny $section] if { $mac ne "" } { lappend macs $mac } set section {} lappend section $l } else { lappend section [string trim $l] } } } set mac [mac.section $iface_ptn $ipv4_ptn $allow $deny $section] if { $mac ne "" } { lappend macs $mac } } return $macs } proc mac { { type "bound" } } { global tcl_platform switch -nocase -glob -- $type { "bound" { if { $tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows" } { return [mac.gather \ [concat [auto_execok ipconfig] /all] \ {(.*?):$} \ {.*ip.*?:\s*((\d{1,3}.){3}\d{1,3})} \ {{[Ee]thernet.*} {[Ww]ireless.*}} \ {}] } else { return [mac.gather \ [concat [auto_execok ifconfig] -a] \ {^(\w+\d+)} \ {^(inet\s+addr:|inet\s+)((\d{1,3}.){3}\d{1,3})} \ {{eth\d+} {wlan\d+} {en\d+}} \ {}] } } "eth*" { if { $tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows" } { return [mac.gather \ [concat [auto_execok ipconfig] /all] \ {(.*?):$} \ "" \ {{[Ee]thernet.*}} \ {{[Bb]luetooth}}] } else { return [mac.gather \ [concat [auto_execok ifconfig] -a] \ {^(\w+\d+)} \ "" \ {{eth\d+} {en\d+}} \ {}] } } "wire*" - "wifi" { if { $tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows" } { return [mac.gather \ [concat [auto_execok ipconfig] /all] \ {(.*?):$} \ "" \ {{[Ww]ireless.*}} \ {}] } else { return [mac.gather \ [concat [auto_execok ifconfig] -a] \ {^(\w+\d+)} \ "" \ {{wlan\d+} {en\d+}} \ {}] } } } } puts "[mac]" puts "[mac ethernet]"