(zdia 10/2011)
The conditions of this feasibility study were
Create an Android project with something like:
$ android create project \ --package tcl.lang \ --activity JTcl \ --target 1 \ --path ~/Projekte/jtcl
To get info about your existing existing targets:
$ android list targets Available Android targets: id: 1 or "android-8" Name: Android 2.2 Type: Platform API level: 8 Revision: 3 Skins: WVGA854, WVGA800 (default), QVGA, HVGA, WQVGA432, WQVGA400
We add an folder assets/ and put as folder src/ the folder jtcl-2.0.0/src/main/java/tcl/lang of Jtcl into our development directory. We have still to put the jtcl-2.0.0/src/main/resources/tcl/lang/library/init.tcl file into the assets/ folder. JTcl will need it for initialization. Finally your tree hierarchy should look similar to the following:
|-- AndroidManifest.xml |-- android | |-- bin | | |-- classes | | |-- classes.dex | | `-- jtcl.ap_ | `-- jtcl.jar |-- assets | `-- init.tcl |-- bin |-- build |-- build.xml |-- development.txt |-- jtcl.properties |-- libs |-- proguard.cfg |-- res | |-- drawable-hdpi | | `-- icon.png | |-- drawable-ldpi | | `-- icon.png | |-- drawable-mdpi | | `-- icon.png | |-- layout | | `-- main.xml | `-- values | `-- strings.xml `-- src `-- tcl `-- lang
The file jtcl.properties will define our local Android environment:
$ cat jtcl.properties sdk-folder=~/Projekte/jtcl android-tools=~/Programme/android-sdk-linux_x86/tools android-platform=~/Programme/android-sdk-linux_x86/platforms/android-8 android-platform-tools=~/Programme/android-sdk-linux_x86/platform-tools
The file Interpr.java in src/tcl/lang/ has to be modified to load the init.tcl from our assets/ directory:
// evalResource("/tcl/lang/library/init.tcl"); evalResource("assets/init.tcl");
Then all is ready for ant which will be fed by the following build.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- Inspirations taken from the build.xml found in David Weltons "Hecl for Android": http://www.hecl.org/ --> <project name="JTcl for Android" default="help"> <!-- ====================================================================== --> <!-- Build environment properties --> <!-- ====================================================================== --> <property name="outdir" value="android/bin" /> <property file="jtcl.properties" /> <property name="android.build" value="android/bin/classes"/> <property name="android-jar" value="${android-platform}/android.jar" /> <property name="dx" value="${android-platform-tools}/dx" /> <property name="dex-file" value="classes.dex" /> <property name="intermediate-dex" value="${outdir}/${dex-file}" /> <property name="aapt" value="${android-platform-tools}/aapt" /> <property name="resource-dir" value="res" /> <property name="asset-dir" value="assets" /> <property name="srcdir" value="src" /> <property name="resources-package" value="${outdir}/jtcl.ap_" /> <!-- ====================================================================== --> <!-- Help target --> <!-- ====================================================================== --> <target name="help"> <echo message="Possible targets: compile jar dex aapt"/> </target> <!-- ====================================================================== --> <!-- Dirs target --> <!-- ====================================================================== --> <target name="dirs"> <echo>Creating output directories if needed...</echo> <mkdir dir="${outdir}"/> <mkdir dir="${android.build}"/> </target> <!-- ====================================================================== --> <!-- Compilation target --> <!-- ====================================================================== --> <target name="compile" description="Compile the code" depends= "dirs"> <echo>bootclasspath: ${android-jar}</echo> <javac destdir="${android.build}" srcdir="src/tcl/lang" source="1.5" bootclasspath="${android-jar}" > </javac> </target> <!-- ====================================================================== --> <!-- Jar package target --> <!-- ====================================================================== --> <target name="jtcl-jar" depends="compile"> <echo> Building android/jtlc.jar from dir: ${android.build} ...</echo> <jar destfile="android/jtcl.jar" basedir="${android.build}"> <manifest> <attribute name="Main-Class" value="tcl.lang.Shell"/> </manifest> </jar> </target> <!-- ====================================================================== --> <!-- Dex target --> <!-- ====================================================================== --> <target name="dex" depends="jtcl-jar"> <echo>Converting compiled files and external libraries into ${outdir}/${dex-file}...</echo> <apply executable="${dx}" failonerror="true" parallel="true"> <arg value="-JXmx512m" /> <arg value="--dex" /> <arg value="--output=${intermediate-dex}" /> <arg path="android/jtcl.jar" /> <fileset dir="${android-platform-tools}/lib" includes="*.jar"/> </apply> </target> <!-- ====================================================================== --> <!-- aapt target --> <!-- ====================================================================== --> <!-- Put the project's resources into the output package file. We will use the folder assets to store init.tcl. An Android app has only access to the application folders, no chance to create a folder: /tcl/lang/library/ --> <target name="aapt" depends="dex"> <echo>Packaging resources and assets...</echo> <exec executable="${aapt}" failonerror="true"> <arg value="package" /> <arg value="-f" /> <arg value="-M" /> <arg value="AndroidManifest.xml" /> <arg value="-S" /> <arg value="${resource-dir}" /> <arg value="-A" /> <arg value="${asset-dir}" /> <arg value="-I" /> <arg value="${android-jar}" /> <arg value="-F" /> <arg value="${resources-package}" /> </exec> </target> <!-- ====================================================================== --> <!-- Cleaning up target --> <!-- ====================================================================== --> <target name="clean" description="Clean the output directory"> <echo>Deleting dir: ${android.build}</echo> <delete dir="${outdir}"/> </target> </project>
In the directory /android/bin we will find now the executable file classes.dex and a file jtcl.ap_ with the resources compiled in, so we still have to add the executable to our jtcl.ap_:
aapt add jtcl.ap_ classes.dex
The above mentioned assets/init.tcl still has to be modified. For the moment we have no tcllib files in our assets folder so we comment out autoloading of tcllib packages:
# set dir resource:/tcl/pkg/tcllib/library # source $dir/pkgIndex.tcl puts "Note: No tcllib package available"
Now jtcl.ap_ is ready for a test:
We push jtcl.ap_ to Android assumed the folder /data/local/bin has been already created by use of adb shell:
$ adb push jtcl.ap_ /data/local/bin
After connection to a running Android device with adb shell you call JTcl with its entrypoint tcl.lang.Shell:
# dalvikvm -Xbootclasspath:/system/framework/core.jar -classpath /data/local/bin/jtcl.ap_ tcl.lang.Shell
That's it. Sure, you can use this call inside a "Terminal emulator" Android application.
The next steps will be: