pmarin. ReadChar is an implementation of the classic getc and putbak functions.
For more info see the page 255 of Software Tools by Kernighan and Plauger.
The code is part of Muddy Scheme
package require TclOO package require struct::stack oo::class create ReadChar { constructor {{chan stdin}} { my variable ch my variable buf set ch $chan set buf [struct::stack] } method getc {} { my variable ch my variable buf if {[$buf size]} { return [$buf pop] } else { if {![eof $ch]} { return [read $ch 1] } else { return "eof" } } } method eof {} { my variable ch my variable buf if { ![$buf size] && [eof $ch] } { return 1 } else { return 0 } } method peek {} { my variable ch my variable buf if {[$buf size]} { return [$buf peek] } else { if {![eof $ch]} { set c [read $ch 1] $buf push $c return $c } else { return "eof" } } } method putbak str { my variable buf if { [string length $str] > 0 } { if { [string length $str] == 1 } { $buf push $str } else { foreach i [split [string reverse $str] {}] { $buf push $i } } } } destructor { my variable ch my variable buf $buf destroy close $ch } }
It is rare that It is not already implemented in the core libraries... Am I missing something?
DCP: Never ever needed to read or write a single char in Tcl in the last 10-15 years!
pmarin: Even the C Standard Library comes with getc and ungetc (stdio.h)!
LVwikignome - 2010-01-20 12:54:00
So, what would an example of using the above code look like? Is it a true getc, in that the application using the above code will get a single character at a time, without a newline needing to be typed?
(2010-1-20) pmarin. It is like getc and ungetc functions in C. Tcl I/O can't return characters to the buffer, or not? :
# An implementation of cat # cat.tcl ReadChar create rchar ; # by default use stdin while { ![rchar eof] } { puts -nonewline [rchar getc] }
Another example:
> ReadChar create rchar ::rchar > rchar putbak "hello wolrd" > puts [rchar peek] h > puts [rchar getc] h > puts [rchar getc] e > puts "[rchar getc][rchar getc][rchar getc]" llo > rchar destroy > set a [rchar getc] 123 1 > 23
I am using this class in the reader of Muddy Scheme
LVwikignome - 2010-01-20 14:27:55
so ReadChar getc returns 1 character. However, the character is only provided to ReadChar after the user has typed text in and hit return.
If you want a single character, to process as it is typed, you will first need to put the keyboard into raw mode.