Playing Strong/Weak References

With incr Tcl and TclOO, objects must be destroyed manually. If possible, I'd like objects to be cleaned up automatically, for example when a variable holding an object reference goes out of scope at the end of a procedure, or when a variable holding an object reference is set to say "", etc. I also want strong/weak references, to simplify management of objects in certain circumstances.

I've been experimenting with a very simple OO system (owc - objects without classes) to see if I could achieve this, and what I've done so far looks like it works.

Below are three examples, and further down the page are my sources - a Tcl script that implements owc, and some C code that provides support for strong/weak references.

For more on strong/weak references, see Garbage Collection and Strong/Weak References.

Example 1

This example is a variation on Playing with TclOO.

proc ::account::account {{ownerName undisclosed}} {
    set this [ocreate {deposit withdraw transfer} cleanup {
        variables total overdrawLimit owner
    oset $this total 0 overdrawLimit 10 owner $ownerName
    return $this

proc ::account::deposit {amount} {
    ocontext total
    set total [expr {$total + $amount}]

proc ::account::withdraw {amount} {
    ocontext total overdrawLimit owner
    if {($amount - $total) > $overdrawLimit} {
        error "Can't overdraw - total: $total, limit: $overdrawLimit"
    set total [expr {$total - $amount}]

proc ::account::transfer {amount targetAccount} {
    ocontext total 
    withdraw $amount
    ocmd $targetAccount deposit $amount
    return $total

proc ::account::cleanup {} {
    ocontext total
    if {$total} {
        puts "remaining $total will be given to charity"

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

set a [::account::account "John Doe"]
ocmd $a deposit 200
ocmd $a withdraw 15
puts "a = [oget $a total]"
set b [::account::account]
ocmd $a transfer 65 $b
puts "a = [oget $a total], b = [oget $b total]"
puts "Objects: [occurrent]"
set a ""
puts "Objects: [occurrent]"
set b ""
puts "Objects: [occurrent]"

occurrent returns counts of objects by namespace. The output of this script is:

a = 185
a = 120, b = 65
Objects: ::account 2
remaining 120 will be given to charity
Objects: ::account 1
remaining 65 will be given to charity

As can be seen, setting variables that hold object references to "" result in the objects being cleaned.

Example 2

An object will only be cleaned up once all strong references to that object have been lost. In example 1, each object reference was held by only one variable, so only one variable needed to lose its reference for each object to be cleaned. This second example shows a good example of circular references which can stop objects being cleaned. Example 3 shows how this problem is fixed using weak references. These two examples are based on examples here .

proc person {name} {
    set this [ocreate {} person_clean {
        variables name apartment
    oimport $this name
    return $this

proc person_clean {} {
    ocontext name
    puts "$name is being deinitialized"

proc apartment {number} {
    set this [ocreate {} apartment_clean {
        variables number tenant
    oimport $this number
    return $this

proc apartment_clean {} {
    ocontext number 
    puts "$number is being deinitialized"

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

set john [person "John Tcler"]
set number42 [apartment 42]
oset $john apartment $number42
oset $number42 tenant $john

puts "Objects: [occurrent]"
set john ""
set number42 ""
puts "Objects: [occurrent]"

The output of this script is:

Objects: :: 2
Objects: :: 2

Here, although the john and number42 variables are set to "", the second puts is still showing two objects. This is because the person and apartment objects are referring to each other.

Example 3

For example 2 to work, the bottom part of that script needs to be replaced with:

set john [person "John Tcler"]
set number42 [apartment 42]
oset $john apartment [weak $number42]
oset $number42 tenant [weak $john]

puts "Objects: [occurrent]"
set john ""
set number42 ""
puts "Objects: [occurrent]"

This time each object gets a weak reference through the weak command. So they still have a reference to each other's object enabling them to access state, but weak references do not affect object lifetime.

The output of this example is:

Objects: :: 2
John Tcler is being deinitialized
42 is being deinitialized


This is the script that provides the owc functionality:

# owc.tcl
# Objects without classes.

namespace eval ::owc {
    variable idCount 0
    variable objCounts [dict create]
    namespace export ocreate ocontext oget oset ocmd oassign oimport oexists \
            occurrent weak

