Download the Package Client Toolset installation script for Linux and macOS
View documentation for version 1 of the Package Client Toolset
Also known as the "Package Downloader Client".
Part of the Package Client Toolset .
The Package Downloads Client is not typically invoked directly; instead, it is (optionally) used by the scripts fetched from the Package Repository Server in order to download package files in a secure and orderly manner.
The overall workflow is that the Package Repository Server returns a signed script block that will be responsible for (eventually) providing the requested package. Generally, this will involve use of the "helper" procedures provided by the Package Downloads Client; however, this is not a requirement, i.e. the signed script block returned by the Package Repository Server is free to provide the package (or not) in whatever way it wants.
Here is an example of this usage:
apply [list [list] { set fileNames [list] lappend fileNames [file join tcllib1.15 aes aes.tcl] lappend fileNames [file join tcllib1.15 aes pkgIndex.tcl] set options [list \ -persistent false -usePgp true -useAutoPath true] package require Eagle.Package.Downloader ::PackageDownloader::resetCookieAndLoginSimple ::PackageDownloader::downloadFiles tcl 8.4 "" $fileNames $options ::PackageDownloader::logoutAndResetCookie }]
An important thing to remember is that all downloaded package metadata and files have their signature(s) checked before being used.
This project is sponsored by Eyrie Solutions.