Retrieving movie information from IMDB

MJ - The following application allows you to get some basic information about a movie from IMDB. It can probably be improved upon and is fragile, but it's a start. When searching you can open a browser to the IMDB page (only on windows)

 package require http
 package require tdom
 package require tk

 bind all <Key-Return> {imdb $::query}

 proc imdb {input} {
     set ua "Lynx/2.8.5rel.1 libwww-FM/2.14 SSL-MM/1.4.1 OpenSSL/0.9.7e"
         http::config -useragent $ua

 # don't manually build query strings http can do it better
         set query [http::formatQuery btnI "I'm Feeling Lucky" q " $input"]
         set http [http::geturl$query]

 # get HTTP header info
         upvar 0 $http arr
         array set meta $arr(meta)

 # redirection url
         set url $meta(Location)
         set ::url $url configure -state normal
 # cleanup
         http::cleanup $http

         set http [http::geturl $url]
         set html [http::data $http]
         http::cleanup $http

         set doc [dom parse -html $html]
         set ::title [[$doc selectNodes {/html/head/title[1]}] asText]
         set outline [$doc selectNodes {string(//div[h5="Plot Summary:"]/text())}]
         if {$outline eq {}} {
             set outline [$doc selectNodes {string(//div[h5="Plot Outline:"]/text())}]
         set outline [string trim $outline]
         .s delete 1.0 end
         .s insert 1.0 $outline
         set ::rating [[$doc selectNodes {//div[@class="general rating"]/b[2]} ] asText]
         set votes [[$doc selectNodes {//div[@class="general rating"]/small/a[1]} ] asText]
         $doc delete
         set ::votes [string map {, {}} [lindex [split $votes] 0]]

 proc go {url} {
     exec cmd /c start {} $url &

 label .lq -text Query:
 entry .q -textvariable query
 label .lt -text Title:
 entry .t -textvariable title
 label .lr -text Rating:
 entry .r -textvariable rating
 label .lv -text Votes
 entry .v -textvariable votes
 label .ls -text Outline
 text .s -height 3 -wrap word
 label .lu -text URL
 entry .u -textvariable url
 grid .lq .q -sticky ew
 grid .lt .t -sticky ew
 grid .lr .r -sticky ew
 grid .lv .v -sticky ew
 grid .ls .s -sticky ew
 grid .lu .u -sticky ew
 frame .f1
 grid .f1 -column 1 -sticky ew
 button -text Search -command {imdb $::query}
 button -text "Goto IMDB" -state disable -command {go $::url}
 grid columnconfigure . 1 -weight 1
 grid columnconfigure .f1 {0 1} -weight 1

LES on 20080821: This is a nice idea, but this application doesn't quite work for me. First, Google doesn't like Lynx so we have to tell it a different lie about the user agent. Second, the code above tries to obtain from the headers information that my tests never retrieved: $meta(Location). So I skipped that altogether. Third, I added a switch that will let you open the IMDB page in your default browser on Linux too if you have KDE (not necessarily using it as window manager). Fourth, dom chokes on the HTML, so I did what countless developers never hesitate to frown upon: replace dom parsing with Regular Expressions. Why? Because it works, that's why.

LV I don't know about this specific application - but I use lynx with google and imdb on a regular basis and have not encountered cases where "google doesn't like lynx" myself.

LES Using Lynx as the user agent in this application, the HTML is not the expected Google page. It is another page that says that my browser is not authorized, I should read the usage terms, etc. or something to that effect.

MJ - Very strange, both versions work correctly for me. The meta(Location) part is because 'I'm feeling lucky' use a http 302 redirect, which the http package doesn't automatically follow. I have no clue why this doesn't work for you though, very strange indeed. Regarding the use of regexp instead of tdom, 'parsing' with regular expression will break as well, only differently. I guess the main conclusion that can be drawn is that webscraping like this is a hit and miss game. The only way to use a service like this robustly is by a webservice, which has other issues (SOAP does not make me feel clean).

LES Here is my code:

 package require http
 package require Tk
 bind all <Key-Return> {imdb $::query}
 proc imdb {input} {
         http::config -useragent "Firefox 2.0.2"
         set query [http::formatQuery btnG Search q " $input"]
         set http [http::geturl$query]
         set html [http::data $http]
         http::cleanup $http
         regexp  {<div class=g><a href=['"]?([^<>'" ][^<>'" ]+)}  $html  =>  ::url configure -state normal
         set http [http::geturl $::url]
         set html [http::data $http]
         http::cleanup $http
         regexp  {<b>User Rating:</b>(.*?)</div>}  $html  =>  _rating
         regsub -all  {(<[^<>]+>|more|\n)}  $_rating  {}  _rating
         set ::rating [string trim $_rating]
         regexp  {<h5>Genre:</h5>(.*?)</div>}  $html  =>  _genre
         regsub -all  {(<[^<>]+>|more)}  $_genre  {}  _genre
         set ::genre [string trim $_genre]
         regexp  {<h5>Plot Outline:</h5>(.*?)<}  $html  =>  _plot
         set ::plot [string trim $_plot]
         .s delete 1.0 end
         .s insert 1.0 "$::genre\n$::plot"
 proc go {url} {
         if          { $::tcl_platform(platform)  ==  "windows" }          {
                     exec cmd /c start {} $url &
             }          else  { exec kfmclient exec $url }
 label .lq -text Query:
 entry .q -textvariable query
 label .lt -text Title:
 entry .t -textvariable title
 label .lr -text Rating:
 entry .r -textvariable rating
 label .ls -text Outline
 text .s -height 5 -wrap word
 label .lu -text URL
 entry .u -textvariable ::url
 grid .lq .q -sticky ew
 grid .lt .t -sticky ew
 grid .lr .r -sticky ew
 grid .ls .s -sticky ew
 grid .lu .u -sticky ew
 frame .f1
 grid .f1 -column 1 -sticky ew
 button -text Search -command {imdb $::query}
 button -text "Goto IMDB" -state disable -command {go $::url}
 grid columnconfigure . 1 -weight 1
 grid columnconfigure .f1 {0 1} -weight 1

See also: Web scraping