# create object context with object command and optional clean command,
# returning object namespace
proc ::owc::ocreate {args} {
    variable idCount
    variable objCounts
    set cleanup ""
    if {[llength $args] == 2} {
        lassign $args cmds codeBlock
    } elseif {[llength $args] == 3} {
        lassign $args cmds cleanup codeBlock
    } else {
        error "ocreate args should be: commands ?clean-up? code-block"
    set ns [uplevel {namespace current}]
    if {$ns eq "::"} {
        set objNs ::owc_obj#$idCount
        set cmdPrefix ::
    } else {
        set objNs ${ns}::owc_obj#$idCount
        set cmdPrefix ${ns}::
    incr idCount
    dict incr objCounts $ns
    namespace eval $objNs $codeBlock
    set body [format {
        set this %s
        if {$cmd ni {%s}} {
            error "unknown command '$cmd'"
        %s$cmd {*}$args
    } $objNs $cmds $cmdPrefix]
    proc ${objNs}::owc_obj_cmd {cmd args} $body 
    if {$cleanup ne ""} {
        set body [format {
            set this %s
            %s::%s %s
        } $objNs $ns [lindex $cleanup 0] [lrange $cleanup 1 end]]
        proc ${objNs}::owc_obj_clean_cmd {} $body 
    return [swr::strong $objNs]

# procedure context command
proc ::owc::ocontext {args} {
    uplevel upvar this this
    if {[llength $args] != 0} {
        foreach arg $args {
            lappend vars $arg $arg
        uplevel [format {namespace upvar $this %s} $vars]

# returns values from object
proc ::owc::oget {ref args} {
    if {![oexists $ref]} {
        error "object '$ref' doesn't exist"
    set rv [list]
    foreach arg $args {
        lappend rv [set ${ref}::$arg]
    return $rv

# sets object variables
proc ::owc::oset {ref args} {
    if {![oexists $ref]} {
        error "object '$ref' doesn't exist"
    foreach {var val} $args {
        set ${ref}::$var $val

# runs object command
proc ::owc::ocmd {ref cmd args} {
    if {![oexists $ref]} {
        error "object '$ref' doesn't exist"
    uplevel [list ${ref}::owc_obj_cmd $cmd {*}$args]

# sets variables from object variables of the same name
proc ::owc::oassign {ref args} {
    if {![oexists $ref]} {
        error "object '$ref' doesn't exist"
    foreach var $args {
        set val [set ${ref}::$var]
        uplevel [list set $var $val]

# sets object variables from variables of the same name
proc ::owc::oimport {ref args} {
    if {![oexists $ref]} {
        error "object '$ref' doesn't exist"
    foreach var $args {
        set val [uplevel [list set $var]]
        set ${ref}::$var $val

# returns true if ref object exists
proc ::owc::oexists {ref} {
    return [namespace exists [weak $ref]]

# returns weak version of ref
proc ::owc::weak {ref} {
    set wr [swr::weak $ref]
    return $wr

# cleans pending objects and returns current object counts by namespace
proc ::owc::occurrent {} {
    variable objCounts
    return $objCounts

# clean pending objects
proc ::owc::clean {} {
    variable objCounts
    while {1} {
        set pending [swr::pending]
        if {[llength $pending] == 0} {
        foreach ns $pending {
            if {[llength [info procs ${ns}::owc_obj_clean_cmd]] != 0} {
            set nsParent [namespace parent $ns]
            namespace delete $ns
            dict incr objCounts $nsParent -1
            if {[dict get $objCounts $nsParent] == 0} {
                dict unset objCounts $nsParent

And this is the code that provides strong/weak references.

// swr.c
// Strong/weak references for owc.

#include "tcl.h"

static Tcl_HashTable pendingTable;
static Tcl_ObjType swrType;

// frees strong reference, saving object namespace to pending table
static void swrFreeIntRepProc(Tcl_Obj *ref) {
    Tcl_HashEntry *e = Tcl_FindHashEntry(&pendingTable,
    Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(NULL, Tcl_GetHashValue(e),
            (Tcl_Obj *) ref->internalRep.twoPtrValue.ptr2);
    Tcl_DecrRefCount((Tcl_Obj *) ref->internalRep.twoPtrValue.ptr2);
    ref->internalRep.twoPtrValue.ptr1 = NULL;
    ref->internalRep.twoPtrValue.ptr2 = NULL;

// don't allow strong references to be duplicated
static void swrDupIntRepProc(Tcl_Obj *src, Tcl_Obj *dup) {
    dup->internalRep.twoPtrValue.ptr1 = NULL;
    dup->internalRep.twoPtrValue.ptr2 = NULL;

// returns a strong reference for a object
static int strong(ClientData ClientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, 
        Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]) {
    if (objc != 2) {
        Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, objv, "object-reference");
        return TCL_ERROR;
    Tcl_Obj *ref = objv[1];
    if (ref->bytes == NULL || ref->typePtr != NULL) {
        Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
                "error creating reference", -1));
        return TCL_ERROR;
    Tcl_Obj *rv = Tcl_DuplicateObj(ref);
    rv->typePtr = &swrType; 
    rv->internalRep.twoPtrValue.ptr1 = interp;
    rv->internalRep.twoPtrValue.ptr2 = Tcl_NewStringObj(ref->bytes, -1);
    Tcl_IncrRefCount((Tcl_Obj *) rv->internalRep.twoPtrValue.ptr2);
    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, rv);
    return TCL_OK;

// returns duplicate reference, with stong references converted to weak
static int weak(ClientData ClientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, 
        Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]) {
    if (objc != 2) {
        Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, objv, "object-reference");
        return TCL_ERROR;
    Tcl_Obj *rv = Tcl_DuplicateObj(objv[1]);
    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, rv);
    return TCL_OK;

// returns pending list for interp and starts a new one
static int pending(ClientData ClientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, 
        Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]) {
    if (objc != 1) {
        Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, objv, NULL);
        return TCL_ERROR;
    Tcl_HashEntry *e = Tcl_FindHashEntry(&pendingTable, interp);
    Tcl_Obj *pendingList = Tcl_GetHashValue(e);
    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, pendingList);
    pendingList = Tcl_NewListObj(0, NULL);
    Tcl_SetHashValue(e, pendingList);
    return TCL_OK;

// extension init function
int Swr_Init(Tcl_Interp *interp) {
    if (Tcl_InitStubs(interp, "8.6", 0) == NULL)
        return TCL_ERROR;
    int rv;
    Tcl_InitHashTable(&pendingTable, TCL_ONE_WORD_KEYS);
    Tcl_HashEntry *e = Tcl_CreateHashEntry(&pendingTable, interp, &rv);
    Tcl_Obj *pendingList = Tcl_NewListObj(0, NULL);
    Tcl_SetHashValue(e, pendingList);
    swrType = (Tcl_ObjType) {"swr", swrFreeIntRepProc, swrDupIntRepProc, NULL,
    Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, "owc::swr::strong", strong, (ClientData) NULL, 
            (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *) NULL);
    Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, "owc::swr::weak", weak, (ClientData) NULL, 
            (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *) NULL);
    Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, "owc::swr::pending", pending,
            (ClientData) NULL, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *) NULL);
    return TCL_OK;

APN Doesn't the implementation of swrDupIntRepProc break Tcl semantics as

set a $b

no longer works for these Tcl_Objs.

pdt 'set a $b' will work as expected.

As Tcl uses copy-on-write for Tcl_Objs, if variable b contains a strong reference, after 'set a $b', variable a now has the same Tcl_Obj for a value as variable b. You could now do 'set b ""', and the object wouldn't be cleaned up, because there is still a reference in variable a due to 'set a $b'. If a and b were the only two variables to hold the strong reference, 'set a ""' would then cause the object to be cleaned.

Note that the swr code doesn't do any reference counting itself, instead it just makes use of the reference counting in the Tcl_Obj to determine when an object is finished with.

APN OK, sorry brain cramp. Of course set a $b does not call Tcl_DuplicateObj, it only incrs the ref count. So the only time Tcl_DuplicateObj gets called is when the Tcl_Obj is going to be modified, in which case the dup'ed Tcl_Obj is not going to the same as the source object and hence should not be a strong reference. Seems to make sense.

Other Details

  • When an object is no longer needed, the object isn't deleted straight away, but added to a pending list. This is because swrFreeIntRepProc cannot return OK/error status, and running an object destructor proc, for example, could throw an error. Objects on the pending list are deleted later (see below).
  • owc is modelled after Tcl dicts and is used in a similar way. There are 10 owc commands. oset/oget/ocreate are after dict set/get/create. oassign is after lassign. oimport is the complement of oassign. ocontext turns a normal proc into a proc that can access object variables. ocmd is used to run an object proc. oexists is used to check that an object exists. occurrent returns current objects by namespace. weak returns a weak reference for a strong reference.
  • All owc commands check to see if there are any pending objects for deletion, and if yes, will delete them before the owc command does anything else. If an owc command could result in more objects on the pending list, the pending list is checked again and any objects are deleted before the owc command returns.
  • To force cleaning, use occurrent and ignore the return value if it's not needed.
  • Object procs can be in a namespace as in the first example above, but don't need to be, as in example 2.
  • ocreate accepts two or three arguments: object-procs-list ?clean-up? code-block. object-procs-list are the procedures that are used with the object. Clean-up specifies a proc to call for cleanup, including any args for the proc. code-block is executed in the object namespace.